Adjusting to Implant Dentures: A Simple Guide to Your Transition Period
Whitinsville Family Dentistry Blog
1w ago
Traditional dentures have many benefits, but they also fall short in some significant ways. If you are ready to say goodbye to your old set of teeth and hello to implant dentures, you can look forward to a stronger bite and more confident smile! But how long will it take you to adjust to ? The process is unique for each individual, but they are some practical steps you can take to make the transition period as easy as possible more
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Fact-Busting 5 Myths About BOTOX
Whitinsville Family Dentistry Blog
1M ago
Even with the best skincare routine, wrinkles and fine lines are inevitable. is a popular solution to turn back the clock without needing an invasive procedure. The cosmetic injections can provide lasting results after a treatment you can get over your lunch break. However, there are many rumors about the injections. Don’t let false information prevent you from looking your youngest. Here are the facts you need behind 5 common BOTOX myths more
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Issues That Can Prevent You from Getting Dental Implants
Whitinsville Family Dentistry Blog
1M ago
More than 500,000 Americans every year are investing in to replace their lost teeth. A dental implant is the most preferred method of treating tooth loss because it mimics both the tooth root and the crown. With over a 95% success rate, they are a smart investment that can last for 30 years or longer with the correct care, like brushing and flossing. Most people with good oral health and overall wellness can benefit from dental implants. However, here are a few issues that may prevent you from getting dental implants. more
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Do My Broken Dentures Count As a Dental Emergency?
Whitinsville Family Dentistry Blog
2M ago
are remarkably sophisticated. They’re capable of replacing a mouth full of teeth with just a single procedure, and offer such incredible realism that it can be easy to forget that they aren’t your actual teeth. This can make it pretty jarring when your prosthetic breaks. This can easily feel like a little bit of an emergency, so if you’re curious about how you should proceed, here’s what you ought to know about how to handle this situation more
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Tooth Replacement and Bone Loss
Whitinsville Family Dentistry Blog
2M ago
One element to consider is bone loss, which can be a problem for patients who have lost many of their teeth. Each method of tooth replacement differs in their capacity to handle this problem; here’s how you can pick between them on the basis of this issue. , dental bridges, and dental implants are all incredible, and each of them has their advantages. This makes picking between them a little bit complicated more
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Timely Teeth: 3 Ways Dental Implants Contribute to a Longer Life
Whitinsville Family Dentistry Blog
3M ago
Are you aware, however, that dental implants are also associated with a longer life? Keep reading to learn about 3 of the ways this advantageous treatment increases your longevity! have many benefits for your oral well-being. They’re the only restorative treatment that includes a support rod inserted directly into your jawbone to function like a root. As a result, many dentists consider them to be the gold standard of tooth replacements. more
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Risky Restorations: Can You Create Your Own Tooth Replacements?
Whitinsville Family Dentistry Blog
3M ago
In recent years, more people have struggled to afford dental care because of changes in their life circumstances after the pandemic. As a result, there’s been a rise in attempts at do-it-yourself dental resolutions to save on expenses. One popular trend has been to rebuild your smile by creating your own customized tooth replacements. While you may be tempted to try this at home, there are risks to your oral health if you do. Keep reading to learn why it’s important to see for a professionally placed restoration more
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I’m Upgrading from Dentures to Dental Implants; What’s That Like?
Whitinsville Family Dentistry Blog
5M ago
Dentures can be a fantastic way to restore a smile after extensive tooth loss, but they aren’t for everyone. They can make it difficult for some people to eat a wide variety of nutritious foods, and others have trouble with them when trying to communicate because they slip out of place while they speak. Luckily, dental implants can be a sturdier, more permanent tooth loss solution. Here’s a brief guide to transitioning more
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Why Should You Be Thankful for Dental Implants?
Whitinsville Family Dentistry Blog
6M ago
With Thanksgiving nearly here, you’ve likely gotten into the holiday spirit. Maybe you’re reflecting on life’s blessings – family, friends, faith, etc. Still, don’t forget about your restored smile. There are many reasons to be thankful for dental implants right now. As it happens, do a lot to improve your quality of life. If you need some examples, your Whitinsville dentist will share some. Here are four big reasons to be grateful for implants on Thanksgiving more
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5 Complications of Ill-Fitting Dentures
Whitinsville Family Dentistry Blog
6M ago
Dentures, removable replacements for missing teeth, play a crucial role in restoring bite strength and enhancing your smile. Well-fitted full dentures securely adhere to the gums, while partial dentures should align seamlessly with natural teeth. However, when dentures don’t fit properly, they can give rise to several problems. Explore the following blog to learn about five issues that can result from poorly fitting more
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