0031 Morning Meditation to Start Your Day Renewed
by Catt Yiu
5M ago
Happy 2024! Start your day with a renewed sense of motivation, embodiment, and support through this relaxing 16-minute meditation. Whether you choose to sit upright or lie down, we'll start with pranayama practice (breathwork) to ground ourselves in the present moment. Following, we'll activate a heightened awareness of our creative bodies and draw loving support from the younger versions of ourselves. This meditation holds a special place in my heart, and I hope it brings you joy. xxCY ..read more
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0030 A Meditation to Rest in Inner Spaciousness
by Catt Yiu
6M ago
Enjoy this 13-minute guided practice to cultivate a sense of inner spaciousness and promote full-body relaxation. This meditation invites you to embrace a moment of stillness, gently calming the incessant chatter of the busy mind while soothing the body into a state of deep restfulness. By guiding your entire being into a relaxed state, it lays the foundation for a profound connection with your inner spaciousness so you can settle into you. xxCY ..read more
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0029 Relax and Nurture the Nervous System
by Catt Yiu
7M ago
Join me for a 26-minute meditation to soothe and nurture your nervous system. We'll settle into the full aliveness of the body through a body scan, gratitude awareness, and end with resting in presence. Feel free to practice this meditation lying down or sitting up with a tall spine. I hope you enjoy the session xxCY ..read more
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0027 Being Present Meditation; This moment is like this...
by Catt Yiu
7M ago
In this 15 minute meditation we practice nourishing the pathway to the present moment. Being with your breath and your body, allowing each moment to simply be as it is with loving curiosity. May be practiced lying down or sitting up right. xCY ..read more
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0028 Calming the overactive mind
by Catt Yiu
7M ago
Join for a 16-minute meditation that invites you to find peace just as you are. This meditation aims to soothe an overactive mind and gently relax the nervous system. By turning our loving attention inward, we guide the mind to a state of tranquility through focused breath awareness and soothing body visualizations. This practice encourages us to recenter our thoughts on what truly matters within our hearts. xxCY ..read more
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0027 This moment is like this... Being Present Meditation
by Catt Yiu
8M ago
In this 15 minute meditation we practice nourishing the pathway to the present moment. Being with your breath and your body, allowing each moment to simply be as it is with loving curiosity. May be practiced lying down or sitting up right. xCY ..read more
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0016 Lying Down Meditation To Regulate
by Catt Yiu
8M ago
Use this 11-minute meditation to regulate your nervous system, guiding you toward inner clarity and relaxation. Find a safe space to lie down on your back and drop into connection with yourself through breath awareness and embodiment practice. You can use this at any time of the day, from the moment you wake up in the morning to right before bedtime. xCY ..read more
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0003 Wake Up Easier / lying down meditation
by Catt Yiu
8M ago
This 5 minute meditation is practiced first thing when you open your eyes in bed. Literally, set your alarm (incase you fall asleep) and press play. Enjoy this gentle way of ushering yourself into the start of your day with gratitude and a bit of enthusiasm. xCY ..read more
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0026 Home meditation for deep full body relaxation / laying down
by Catt Yiu
9M ago
This 24 minute mind-body awareness meditation is a guide to the natural loving space of being at home in your body. You can use this progressive body relaxation practice to reduce stress and anxiety before you start the day, as a non sleep deep rest nap or a soothing bedtime treat to guide you to restful sleep. Often when the mind chatter is too loud, it can muddle the connection from our own heart; the practice is coming back home, over and over again. xCY ..read more
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0025 Filled up on gratitude / laying down meditation
by Catt Yiu
9M ago
Giving thanks makes you happier. By being in a state of gratitude, we are able to reconnect to ourselves in a powerful way by becoming resiliently bigger than our problems. Enjoy this 15 minute laying down meditation (can also sit up right); we start by focusing the mind in order to relax it, followed by easing into spontaneous gratitude felt in the entire body, and end with relaxing into this grateful presence to fully embody it. Hope you enjoy xCY ..read more
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