Top 3 tips for co-parenting this summer
Mudge Porter Lundeen & Seguin SC Blog
by bkabritsor
3w ago
For separated or divorced parents, co-parenting during the summer months can get complicated. Schedule changes, summer camps and vacation travel can lead to time-sharing struggles. To ensure a smooth and enjoyable summer for everyone involved, there are a few tips to consider. 1. Plan ahead and communicate Sit down with your co-parent well in advance to discuss summer schedules, vacation plans and any special events or activities your children may participate in. Consider each other’s work schedules, family obligations and the children’s preferences when creating a plan. Clear and timely commu more
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What happens when the police conduct an illegal bodily search?
Mudge Porter Lundeen & Seguin SC Blog
by gturnercontentcustoms
1M ago
Somebody who has been accused of criminal activity has the right to defend against those allegations. By partnering with an attorney, criminal defendants can prove that there are issues with the state’s case or establish an alibi during a trial that proves they could not have been present when a crime occurred. Defense strategies sometimes focus on countering the state’s evidence or providing unique insight into the case. Other times, defense attorneys can keep certain evidence out of court entirely. The Fourth Amendment protects someone from unreasonable searches and seizures. If police offic more
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Understanding the economic impact of DUI charges in Wisconsin
Mudge Porter Lundeen & Seguin SC Blog
by bkabritsor
1M ago
Driving under the influence, known as Operating While Intoxicated in Wisconsin, comes with serious consequences that extend beyond legal penalties. The financial implications of a DUI charge can affect individuals long after the initial legal process is over. Immediate financial consequences The financial burden starts right from the arrest. For starters, if arrested for a DUI, individuals may need to post bail, which can range significantly but often costs hundreds to thousands of dollars. Legal fees, including the cost of retaining an attorney for your defense, represent another expense more
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4 instances when sole custody might be preferable
Mudge Porter Lundeen & Seguin SC Blog
by gturnercontentcustoms
2M ago
Divorce is an emotionally charged process, and child custody is often the most contentious element of a couple’s challenges. Courts generally favor joint custody because it can allow each parent to play an active role in their children’s lives. However, in rare situations, sole custody becomes a viable option to help protect a child’s well-being. Knowing the key instances where fighting for sole custody during a divorce might be necessary may place you in a better position to advocate for your child’s best interests. Documented abuse or neglect If there is documented evidence of your spouse ab more
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Common estate planning mistakes
Mudge Porter Lundeen & Seguin SC Blog
by bkabritsor
2M ago
Estate planning is important for everyone, regardless of age or wealth. It ensures that your assets get distributed according to your wishes after you pass away. However, many people make mistakes in their estate planning process that can lead to unintended consequences for their loved ones. Neglecting to create a will In 2023, only 46% of Americans over 55 years of age had wills. Failing to create a will means that your estate will get distributed according to state laws, which may not align with your wishes. Without a will, your loved ones could face lengthy legal battles and unnecessary str more
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Does the filing order matter in divorce proceedings?
Mudge Porter Lundeen & Seguin SC Blog
by bkabritsor
4M ago
Divorce is a challenging and emotionally charged process, and one aspect that often raises questions is whether it matters who files for divorce first. While the act of filing itself may not dictate the outcome, it can influence the proceedings in several ways. Initiating control and influence When one spouse files for divorce, they take the initiative and set the tone for the proceedings. The petitioner becomes the party that sets forth the initial terms and conditions for the divorce. By filing first, you may have more control over the narrative and the pace of the divorce process. Timing ca more
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Life changes that warrant updating your will
Mudge Porter Lundeen & Seguin SC Blog
by bkabritsor
5M ago
A will serves as an important document in outlining how your assets are after your passing. While you might not give yours much thought on a daily basis, it should come into focus any time you experience a major life change. Following certain significant events, it is wise to review and update your will to accurately reflect your new wishes. Marriage or divorce In the year 2020 alone, there were over 26,000 weddings and nearly 12,000 divorces in Wisconsin. If you undergo one of these pivotal life events, bear in mind the impact they have on your legal and financial affairs. When you tie the kn more
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What should you not do when interacting with police at a stop?
Mudge Porter Lundeen & Seguin SC Blog
by bkabritsor
5M ago
Interacting with the police during a traffic stop can be a nerve-wracking experience. This discussion can scare you even more when you are dealing with a possible charge of driving while drunk. It is important to know what actions to avoid to prevent misunderstandings and promote a safe interaction between you and law enforcement. Resist the urge to argue When pulled over, it is natural to feel a range of emotions, but arguing with the police is not the solution. Refrain from questioning their decision to stop you or expressing frustration. Instead, remain calm and collected. Arguments can esc more
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6 types of shareholder disputes
Mudge Porter Lundeen & Seguin SC Blog
by bkabritsor
6M ago
Shareholder disputes can disrupt the smooth functioning of a company, impacting its performance and stability. When a business has multiple people who own a share and have a stake in its success, there is a constant potential for conflict. According to Gallup, 61% of American adults own small shares in at least one company. Owning stock in a company does not usually give you much control over the business, but people who own 5% or more of a business have a significant say over how the corporation functions. Recognizing potential disputes promptly is important for maintaining a healthy business more
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What factors determine if a youth is tried as a minor?
Mudge Porter Lundeen & Seguin SC Blog
by bkabritsor
8M ago
The legal system meticulously considers several pivotal factors when deciding whether a child will face charges as a minor or an adult. These determinants, hinging on various aspects of the case and the child’s background, substantially influence the legal path that a young individual may follow. 1. Nature of the offense The gravity of the offense carries immense weight in the decision-making process. Crimes with higher severity, such as violent offenses or those involving weapons, often lean toward adult charges. Approximately 8% of youth arrests involve violent crime. The nature of the crime more
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