LifePoint Online Blog
by sarahvalente
8M ago
New England is famous for its seasons and perhaps especially autumn, because of the vibrant colors, foliage change, and activities associated with fall. There is a song that reminds me of the seasons that was penned well before my time which borrowed its lyrics directly from Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. If you are not familiar with this song, “Turn Turn Turn” made famous by the LA rock band, The Byrds in 1965, perhaps you are more familiar with the words of King Solomon, which speak of seasons of change and a time for every purpose under heaven. Ironically, for The Byrds, their line in the song, “I ho more
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What if we all loved Jesus so well?
LifePoint Online Blog
by sarahvalente
8M ago
I often find myself wondering; how does Jesus feel about our worship? Is it pleasing to Him, does He feel loved through our sacrifices, praises, and songs….. is there anything missing? How can I worship Him perfectly? I know being perfect is impossible. There is only one person who ever walked the earth that was perfect, and his name is JESUS. Honestly, I think the idea of trying to be perfect is what can sometimes mess us up. When we are chasing perfection it becomes about us. Worship isn’t about us. It honestly isn’t even for us either. It is all for and about our loving Father in Heaven more
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Why We Sing
LifePoint Online Blog
by sarahvalente
8M ago
I am a big fan of our Worship Team at LifePoint. They work hard and pray a lot to help us, LifePoint Church, worship our Lord each time we gather. The songs we sing together are songs about our life as followers of The Lord Jesus Christ. Songs that exalt our Lord and encourage our hearts. Please take a few minutes to consider a few reasons “Why We Sing” in our worship services. 1. We are told to sing to God – The Bible has over four hundred indirect references to singing and at least fifty direct commands to sing – here’s one: …Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God more
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Freedom Feels Like Freedom
LifePoint Online Blog
by sarahvalente
9M ago
I am in my informal brain education era. Lol. Podcasts. Books. YouTube. I have watched a lot, read a lot, listened to a LOT about the brain. I have a new definition of trauma, much more patience and grace for people’s behaviors (all behavior has a really clarifying back story) (including my own), and a new perspective about addiction. I used to think addiction was for bad people. I’m learning that’s not true at all. What is true is that every single one of us is experiencing some amount of pain and pressure. Addiction is our compulsive over consumption of anything for the sake of just feeling more
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Learning to Abide in Him
LifePoint Online Blog
by sarahvalente
9M ago
Jeremiah 29:11 says; ‘For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord , “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. ‘ I love this passage of scripture. I have leaned into it. I have clung to it. And if I am being honest, sometimes I have doubted it or even forgotten about it. Have you ever wondered what God must be up to? I don’t mean, what is He up to regarding keeping the oceans in place and the moon in the sky. I am talking about, what is He up to in YOUR life? I mean really, we all start off in this world with dreams and expectations. Some of us more
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Family Tradition
LifePoint Online Blog
by sarahvalente
9M ago
Before you judge me, remember I grew up in a very “redneck” area of central Florida back in the 80’s and 90’s; listening to country music, driving big trucks, huntin’ and muddin’, and all the games that rednecks play. In my younger days I was pretty rough and rowdy, not that I am particularly proud of it, but it is a part of my journey. During that time in my life one of my favorite songs was, Family Tradition. Now, I don’t recommend this song to anyone, as Hanks Williams Jr’s family traditions were not very good or helpful for anyone, at least not according to his song. But there are pl more
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You’re A Winner?
LifePoint Online Blog
by sarahvalente
9M ago
You’re a winner? I hope that got your attention – because you are a winner every time you choose Jesus over the world! When I think about all the things I’ve done in my life that made me feel like a winner or made me feel successful – things like raising my son to be an amazing young adult who now serves in the US Coast Guard! or getting that promotion at work that I really wanted and felt I deserved; even something as insignificant as winning those arguments with friends or family.  All great events that make up parts of my story but none of these really define WHO I AM, which more than more
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Thank God for Patience!
LifePoint Online Blog
by sarahvalente
9M ago
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 I grew up catholic, youngest of nine children; went to church every Sunday with the family, made my first communion, was confirmed; went to confessions – did all the things that were required of me by my religion. All my life, I can remember having literally zero patience. As a teen, I would get frustrated having to wait for my parents to bring me to my friends house, or for someone to pick me up.  This deficienc more
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When Big Decisions Leave You Questioning
LifePoint Online Blog
by sarahvalente
9M ago
Have you ever questioned a decision that you made and wondered if it was real? Well, I have, many times. I am constantly second guessing myself, but I think the biggest one was my salvation. I was so happy after I accepted Jesus into my heart and promised to live for Him. Then one day not too long after I was saved, we were with some friends at a picnic, and we were just talking about life and I started to share how my life was now different. One of “my friends” turned to me and said I see a change in your husband but not so much in you. Umm, what exactly did she mean? I started second guessi more
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How Do We Fight?
LifePoint Online Blog
by sarahvalente
9M ago
Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8 ESV Paul uses the word “devour” to describe Satan’s unrelenting mission to consume our lives with lies, fears, anxieties and worries. I think I often forget that this is his ONLY job. He doesn’t have to worry about remembering to do the laundry or going grocery shopping for Friday’s work party or bringing the dog to the vet. He doesn’t worry about what happened yesterday or what might be coming down the road tomorrow. He knows our Lord and Savior very well and knows more
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