What should you know about brain injuries from car crashes?
Smith, Meier & Webb, LPA Blog
by wreedcontentcustoms
6d ago
The aftermath of a car crash can be hard to cope with. While you’re trying to deal with things like finding out about the damage to your vehicle, you may also have symptoms of an injury.  Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are one of the possible injuries that can occur in a crash. Remembering a few points about these may help you as you navigate the days and weeks after the crash.  Symptoms might not be immediate The symptoms of a TBI may not show up right away. Depending on the type and location of the injury, they can sometimes take days or weeks to appear. The primary symptom is usu ..read more
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3 tips to ease transition days for children
Smith, Meier & Webb, LPA Blog
by lbaxtercontentcustoms
3w ago
One of the hardest changes for children to handle when their parents are divorcing is learning how to live in two homes. For some, the transition day is filled with stress and conflicting emotions.  As a parent, it’s up to you to try to find ways to help your children remain as calm as possible on these transition days so they don’t dread them. These tips may help some parents, but not others so use them if they work for you. 1: Help them prepare for the transition Some children may want a countdown to when it’s time to change houses. Younger children may need help with this. Older childr ..read more
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Can you modify child custody orders in Ohio?
Smith, Meier & Webb, LPA Blog
by gturnercontentcustoms
1M ago
Judges allocate parental rights and responsibilities to serve a child’s best interests during litigated divorce proceedings. However, these orders are not permanent. Circumstances may change, necessitating the modification of an existing parenting plan. If you have a plan in place, you can potentially modify your current arrangement in two ways. First, you can agree with your co-parent on the changes you seek. If you are both in agreement and there is no objection, all that’s left is submitting your new parenting plan agreement to the court for approval. The other option is to pursue a court p ..read more
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What happens after police officers conduct an unlawful search?
Smith, Meier & Webb, LPA Blog
by gturnercontentcustoms
1M ago
Police officers help to enforce the law by responding to calls for help and intervening when they notice what seems to be illegal behavior. Oftentimes, investigations into potential criminal activity require that police officers conduct searches of private property. Officers might want to go through someone’s vehicle or search their home for evidence of criminal activity. However, those searches can be disruptive and humiliating for the people investigated. There are rules restricting the ability of police officers to conduct searches. For example, they typically need permission from an indivi ..read more
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3 tips for vacationing with children after your divorce
Smith, Meier & Webb, LPA Blog
by jrichcontentcustoms
1M ago
Divorce impacts just about every aspect of your life. One thing that some people may not realize is impacted is their vacation time. There are a few considerations to think about that you may not have had to deal with before. Because the vacations you take with the children now might be very different from what they were before, it’s critical that you take the time to think about these points. Set the plans well in advance Plan your vacation as far in advance as possible. This gives you time to discuss things with your co-parent so they can make any adjustments to their parenting time. Advance ..read more
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Can you be denied custody as a recovering addict?
Smith, Meier & Webb, LPA Blog
by gturnercontentcustoms
2M ago
Divorce proceedings can be complex and emotionally taxing, especially when children are involved. Among the many issues that need to be addressed, child custody often stands out as one of the most sensitive and consequential matters. When one or both parents have a history of substance abuse, it can significantly impact custody decisions. If you’re a recovering addict in Ohio, you might be worried about your ability to gain custody of your children. The child’s best interests are the guiding principle Child custody decisions are arrived at based on the child’s best interests. This means the co ..read more
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How are marital assets divided during divorce in Ohio?
Smith, Meier & Webb, LPA Blog
by gturnercontentcustoms
2M ago
Ohio follows an equitable distribution approach when dividing assets acquired during marriage in the event of a litigated divorce scenario. If you choose to litigate your divorce, the court will split your marital assets fairly, based on the unique aspects of your situation. Some of the factors that will influence how this plays out include: The duration of the marriage Each spouse’s assets and liabilities The earning capacity of each spouse The financial and non-financial contributions of each spouse to the marriage The tax implications of the divorce The liquidity of the marital assets and e ..read more
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Truck driver pay could promote dangerous driving
Smith, Meier & Webb, LPA Blog
by lbaxtercontentcustoms
3M ago
It’s crucial for truck drivers to operate their vehicles in a safe manner. A semi-truck can weigh up to 80,000 pounds and can crush a passenger vehicle, which probably only weighs around 4,000 pounds. A single mistake by any driver is problematic, but the ramifications can be more severe if they are a truck driver. Unfortunately, some trucking companies do things that may actually promote unsafe driving. They can put extra pressure on their drivers to be productive, to hit deadlines and to get more done. All of this may help the business and increase the revenue that they earn, but it can also ..read more
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Preparing to divorce a narcissist 
Smith, Meier & Webb, LPA Blog
by wreedcontentcustoms
3M ago
Divorcing a narcissist is an emotionally charged and complex process. As such, employing thoughtful preparation and a strategic approach can make all the difference as the divorce process unfolds. If you have decided to divorce your narcissist spouse, you’re almost certainly aware that narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by specific traits, including an inflated sense of self-importance, a lack of empathy and a consistent need for attention and admiration. As a result, when you’re facing a divorce with a spouse who exhibits these traits, you’ll need to navigate the process in sp ..read more
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3 reasons to go to the doctor after a car accident
Smith, Meier & Webb, LPA Blog
by kreed
4M ago
If you get involved in a car accident, you may wonder if it’s wise to go see the doctor. Perhaps you don’t feel like you’ve been seriously injured. Maybe you’re worried about the costs. Maybe you just think it isn’t necessary and you don’t want to spend your time visiting the hospital. But the reality is that it’s often best to go to the hospital after a car accident. Here are three reasons why. Getting medical care Of course, the first reason is just that you may need medical care. Some injuries have hidden symptoms, such as traumatic brain injuries or internal bleeding. It is best to talk wi ..read more
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