Connected (I'm Him)
Josh Ott's Podcast
by Joshua Ott
4d ago
Jesus claims to be the "true" (right and faithful) vine. Not only does he produce in us a different and better kind of life but he also will never let us down. This is very encouraging considering all the empty promises from things and people who can’t deliver what we need to live full and fruitful lives. The key is to abide in Christ. It means to remain. To continually remain or stay close to. This message gives us three ways Jesus produces more fruit in our lives and three ways we can continue to remain close to Jesus more
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Directionless? (I'm Him)
Josh Ott's Podcast
by Joshua Ott
1w ago
This should be a comforting passage. Jesus meant it as one that was both instructive and comforting but… we often only hear what we want to hear or what we fear. Which leads to confusion and hurt. Don’t just hear the scary parts. Don’t just hear the easy parts. There is more to this than just what you fear or want to hear. When you trust God’s plan it brings clarity and peace to your heart and mind more
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End Game (I'm Him)
Josh Ott's Podcast
by Joshua Ott
2w ago
Life is hard. Painful even. That is why it is so important to remember that the God of the universe loves us deeply. When you can’t see the hand of God at work trust his heart for you. His timing is best. He knows the end game. You can trust him more
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Greener Grass (I'm Him)
Josh Ott's Podcast
by Joshua Ott
3w ago
We are constantly looking for greener grass. The things that seem to promise us a better life often fail. Even people we love can disappoint us. God never fails. He cultivates green pastures I our souls and lives. He is the door to all we hope for, the way through our difficulties, and the way to eternal life. He is the Good Shepherd who cares deeply about us. Listen for his voice more
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It's Messy (I'm Him)
Josh Ott's Podcast
by Joshua Ott
1M ago
Life is messy, and it is easy to believe lies about life, us, and God in difficult circumstances. But wherever you are and whatever you are going through, God is working to bring good out of the bad for those who love Him. What if your current circumstances aren’t punishment but an opportunity to experience growth and watch God work in your life? Some people will oppose you moving forward, but Jesus sees you, knows you, and will lead you through the mess to something beautiful more
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When the Lights Go Out (I'm Him)
Josh Ott's Podcast
by Joshua Ott
1M ago
It's hard to walk in darkness. It's difficult to see, confusing, disorienting, and easy to get tripped up and lose our way. Thankfully, Jesus declares in the middle of all the fading lights in our lives that he is the light of the world. He is the one who gives life and helps us see its beauty. He is the one we look to for hope. And his promise to all those who follow him is that we will never walk in darkness more
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This Changes Everything - Easter 2024 (This Changes Everything)
Josh Ott's Podcast
by Joshua Ott
1M ago
This Changes Everything - Easter 2024 (This Changes Everything more
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Poolside Rule-breaker (I'm Him)
Josh Ott's Podcast
by Joshua Ott
2M ago
This Talk centers around a beautiful miracle, the third in this series. It’s set at the "Pool of Mercy," a misleading name because, the truth is, it was a mess. It’s where the sick and outcast of society were left, hoping for healing. In just such dark and impossible spaces, Jesus invades with strength, power, and hope more
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Showstopper (I'm Him)
Josh Ott's Podcast
by Joshua Ott
2M ago
Jesus did some unbelievable things. He spoke words that were astonishing, beautiful, and heart-wrenching all at once. We can get hung up on those things, much like most people did in the days Jesus walked the earth. But if we stop there, we miss the whole purpose of Jesus; we miss who He is more
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The Winemaker (I'm Him)
Josh Ott's Podcast
by Joshua Ott
3M ago
Let’s dig into the first of seven signs in the book of John that prove who Jesus is. John wastes no time and delves right into the incredible truth about Jesus. Not a prophet, a teacher, or a fake, but God in the flesh more
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