How To Stay Close To GOD
SMC Podcast (Pray Reach Disciple)
by Guest User, Pastor Wayne Anderson
1y ago
Stay Focus I Cor 15, 57-58 Stay Faithful II Thes 3, 1-3 (II Tim 2, 1-2) Stay Strong Eph 6, 10-11 Luke 10, 17 Stay Positive Luke 6, 45 Pro 18, 21 Stay Submitted James 4,7 Full Sermon Notes Support Us FacebookInstagramYoutube more
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Threads Of Hope Part V (The Good Shepherd)
SMC Podcast (Pray Reach Disciple)
by Randall Dockery, Pastor Randall Dockery
1y ago
We have been taking a look at the book of Ezekiel and even though it mostly relates to Israel and Jerusalem, we asked the question, how would this book be relevant for us today?  What can we learn since “all scripture is God breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness?”  The book was written over a 20-year period while the Israelites were in Babylonian captivity and God asks Ezekiel to do some strange things to illustrate how the Israelites had departed from Him and of the discipline to come and the destruction of Jerusalem.  “Sin is a se more
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Threads Of Hope Part III (Gods Compassion / Faithfulness)
SMC Podcast (Pray Reach Disciple)
by Randall Dockery, Pastor Randall Dockery
1y ago
In his early period as a prophet, he denounced his people for their sins and corruption. After the destruction of Jerusalem in 586, however, Ezekiel became the consoler and comforter of the exiles, holding out to them the promise of a return to the homeland and the restoration of the Temple and of the throne of David more
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Threads Of Hope
SMC Podcast (Pray Reach Disciple)
by Randall Dockery, Pastor Randall Dockery
1y ago
I want us to take a look at the book of Ezekiel.  This book can be a confusing book and you may ask the question: how is this book and the events described in it relevant for us today?  I believe that is a very good question.  But I believe there must be something important for us to learn from Ezekiel or God would not have allowed it in the canonization process to be drafted in.  So, what is God wanting us to learn from the Israelites history and how can we apply it to us today. So, for a moment, allow me to give you a little background for this book.  The book is wri more
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Book of James Part V Communion,Community, Completion
SMC Podcast (Pray Reach Disciple)
by Guest User, Pastor Derrick Harig
1y ago
James reminds us as Believers, and those of the Faith in Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, that we remain Faithful to the Faith, as we are Suffering in this Life, and the present time, with Godly Wisdom, and constant Obedience. So we do not Succumb to the Foolishness of this World, Orchestrated by Satan to Divide, and destroy our Community more
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Book of James Part IV Foolishness
SMC Podcast (Pray Reach Disciple)
by Guest User, Pastor Wayne Anderson
1y ago
James 1, 1-6 There are many Scholars, theologians, who disagree, with the authorship of James. In my research and studies, I conclude and agree with many that the author was James. The half-brother of Jesus was the Author. In his letter, he didn't address the church world as a whole, but he addressed the Twelve Tribes which are scattered abroad. Primarily speaking directly to the Jewish readership. In the same manner of today Pastors, and Called Leaders, must address those of the Faith, and the Blood bought Believers of our time, and bring to light The Foolishness that has drifted into our Fai more
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Faith/Faithfulness – Part 2 James 2:1 - 26
SMC Podcast (Pray Reach Disciple)
by Randall Dockery, Pastor Randall Dockery
1y ago
Last week, we started this series on the book of James.  The church is its 2nd decade of existence, the Jews were scattered, so James writes a letter to the churches to give counsel and as a guide to help Jewish Christians navigate cultures with completely different norms and their beliefs than those that existed in Jerusalem.  We shared about suffering, how that suffering exists and is the natural course of life since the fall of mankind but that suffering doesn’t change the fact that God is good.  Suffering exists but as God’s children, He can use the trials of life to develop more
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I Am The Way Truth Life
SMC Podcast (Pray Reach Disciple)
by Zac Cain, Pastor Zac Cain
1y ago
There was a time in Jesus’ ministry where when he would travel people would follow him around everywhere, everyone wanted to know who he is.  Who is this man who makes blind people see, and who makes paralyzed people able to walk again? Why is he here, what does he want, what is he going to do?  Everyone wanted to know! Jesus asked his disciples, "Who do people say that I am?” They said, "Some say  John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the  prophets.”   Everyone was guessing, trying to figure out just who this man is more
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I Am Who I am.. Part II
SMC Podcast (Pray Reach Disciple)
by Randall Dockery, Pastor Randall Dockery
1y ago
In Exodus 3, we have the account in the life of Moses; a man who had been raised in the finest palaces of Egypt; who had eaten the best foods and attended the best schools; but then fled Egypt when he learned that the Pharaoh was seeking his head because he had killed an Egyptian. This account this morning is of his encounter with God. Moses is now an inhabitant of Midian. He has married a woman named Zipporah, has had a son, and has been working for his father-in-law tending sheep for the past forty years. Read Full Sermon Notes Support Us FacebookInstagramYoutube more
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The Holy Who? (Bonus Episode)- Welcome to the Stage
SMC Podcast (Pray Reach Disciple)
by Randall Dockery, Evangelist Kay Osban
1y ago
Sin is a grave that haunts us long before we ever get to the cemetery did you hear me! Sin? Sin is a grave that haunts us long before we ever get to the cemetery now here's the good news. Jesus is the resurrection in life. He has come. To give us resurrected life and he came out of the grave did you hear me? Jesus came out of the grave he showed us that he was all-powerful and then he said, you know, he said I'm gonna have to go away and they were I'm sure they were sad. I mean they've been walking with him and talking with him and even though he told them this is all gonna happen they didn't more
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