18 wheels, zero brakes: The frightening reality of semi-truck brake failures
The Masters Law Firm LC Blog
by emily.roycraft@thomsonreuters.com
1w ago
Due to the significant size and weight of semi-trucks, they also pose unique risks on the road. One critical safety issue is brake failure, which can lead to severe accidents with catastrophic consequences. What should drivers know about the risks of brake failure when sharing the road with a big rig truck? The high risk of brake failure in truck accidents Brake failure is a leading cause of truck accidents. In fact, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration reports that truck brake issues are a factor in around 30 percent of accidents. The momentum of a fully loaded semi-truck makes it ..read more
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Wake up call: The dangers of drowsy driving
The Masters Law Firm LC Blog
by pharon.lundquist@thomsonreuters.com
1w ago
Imagine you’re behind the wheel. It’s’ been a long day, and you can feel the weight of your eyelids growing heavy. This scenario is more common—and more dangerous—than you might think. How drowsiness affects driving abilities Drowsy driving might seem harmless compared to driving under the influence of alcohol or texting while driving, but its effects can be just as catastrophic. Sleepiness can lead to: Slowed reaction times: Just like alcohol, fatigue slows your reflexes. A drowsy driver may not brake quickly enough to prevent an accident. Impaired judgment: When tired, your ability to make q ..read more
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Sharing the road safely with large trucks
The Masters Law Firm LC Blog
by joel.lundstad@thomsonreuters.com
1w ago
Driving alongside large commercial vehicles is an everyday occurrence, yet it carries risks that demand your attention. Recent data from the National Safety Council (NSC) paints a sobering picture: In 2022, large trucks were involved in 5,837 fatal crashes – a slight but concerning increase from the previous year and a significant 49% rise over the last decade. The frequency of these tragedies underscores a harsh reality: when large trucks are involved in accidents, the consequences can be severe. It’s not just about the fatal incidents – large trucks were also involved in over 120,000 crashes ..read more
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Workplace injuries can affect the families of those who have been harmed
The Masters Law Firm LC Blog
by gturnercontentcustoms
1w ago
Workplace injuries can result in serious harm or even death. The impact of such harm can extend beyond the workplace, causing emotional, financial and physical burdens that families must bear. Families dealing with the emotional trauma of seeing a loved one in pain or killed often experience feelings of grief, anxiety and helplessness. When permanent disability or death occur, affected families may face long-term financial struggles. Common workplace injuries leading to death or serious harm Workplace injuries that result in death or serious injury vary depending on the industry, but some of t ..read more
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3 types of compensation people can seek in wrongful death lawsuits
The Masters Law Firm LC Blog
by gturnercontentcustoms
1M ago
The idea of taking legal action after someone dies may seem crass at first. The average person does not relish the idea of going to court to demand accountability from an individual or a business. However, the loss of a loved one can be as financially devastating as it is emotionally devastating. Households may never fully recover from the economic impact of someone’s premature death. Especially when the person who died was the main wage-earner for the household or a stay-at-home parent, the financial impact of their passing could affect the family circumstances for many years to come. Under W ..read more
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Asbestos ban will help those workers who haven’t yet been exposed
The Masters Law Firm LC Blog
by wreedcontentcustoms
2M ago
Decades after it became common knowledge that exposure to chrysotile asbestos can lead to cancer, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is finally banning the importation and use of this material. The rule was announced on March 18, 2024, two years after the EPA proposed it in April 2022.  The hopefulness of this turn of events was summed up well by Senator Jeff Merkley, who – along with Representative Susan Bonamici – introduced legislation that would have achieved this consequential outcome in 2006. Merkley observed in a release that “Today’s rule is a positive first step to gi ..read more
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Why car crashes are a leading cause of limb loss
The Masters Law Firm LC Blog
by gturnercontentcustoms
3M ago
Car crashes involve heavy machinery with significant momentum. The human body can easily sustain major injuries in crashes despite the safety systems like restraints built into modern vehicles. Limb loss is one of the more severe injuries possible when cars collide. In a relatively small number of cases, the collision itself causes a traumatic amputation. Such scenarios often require immediate medical care and put someone at risk of both blood loss and infection. Traumatic amputations at the scene of the crash are rare, and yet motor vehicle collisions are among the top causes of limb loss in ..read more
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When a doctor causes a severe drug-related birth injury
The Masters Law Firm LC Blog
by gturnercontentcustoms
3M ago
Some birth injuries are the result of medical negligence. Doctors fail to properly monitor the condition of a mother and her unborn child with tragic results. Other times, intentional acts on the part of medical workers might cause severe birth injuries. For example, an obstetrician attending a live birth might recommend a course of treatment that is dangerous for the mother or her unborn child. Certain interventions can be dangerous when improperly administered or when administered to someone with specific contraindications. Other interventions can be potentially dangerous for any pregnant wo ..read more
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3 catastrophic injuries people may develop because of a car crash
The Masters Law Firm LC Blog
by gturnercontentcustoms
4M ago
Car crashes can cause all kinds of injuries. People may break their arms because they brace before the impact occurs. They could have scrapes and contusions. Oftentimes, those injured in collisions may eventually recover from their injuries. Unfortunately, not everyone is so lucky. Motor vehicle collisions are one of the leading causes of catastrophic injuries. Catastrophic injuries produce massive expenses and lifelong complications for the affected party. They may have to change jobs or cease working entirely. For example, the following types of catastrophic injuries have a strong associatio ..read more
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Who can file a wrongful death lawsuit in West Virginia?
The Masters Law Firm LC Blog
by gturnercontentcustoms
5M ago
Someone’s unexpected death can be very difficult for their family to handle. Obviously, the emotional shock and grief that follows someone’s death can prove devastating. People may take years to recover from the overwhelming experience of losing a parent, child or spouse. There are also practical and economic struggles associated with someone’s premature death. Families often lose out on the earning potential and benefits provided by the deceased. There are also the services they provide for their family, ranging from child care to lawn maintenance, to consider. After a fatal car crash or othe ..read more
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