A simple 3D role of wallpaper
Cheetah3D User Forum
by Chris Heath
1d ago
I'm starting to get the hang of Cheetah 3D's units. Having said that it's so easy to forget because I'm not using Cheetah all the time. Here are some of my patterns applied to a 24-inch wide roll of wallpaper created in Cheetah 3D. I just realised that it's still not quite correct because this is a half-drop pattern, so if the edges were to match, the rolls would have to be offset vertically. My next challenge is to create some fabric sample mockups... Read more ..read more
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More Rigging Tools
Cheetah3D User Forum
by bobziila
6d ago
It would be nice if there were some more rigging tools for character and creature animation. Would be good to have more dynamics for characters (jiggle and wobble abilities for fat and tails). Bob ..read more
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How to see rest + bind poses on imported FBX?
Cheetah3D User Forum
by hey_bdj
6d ago
I have a text-based .fbx file downloaded from the Unity Asset Store. It contains a character mesh, skeleton, and a set of animations. When I import the file into Cheetah (v8.1), the character appears in the 3D view posed using the first frame from the first imported animation take. My goal is to export the rest pose and bind pose data from the skeleton. I figured I could see the rest pose by unchecking the active animation take, but Cheetah seems to require a take to always be selected... Read more ..read more
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Animating does not rotate the texture
Cheetah3D User Forum
by digitorus
6d ago
I have an aluminum wheel, with simple aluminum material. There is a hub at the end of the wheel. I created an animation with key frames and 0, 90, 270 and 360 around the wheel center axis. When I render the animation, I notice that the texture on the hub face and the wheel face do not move. Here's a link to the video on gumlet that shows the effect. HandWheelTurning gumlet.tv Is there a way to ensure that the random graininess of the rendering rotates with the... Read more ..read more
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Updated properties panel for "editable objects" with both current "scale" + new feature size xyz
Cheetah3D User Forum
by moooztar
1w ago
Hi! I use Cheetah now almost exclusively for my 3D print needs. For a gfx designer turned 3D print head I dabbled with lots of CAD etc but found that my brain works so much faster and achieves more quicker with Cheetah. I also own Silo 3D and they have one thing I really miss (see attachment) - true size & scale. Cheetah seems to only display scale when converted to editable objects, and for me now using the size setup of Cheetah directly with 3D prints in 1:1 it would help to "keep" the 6... Read more ..read more
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Is there a clever way to "expand" a model as in grow with correct xyz?
Cheetah3D User Forum
by moooztar
1w ago
Hi guys, I do a lot of 3D work, and sometimes I need to adjust for example a plug to fit into a hole after a 3D print as in "expand or shrink" an object with correct xyz structure. To simply adjust the size does not do the trick for me. For now I have many times solved it with inverting normals an then shell to "expand" the lines. Afterwards I delete the inner parts (which is the original spline / stroke) keeping the other part. This works for me, but is there a simpler way? Thanks as... Read more ..read more
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"Copy paste" points from object to new spline? (Possible?)
Cheetah3D User Forum
by moooztar
2w ago
Hi guys! Just for learning purposes I have scanned the top of my earphone cover and I want the exact "curvature" as simple as possible to be converted to a spline. Is there a script or a way I am not seeing for doing this without having to "draw the spline on top"? (See image) Thanks for all help so far! M ..read more
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Render Order
Cheetah3D User Forum
by digitorus
2w ago
Is is possible to render one object over the other? in Cheetah 3D? For example, I want to render a 3D axis on top of another 3d object - think of this as an annotation layer. I tried assigning objects to layers (layer 0, layer 1) but that seems to have no effect on the render order ..read more
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Select every other
Cheetah3D User Forum
by Mark Pether
2w ago
How do you select every other polygon? I've been using Cheetah for over 5 years but have never worked it out. btw. all the renders on this website I have created using Cheetah 3D Bartzis Design | Melbourne | suite 25/10-20 Gwynne Street, Cremorne VIC, Australia Bartzis Design is a Melbourne Branding and Packaging Design Agency working with leading brands. www.bartzisdesign.com.au ..read more
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Transparent color works in Cheetah but not Falcon
Cheetah3D User Forum
by squidscientist
3w ago
Hello, I'm up against a deadline to send a graphic to a journal and cannot figure out how to troubleshoot this. I have a bunch of yellow, transparent spheres. In the Cheetah renderer, they look great but I can't make a well-resolved enough file in enough time on my laptop, and mostly the big-enough jobs just stall. In Falcon, the rendering ends up black and white - the color is totally absent. I've toggled everything I can think of to toggle in the lights, the objects, the materials... Read more ..read more
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