Fencing (Restricting) the Lord's Table
The Village Church Columbus Blog
by Zack Ruder
1M ago
  As of April 7th, 2024, the Village Church changed the way the Lord's Table is administered, specifically, moving from a “guarded table” to a “fenced ” or “restricted” table. In addition to this position paper, a pamphlet will be placed in the pews, and changes in the language used during the institution of the table will be made, making visitors aware of our practice and its purpose. Preface Over the last six months, the elders of The Village Church have been in regular conversation regarding the faithful administration of the Lord’s Table. This conversation began due to collective co ..read more
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The Lord is My Shepherd
The Village Church Columbus Blog
by Ethan Leonow
5M ago
  As we as a church have just wrapped up John 10, where Jesus describes Himself as the Good Shepherd, I’ve also finished reading A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 by Philip Keller, and I already want to re-read it. It is a beautiful book, and I cannot recommend it enough to any Christian in any walk of life. Keller, an experienced shepherd and pastor, carefully unpacks David’s famous psalm by vividly describing all the ways shepherds care for their sheep and how each of those ways provides a perfect picture of how our Lord cares for us. Below is a synopsis of his commentary. Consider it a for ..read more
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But As For You, O Man of God
The Village Church Columbus Blog
by Ethan Leonow
5M ago
  Much of what is shared in this article is derived from John Stott’s commentary on 1 Timothy. In 1 Timothy 6:11-12, Paul writes, “But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” — 1 Timothy 6:11-12 These verses start with the words “but as for you” which signifies a distinction Paul is making. Paul has just finished describing various kinds of f ..read more
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On Christians and Politics
The Village Church Columbus Blog
by EC
7M ago
  The political sphere of our country is turbulent. The upcoming elections are undeniably important and will affect human flourishing. We are also more divided as a country than ever before, or at least I am told. In such times, it seems almost predictable that most conversations with Christians switch rapidly to politics. After such a turn in a conversation with a politically-impassioned believer, I visibly lost interest and was asked why some, such as myself, are not interested in current political controversy. The question surprised me—I try to reasonably keep myself up to date about ..read more
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The Resurrection of a Vineyard
The Village Church Columbus Blog
by Ethan Leonow
8M ago
  Below is an excerpt from Alec Motyer’s translation and commentary on Isaiah 27, found in his work Isaiah by the Day. The excerpt briefly traces the thread of the image of a vineyard in three passages which culminate in a grand vision of God finally fulfilling His redemptive plan in history. To summarize, Motyer points out that the vineyard which was first introduced as a bleak and hopeless picture of rotten fruit (i.e. “stink fruit”) crushed by oppressors is transformed into an abundantly fertile and fruitful landscape which is kept at peace by Yahweh its Gardener. As for its former ro ..read more
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Out of Egypt I Called My Son
The Village Church Columbus Blog
by Zach Lewald
8M ago
  Author’s notes: In my personal study, I have come across several commentaries’ interpretations of Matthew’s use of Hosea 11:1. The Lord forcefully led me down this rabbit trail after experiencing weeks of leaving my morning devotions void of a sufficient understanding of this particular reference. The further I trotted, the more astounded I became. In no way do I claim a comprehensive knowledge of this topic, but from dedicated research steeped in prayer, I have learned a lot. I have heavily relied upon a few resources such as G.K. Beale’s Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old ..read more
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The Case for Covering: Part 2
The Village Church Columbus Blog
by Eppie Graham (Anonymous)
10M ago
  Author’s Notes: I choose to write with a pseudonym for practical purposes but have no problem with people at the Village knowing my name or associating me with this piece. This article does not represent the official position of The Village Church Columbus, but is a means to engage in thoughtful discussions about obedience and faithfulness to God and His Word. * * * In the first part of this two-part article, I discussed the passage in 1 Corinthians 11, which instructs the church in Corinth to follow the tradition of women covering their heads during the church service. After goi ..read more
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The Case for Covering: Part 1
The Village Church Columbus Blog
by Eppie Graham (Anonymous)
11M ago
  Author’s Notes: I choose to write with a pseudonym for practical purposes but have no problem with people at the Village knowing my name or associating me with this piece. This article does not represent the official position of The Village Church Columbus, but is a means to engage in thoughtful discussions about obedience and faithfulness to God and His Word. * * * I remember the first time, a few years ago, when someone brought up how Christians ought to refrain from eating blood because of the verse in Acts 15:29, which forbids Gentiles from doing so. Following this question w ..read more
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Fighting the Battle Against Sin
The Village Church Columbus Blog
by Karey Gall
11M ago
  I am always amazed when God places multiple Scripture verses in my path and allows me to see a connection between them.  Even more so, I’m awestruck when He uses extra biblical resources to build a message or drive home a point.  Over the past few months, as I pondered what I wanted to focus on for a blog topic, God has used different church gatherings to provide a topic.  In reading passages in Luke, Deuteronomy, Judges, and The Mortification of Sin by John Owen, I’ve seen the importance of fighting the battle against sin to draw us closer to God. Recently, at our weekl ..read more
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In Grandpa's Hayloft: A Poem
The Village Church Columbus Blog
by Matt King
1y ago
  Where every so often The hottest days contain all times at once, As if the heat melted years together to glisten In the air like shimmering waves. A weather-grayed rope hanging From the tallest beam. To catch the most breeze, strain the rope back on tiptoes And leap from the highest hay mound Swing seat rough under summer legs Soaring weightless, skin Swimming through dust moats floating crystalline. Aging sun glinting between the barn siding, Sweat cooling in those brief parabolas of flight A hymn of happiness on smiling face with no words. How, standing at the edge of the loft, Caref ..read more
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