How Massage Guns Can Help Reduce Cellulite: Benefits, Techniques, and Tips
Pulseroll Blog
by cameron appleby
2w ago
Introduction  Cellulite is a common skin condition that affects many women who are between the ages of 20 and 30. Cellulite causes a dimpled and lumpy appearance in many areas of the body, like the thighs, hips, buttocks, and abdomen. Despite this condition being harmless, cellulite is often the cause of frustration and anxiety in women who want to gain the appearance of having smoother and more toned skin. Fortunately, due to many advancements in health and beauty technology, we now have various different tools and methods that help combat cellulite, like massage guns, which are quickly more
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Unveiling the Science Behind Compression Therapy: How Cyclone Pro Compression Boots Elevate Recovery and Performance.
Pulseroll Blog
by cameron appleby
3M ago
In the realm of athletic recovery and performance enhancement, a revolutionary tool has emerged. Compression Boots. Among the many products that have been released to the public from other brands a new competitor has emerged from Pulseroll named Cyclone Pro, these compression boots are designed and engineered to redefine the way athletes recover. Let’s delve into the science behind the world of compression therapy and discover how Pulseroll sets itself apart.  Understanding Compression Technology  Compression therapy involves the appl more
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Best Types of Massages for Pinched Nerves in your Shoulder
Pulseroll Blog
by Henry Purchase
1y ago
Your shoulders are home to nerves that carry signals among your body and brain, so taking good care of them is essential. Pinching or inflammation of these nerves can cause radiating pain down your arms and even into your hands, making everyday activities difficult or impossible. Massages can be beneficial when dealing with pinched nerves in your shoulders, but choosing the best massage is essential, so you don't make the situation worse.  So before you make your appointment, let's look at some factors determining your best choice.  A Brief Introduction to Pinched Nerves A pinched ne more
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Why Your Body Aches After Flying And 10 Ways To Fix It
Pulseroll Blog
by Henry Purchase
1y ago
You just landed after a long flight and can't wait to get home and sleep. But when you do, you end up tossing and turning with all kinds of body aches after flying, and they keep you awake half the night. The following day, you're tired and cranky – much worse than after any other travel day – even though you rested well on the plane itself.  Commonly referred to as post-flight aches, these symptoms can be excruciating and keep you from moving around generally for a few days after your trip has ended. There are multiple ways to prevent them, but unfortunately, many people aren't aware of more
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Guide for Solving Severe Lower Back Pain While Walking or Standing
Pulseroll Blog
by Henry Purchase
1y ago
Lower back pain is a common problem globally. It is estimated that about 70% of people experience lower back pain at some point. Most cases of lower back pain are because of muscle strain or injury and can be treated with rest, ice, and over-the-counter medication. The problem is common among musicians, office workers, athletes, pregnant women, and many other professions. Because of such a large number of people afflicted by lower back pain, there is a need for a complete guide to helping solve and prevent back pain. Severe lower back pain while walking or standing may lead to an injury. Knowi more
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9 Ways to Relieve Sore Muscles After a Workout
Pulseroll Blog
by Howard Laverack
1y ago
After a strenuous workout, you'll likely experience muscle soreness and fatigue. When that happens, most people take a break from workouts and take anti-inflammatory drugs. While those measures may work in the short term, there are better ways to speed up muscle recovery. Do you suffer from Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) after a challenging workout? It's a common problem but can easily be avoided. You put your muscles through intense movements when you exercise, which wears them down. You can do various things to speed muscle recovery up after a workout so that you have more energy for t more
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How To Relieve Sore Muscles In Thighs: A Comprehensive Guide
Pulseroll Blog
by Howard Laverack
1y ago
Do you want to know how to relieve sore muscles in your thighs? Sore thigh muscles can lead to pain, restricting you from moving your thighs properly. As a result, you face difficulty walking, running, or bending your legs while sitting or lying.  Thigh soreness is common amongst runners and athletes, but it does not only pertain to the athletic demographic. Many people use massage therapy tools to deal with this issue, while others prefer exercise and dietary solutions.  First and foremost, it is important to understand why thigh muscles become sore and how long the pain lasts befor more
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Ankle Strengthening Exercises For Runners: 2023 Guide
Pulseroll Blog
by Howard Laverack
1y ago
There is nothing worse than pushing yourself to the max on a long run, and suddenly, your ankle gives out from underneath you. Even walking becomes a challenge when your ankle is in pain, so getting back to running can take a while.  With the feet and ankles being vital for running, it’s important to keep them strong to avoid injuries, especially for long-distance runners, where the terrain might be subject to rocks and twigs ready to trip you up at any given moment.  Strength training is the pillar of any endurance sport. It gives you the power to push through, which more
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The Guide To Using A Massage Gun For Knee Arthritis
Pulseroll Blog
by Henry Purchase
1y ago
If you or anyone you know has arthritis, you know its pain and impact on overall life. It limits you from performing many routine tasks and minimises your mobility. As a result, many people opt for massage as a quick pain-relieving option for their arthritis.  Since knee arthritis limits a person’s mobility, it might be difficult to travel to get a massage. This brings massage guns for knee arthritis into the spotlight. Massage guns are becoming popular among athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and people looking for quick solutions for their muscular pain.  Knee arthritis is different f more
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How To Recover Sore Muscles Faster - Top 10 Tips
Pulseroll Blog
by Howard Laverack
1y ago
Feeling sore after trying a new exercise or particularly tough workout is extremely normal. This is because your muscles aren’t used to the strain you’ve put them under, so the muscle fibres essentially tear and become inflamed. This is why you experience DOMS (explained below)! This can be a good thing but isn’t necessary for progress.  Recovery after training is an important part of your fitness routine. It enables the body to rebuild damaged muscle tissue and regain energy. It is important to know how to recover sore muscles faster, as you want to ensure your body and muscles more
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