Where has Patriotism Gone and Other Trends
Another Opinion with Paul Hosse Blog
by Paul Hosse
4h ago
The indomitable Mark Twain was once quoted as saying "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics" and he was absolutely right. Extracting the desired data from statistics is generally referred to a "manipulating" the data, which couldn't be a more accurate description of the process. The ideal use of statistics is to uncover what the information tells us, hidden in all those numbers and responses. However, manipulating the data can and is often used in more deceiving ways too. It can be used to manufacture a desired outcome or create a certain impression. This is often t ..read more
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Can We Still Save America?
Another Opinion with Paul Hosse Blog
by Paul Hosse
1w ago
Today we're faced with a whole litany of troubles. We just from crisis to crisis every day. Sometimes it feels like its hour to hour. Many of us have all but stopped listening to the media's "Crisis de Jure", which attempts to tell us who to hate today and what causes or issues we should be for or against. We just can't take another minute of negativity anymore. So, what do we do? They whip our passions using fake patriotism, images of charred houses, and the ubiquitous impoverished children and heartbroken women. We turn to distractions like our "smart phones", video games, brain dead televi ..read more
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Israel's Troubles: Hamas and the Blowback from October 7th and Hamas
Another Opinion with Paul Hosse Blog
by Paul Hosse
2w ago
There was a time that whenever Israel was attacked, most of the free (ish) world would rally around the beleaguered little country. But now, it seems nearly everybody, especially the youth, are out protesting and chanting "Free Palestine" or "Stop the Genocide" when it was Israel that was the victim. They (illegally) block highways, streets, and prevent free movement of individuals. They disrupt anywhere they can. They engage in vandalism. They also strike out against anyone who disagrees with them They charge into shops, disrupt business, knock over merchandise, etc.  They make an ass o ..read more
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Breaking Up May Not Be So Hard to Do: Secession from High Crime, High Taxes, and Failing Schools is on the Rise
Another Opinion with Paul Hosse Blog
by Paul Hosse
1M ago
Remember Reverend Louis Coleman (1948 - 2008)? He was a widely known black social activist in Louisville Kentucky, noted for his megaphone and had a national following. He was sometimes referred to as Louisville's "Dr. King". or "Jesse Jackson. Others called him an extortionist or race baiter.  Rev. Coleman would ago around organizing protects mainly along racial lines outside of businesses  with the media in toe often inspiring fear from local business (mostly white) owners. City government agencies weren't exempt either. Coleman was active from the 1970's until his death in 2008 ..read more
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Has America's Republic Faded Away?
Another Opinion with Paul Hosse Blog
by Paul Hosse
1M ago
  As most everyone knows, much of our freedoms are actively under attack these days, especially our freedom of speech and expression. Ironically, most of those doing the attacking are individuals and groups who publicly claim to be "protecting" those very same freedoms. (it reminds me of when the police haul you in for "protective custody" when typically they are the ones you need protection from!).  Nevertheless, apparently the freedom of speech or expression these groups and individuals are actually interested in is protecting theirs while the rest of us face censorship, which inc ..read more
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Protesting God's Chosen People: What's Happening on America's College Campuses?
Another Opinion with Paul Hosse Blog
by Paul Hosse
1M ago
Originally I had intended to write about the protests taking place on several college and university campuses in America, however, I realized that there was much more going on here. The protests appear to be about  a number of issues such as college investments in the defense industry, at least partly, by disinvesting  of anything which supports Israel.  They want  their school to disinvest of anything which supports Israel. They are also protesting Israel ending its so-called "genocide" of Gaza and occupation of Palestine. What's more is that the protesters have started s ..read more
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The Manifesto of Max Azzarello: The Man Who Set Himself on Fire Outside Trump Trial Courthouse
Another Opinion with Paul Hosse Blog
by Paul Hosse
1M ago
I came across this article quite by mistake...sort of. It's the death manifest of Max Azzarello, ago 37 from Florida. Never heard of him? Me either, but he's the guy who set himself on fire (and later died) outside of the  Manhattan courthouse on Friday where Trump's trial is take place. Normally, I don't pay much attention to thinks like this but for some reason it caught my attention. Perhaps it's because the only time we hear about people setting themselves on fire always happens somewhere else, such as in Nepal, China, or Algeria. In those cases it was a Buddhist monk,Thich Quang Duc ..read more
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What Fate Awaits Trump --- The Presidency or Prison?
Another Opinion with Paul Hosse Blog
by Paul Hosse
2M ago
There's no question former President Donald Trump is a rich man. After all, he was perpetually on "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" with Robin Leach during the 1980's and Robin didn't showcase paupers! Trump is an American legend when it comes to self-promotion as much as he is a mega successful real estate mogul and entrepreneur. He is the originator of the "art of the deal". Trump has owned numerous high end properties throughout New York City, including the flagship "Trump Towers" with its exclusive condos owned by the "Who's Who" of  high society, and exclusive boutique stores whos ..read more
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How to End Student Debt in a Sensible Way
Another Opinion with Paul Hosse Blog
by Paul Hosse
2M ago
Well, old  "Doddering Joe" Biden has been out on the campaign trail again peddling one of his few big issues---paying off everybody's school debt. It seems a shame that after nearly four years in office, and he has virtually nothing to show for except a disaster with Afghanistan and a rocky economy. Even the school debt matter is little more than pie in the sky, but at least it sounds good to college students and hopefully, at least for Biden, that will translate into votes this November. I guess you can't blame the students. Most of these young adults have racked up thousands of dollars ..read more
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The Decline of America May Not Be What We Think
Another Opinion with Paul Hosse Blog
by Paul Hosse
2M ago
I've been writing about illegal immigration for decades and there still doesn't seem any end to it, but that's on purpose as I'll show you. States along the border with Mexico are being inundated with individuals wanting to come to the U.S., not to gain citizenship, but to obtain---for free--- the benefits available to citizens because they worked and paid into the system through their taxes. The federal government maintains that it controls the border problem, however it does next to nothing, and worse, it wants states not to enforce existing federal laws concerning illegal entry. Eric Holde ..read more
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