8 Valuable Plumbing Tips for New Homeowners
Advanced Plumbing Drains & Heating Blog
by Advanced Plumbing Drains & Heating
2w ago
Whether the house was built recently or 30 years ago, if you are buying a home for the first time, then it’s exciting regardless. While plumbing inspections are included in the house inspection before you sign on the dotted line, there are some things you should know as a new homeowner to keep your plumbing system in order. You won’t need a Red Seal certificate in plumbing, but understanding a few basic things to prevent problems (or helping your plumber before they arrive to fix an emergency) is a tool that everyone can benefit from having. 1. Emergency plumbing first aid Every home should ha ..read more
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7 Reasons to Hire a Professional Plumber
Advanced Plumbing Drains & Heating Blog
by Advanced Plumbing Drains & Heating
1M ago
Homeownership comes with many financial responsibilities, including maintenance and repairs. With the harsh and quickly changing weather in Canada, our homes are often subject to severe and diverse climates. Coupled with our daily living habits, our homes can take a beating. The plumbing in our homes is one area that is often overlooked until it is too late. For example, our pipes can spring a leak, but if they are not fixed correctly, it can lead to huge financial losses. 1. Get the job done correctly While money is always a concern, hiring a professional that undercuts the competition and of ..read more
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Revive Your Plumbing System With These 7 Spring Cleaning Tips
Advanced Plumbing Drains & Heating Blog
by Advanced Plumbing Drains & Heating
2M ago
Spring is fast approaching, and with it comes the home and yard tidy-up. However, it’s also a great time to do a spring-clean of your plumbing. Did you know that there are some important tasks that should be done in the spring to keep your plumbing system working at its best? By performing a few simple checks, you can ensure that your system runs smoothly for years to come, and even identify potential issues before they become costly problems. 1. How wet is your yard? As the weather warms up, it is common for the ground to be a little softer and squishy in places as the ice and snow melt, and ..read more
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Bathroom Plumbing: Everything You Need to Know About Condo Renovations
Advanced Plumbing Drains & Heating Blog
by Advanced Plumbing Drains & Heating
4M ago
A condo or a condominium is a large property complex with individual units owned separately. Due to the nature of this settlement, making changes to the unit or carrying out renovations is different than getting work done in single-owner homes. A board of unit owners manages condo properties. They maintain the property and decide the rules and regulations for it.  It means that the owner of an individual unit will have some restrictions regarding making structural changes to your home.  The arrangement is the same for all condos in Toronto. Making structural changes could involve cha ..read more
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Top 6 Most Common Residential Plumbing Mistakes
Advanced Plumbing Drains & Heating Blog
by Advanced Plumbing Drains & Heating
5M ago
Knowing how to tackle household issues is a great skill to have. Replacing a fixture, renovating a part of the house, or fixing plumbing issues without calling a professional is economical and rewarding.  However, not all household issues should be tackled independently, especially regarding plumbing. You may think you can fix a leak or clog, but it might worsen things and become more of a financial burden.  Here are some common residential plumbing mistakes that homeowners make and how to avoid them: 1. Using the thread tape incorrectly Thread tape, plumber tape, or Teflon tape seal ..read more
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How to Choose a Plumbing Company
Advanced Plumbing Drains & Heating Blog
by Advanced Plumbing Drains & Heating
6M ago
Every household at some point comes across a situation where they need to hire a professional plumbing company, be it for a repair job, maintenance work, or remodelling. There are a number of companies that claim to be experienced and have professional plumbers who can do the job cheaply. However, the cheapest is not always the right way to go, especially regarding plumbing issues. As we will discuss below, there are some factors that you, as a homeowner, should consider before going ahead with any plumbing company. Ask for Recommendations The best way to choose a reputable plumbing company is ..read more
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Toilet Troubleshooting: 6 Common Issues and How to Fix Them
Advanced Plumbing Drains & Heating Blog
by Advanced Plumbing Drains & Heating
7M ago
While professionals must address the most serious plumbing issues, there are some more common problems that homeowners can fix themselves.  Addressing issues related to the toilet is one of them, since it is used more often than other plumbing equipment. Knowing how to address these issues is valuable, but you first need to identify the problem.  It becomes easier if you know how the toilet works, and it is not as complicated as you might think. How Does a Toilet Work? Simply put, pressing the flush handle releases water from the tank into the pot. However, we need to go a bit deeper ..read more
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Plumbing Maintenance 101: How to Prepare Your Plumbing System for Fall
Advanced Plumbing Drains & Heating Blog
by Advanced Plumbing Drains & Heating
9M ago
It happens every year: summer comes to a close, the temperature cools, and fall arrives soon after. Now is the time to start thinking about how to prepare your plumbing system for the months ahead. By taking some simple steps today, you will be able to protect your plumbing and reduce the need for future maintenance. In this article, we will help you understand why and how you need to prepare your plumbing for the fall season. Why do you need to prepare for fall? You will not be surprised to hear that in Toronto, fall and winter can be exceptionally harsh on your plumbing. When temperatures dr ..read more
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7 Essential Tools Every Homeowner Should Have In Their Plumbing Toolbox
Advanced Plumbing Drains & Heating Blog
by Advanced Plumbing Drains & Heating
10M ago
There’s a lot to worry about when it comes to maintaining your home. It can sometimes be difficult and overwhelming to consider all the maintenance you have to do. When it comes to the tools you need in your plumbing toolbox, for example, it can be hard to know where to start. Fortunately, we’ve made it easy for you with this list of the seven crucial tools you should have in your plumbing toolbox and how to use them. 1. Plunger This is a staple tool found in most homes, and it can really help get you out of an embarrassing situation. A plunger is used to unclog drains and toilets. They work b ..read more
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Plumbing Tips for New Homeowners: 4 Things You Should Look Out For
Advanced Plumbing Drains & Heating Blog
by Advanced Plumbing Drains & Heating
11M ago
Congratulations on buying your home! It is an exciting time for every homeowner. However, there is still lots to do. If you have already owned a house or apartment, you know the lengthy maintenance to-do list ahead of you. You may already have a trusted plumber on speed dial, ready to save you from every plumbing emergency. Perhaps buying your first home has inspired you to become a handyman finally. It’s great that you want to care for your house and learn new skills to do so correctly. However, home maintenance can be complicated. Knowing your limits and recognizing when it’s time to call in ..read more
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