5 Ways to Practice Patience
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by Harold
1y ago
“Hurry up in wait” is a term that has been used to teach us to be patient while waiting. Waiting occurs in many different areas of your life. Arriving early for your doctor’s visit ahead of time, only to be told to wait to be seen. Attempting to open a page on your computer screen while it takes forever to load. Waiting patiently in long lines at the grocery store for your turn to check out while... Source ..read more
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How to relax and enjoy life
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by Harold
1y ago
During a discussion with six-year-olds, I asked what their favorite subject was in school. Their reply unanimously was recess, lunch, and art. They all seemed so excited when they talked about how much fun they had participating in these activities. As I pondered their answers, I began to reflect on how life is viewed in a child’s eyes compared to an adult’s. In a child’s eyes, life appears to be... Source ..read more
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How to be consistent in Life
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by Harold
1y ago
Have you ever watched others succeed in life and wondered what it took for them to become successful? It could be an entertainer, an athlete, or even your parents. What secret sauce enabled them to accomplish so much and go so far? Living life as a bystander and seeing others achieve great things is one thing, but it is an entirely different story regarding your own life. You may have begun a new... Source ..read more
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How to Take the Road Less Traveled
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by Harold
1y ago
A famous poem, The Road Not Taken, written by Robert Frost, summarizes the choices many often face. “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” This poem captures the essence of decisions you will face in life. As you ponder your options and choose, you wonder if this is the right decision. Should I take this one that most people... Source ..read more
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Change your life in 7 steps
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by Harold
1y ago
Growing up, I recall watching a Calgon Bath commercial with a famous and memorable slogan, “Calgon, take me away!” This slogan became a catchphrase, a household phenom that reminded us how we sometimes want to leave life’s stress, worries, and frustrations behind to live a more peaceful and happy life. Picture in your mind what life would be like if you could live your life in a more fun... Source ..read more
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How to Live in the Here and Now
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by Harold
1y ago
Thank you for taking the time to visit this site. In today’s article, we will discuss how to live in the here and now. Not so long ago, possibly going back about 30-35 years, people lived at a much slower pace of life. But, then, this was a time of families sitting on porches, waving and speaking to neighbors as they passed. There was a tendency to know your neighbors by name, and you felt part of... Source ..read more
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How We Become What We Think About
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by Harold
1y ago
Have you ever wondered why some people achieve success while others do not? You may wonder what they do differently to make them successful. What is the secret blueprint that sets them apart from everyone else? If this resonates with you, in this article, we will discuss how we become what we think about to succeed in life. I aim to present ideas that can transform your mind and help you start... Source ..read more
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Healing and the Power of Forgiveness
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by Harold
1y ago
Have you ever struggled with forgiveness? It could be in a relationship or based on an experience that left you bitter. It could be the person who cut you off in traffic or mistreated you. You name it; the list could go on and on. Forgiveness is vital to our well-being and a valuable life skill that can make a huge difference in how you live a fulfilling and productive life. Source ..read more
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How To Be More Optimistic About Your Life
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by Harold
1y ago
Want to learn how to be more optimistic about your life? Today, you will learn techniques to help you develop an optimistic mindset and live a healthier lifestyle with less stress. Ready to begin. Let’s get started! Here is an outline of what we will review: Optimism is a confident and hopeful mindset that things will work out for you with a successful outcome. Having an optimistic mindset does... Source ..read more
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Making The Most Of Every Opportunity
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by Harold
1y ago
Have you ever had the experience of walking outside on a windy day only to have a piece of paper you were loosely holding onto fly away? You chase after the paper because it is something important to you. It could be a homework assignment or part of a project you will be turning in at work. Deseparately you chase down the paper as it continues to be moved by the wind, escaping your grip. However... Source ..read more
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