May 2024: Concerning Children – Childhood Domestic Violence (2 of 2)
Domestic Violence Services Network Blog
4d ago
Last month, part one of DVSN’s blog series “Concerning Children” focused on the horrors of child abuse, when a minor is directly abused or neglected. This month’s continuation will delve more deeply into the related issue of childhood domestic violence. As differentiated in the previous post, childhood domestic violence (CDV) refers to situations where minors are not directly abused or neglected but are exposed to domestic violence in the home. Though it may seem like the lesser of the two evils, CDV can still be deeply traumatizing and have profound impacts that lead to lifelong consequence more
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April 2024: Concerning Children (1 of 2) – Child Abuse
Domestic Violence Services Network Blog
1M ago
Abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of ethnicity, economic status, gender, or age, resulting in multiple forms of harm. Abuse against children who are still developing and learning, however, can have deeper and more dire consequences that impact victims for the rest of their lives. April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, a good time to learn more about this issue, its effects, and ways to help. This post is the first of a two-part series concerning children and will focus on child abuse. Child Abuse vs. Childhood Domestic Violence The Mayo Clinic defines child abuse as “any intentional ha more
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March 2024: Discourses on Domestic Violence – 26 Engaging TED Talks on Abuse
Domestic Violence Services Network Blog
2M ago
Spreading information and sharing personal stories of abuse is one of the most effective ways to reduce domestic violence and help victims get the support they need. There are many excellent books, movies, TV shows, and podcasts available to help educate people in a variety of media forms and narrative styles. Another impactful means of disseminating this information is through TED Talks. TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short (10-20 minute), powerful speeches. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, and began in 1984 as a confe more
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January 2024: Stalking – Stats, Tactics, & Impacts
Domestic Violence Services Network Blog
4M ago
Stalkers are often portrayed in the media as strangers or celebrity worshippers, sometimes with mental health issues. While stalkers can be all those things, they are much more likely to be someone the victim knows, and stalking is much more common in the general population than is typically represented or perceived. Stalking is a form of domestic violence. It is often treated as its own issue with separate laws and organizations addressing it apart from domestic violence.  January is National Stalking Awareness Month, the perfect time to explore more details of stalking: its prevalence more
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November 2023: Restraining Orders 101
Domestic Violence Services Network Blog
7M ago
A restraining order is a limited-time court order that directs one person to stop harming another. For domestic violence victims and survivors looking to help shield and defend themselves against their abusers, restraining orders can provide legal protection and serve as an effective deterrent to some abusers. It may seem like a straightforward security measure, but most people don’t know the sometimes-complicated minutiae involved in the process of obtaining a restraining order or the ways they actually function. In fact, while “restraining order” is the phrase most are familiar with, it’s more
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October 2023: Victim Blaming – What Is It and Why Does It Happen?
Domestic Violence Services Network Blog
8M ago
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month (#DVAM). It is a time to shine a light on abuse and to educate the public about this extremely damaging and all-too-prolific issue. There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about domestic violence that can compound the problem and make it more injurious and demoralizing for victims and survivors. Abuse can be a challenging subject to discuss in theory, let alone with someone who has experienced it. One of DVSN’s core tenets, and something we strive to impart to all, is the importance of listening and believing without judgment. Unfortunately more
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September 2023: Toxic Triangulation – Third-Party Manipulation
Domestic Violence Services Network Blog
9M ago
Abuse is not always easy to recognize. While some forms of abuse leave obvious bruises or hateful words ringing in the victim’s ears, there are other stealthy techniques abusers use to influence and control their victims so that they don’t even notice it is happening. DVSN’s July 2021 blog post, “Fostering Self-Doubt: The Manipulative Abuse of Gaslighting” delves deeper into the way abusers brainwash their victims into doubting their own reality and sanity. An equally subtle and injurious technique abusers utilize to exert gradual and often undetectable control is through toxic triangulatio more
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August 2023: The Long History of Domestic Violence and the Development of DVSN
Domestic Violence Services Network Blog
10M ago
Domestic Violence Service Network, Inc.’s new fiscal year began last month, in July 2023. This year, we are celebrating our 25th anniversary! Over the last quarter century, DVSN has grown leaps and bounds and has been able to provide tens of thousands of people with vital, life-saving services and support. We have trained hundreds of community members, police officers, and service providers to better understand the issue of domestic violence and to help empower victims and survivors to make informed decisions to improve their situation however works best for them. We will be commemorating th more
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July 2023: More Than Just Words – The Entangled Tempest of Verbal, Emotional, Psychological Abuse
Domestic Violence Services Network Blog
11M ago
Not all abuse is physical. There are numerous types of abuse and abusive tactics other than bodily harm that are equally or often times more detrimental to the victim. Verbal abuse is an extremely common and enormously hurtful form of abuse, the effects of which can last a lifetime. In a survey of nearly 2000 survivors, asked, “Did you find verbal abuse more or less damaging, long-term, than physical abuse?” 62% responded that verbal abuse did feel more damaging than physical, 36% felt that all types of abuse they endured were equally damaging, and only 2% felt that phys more
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June 2023: Where Can I Go? Abuse Survivor Housing Options
Domestic Violence Services Network Blog
1y ago
Choosing to leave an abusive partner is not an easy or straightforward thing to do. In fact, it is the most dangerous time for victims. Learn more about reasons victims stay with abusers in DVSN’s July 2022 blog post, “Why It’s Not Always Safe/Right to Leave an Abuser”. Those who do choose to leave have the challenge of figuring out where to go. Staying with friends or family could be a possibility for some, while others need to find a shelter, hotel, or transitional housing option. Depending on their knowledge, resources, support, special needs, and the availability in their area, this can more
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