18 signs you’re not compatible with your partner (and probably never were)
A Conscious Rethink Blog
by Melissa Ricker
14h ago
How compatible are you and your partner really? “Are we compatible?” you ponder. Perhaps it’s even a cause for concern in your relationship right now. Have you ever wished that you could just know whether you and your partner are right for each other without having to spend (and sometimes waste) time finding out? We all want to find our perfect match and live happily ever after, but what if the two of you are quite different in many ways? What determines a couple’s compatibility (or incompatibility)? For instance, my husband loves strawberry ice-cream, and I prefer chocolate. He loves action ..read more
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10 Reasons Why Women Leave Men They Claim To Love
A Conscious Rethink Blog
by Lucy Smith
15h ago
This is why women leave men they love. Why would anyone leave someone they love? This is something that a lot of people struggle to understand. Some even refuse to believe it’s possible. But whether it’s leaving behind a relationship or letting go of a whole family, home, and shared life, some women do choose to leave the men they love. Let’s run through 10 of the most common reasons why women might do this. 1. There’s a lack of interest. One of the biggest issues that any relationship, including marriage, can face is a decline in interest over time. This is something that can happen for a l ..read more
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10 surprising advantages of being a pessimist
A Conscious Rethink Blog
by Jack Nollan
15h ago
There are some genuine benefits to being a pessimist. There’s a lot to be said in the realism, optimism, and pessimism debate. Optimism in healthy doses has its place. It helps people look forward and find hope. And realism is a mindful way to stay grounded in the present and deal with issues as they arise. But pessimism? Pessimism is often treated as this entirely undesirable trait that you should avoid at all costs. In some ways, that’s true, particularly if you struggle with low mood or depression. However, there are some advantages of being a pessimist if that happens to be your outlook ..read more
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18 Ways To Feel More Attractive In Your Relationship
A Conscious Rethink Blog
by Tiffany Shepherd
16h ago
Want to feel attractive to your partner? Everyone wants to feel like their partner finds them attractive, no matter how long they have been together. Of course there’s more to a relationship than how physically attracted you are to each other, but it’s nice to feel that your partner desires you for your physical attributes as much as they do for any other reason. You might be in a new relationship and worrying about whether your partner feels the same way as you. Or maybe you’re worried that your partner will leave you for someone else they find more attractive. Whatever has triggered your fe ..read more
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13 Red Flags You’re Married To A Selfish Husband
A Conscious Rethink Blog
by Lucy Smith
16h ago
These things indicate your husband is very selfish. Is your husband selfish or is he just having a tough time of late? You might be able to dismiss some of his behaviors, especially if they’re one-offs. After all, every relationship, and every individual, goes through rough patches at some point – this is natural. But when things become a habit and start to affect how you feel about yourself and your marriage, it’s time to question how selfish your husband is. If you’re wondering if your spouse is selfish, we’ve got some key signs to look for. 1. He always has to be right. If your husband is ..read more
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10 Tough Realities Of Staying Single By Choice
A Conscious Rethink Blog
by Ana Vakos
18h ago
Even when singledom is a choice, it comes with challenges. Being single can get difficult sometimes – even when it’s by choice. You may not want a relationship right now, or ever, but that’s not to say that you can’t see the benefits you might be missing out on by not being in a relationship. That’s not to mention the specific challenges of being single for a long time: 1. You feel lonely. One of the biggest problems that comes with being single is the feeling of loneliness. When you’re keeping yourself busy or spending time with your loved ones, you don’t think about it so much. But, when y ..read more
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8 Reasons You’re Happier When Your Husband Is Not Around
A Conscious Rethink Blog
by Steve Phillips-Waller
18h ago
Do you find you’re happier when your husband is gone? Do you find that your mood improves when your husband is away? That you don’t miss him when you’re apart? That you relish the time you get without him by your side? Perhaps you’ve stumbled upon this article because you don’t know what it all means. After all, you married this man, so shouldn’t you enjoy his company and want to spend time with him? Well… it’s not that simple. No two relationships are the same, and there could be all manner of reasons why you’re happier when your husband is gone. Some of those reasons are nothing to worry ab ..read more
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8 Reasons Narcissists Cheat Without Hesitation
A Conscious Rethink Blog
by Steve Phillips-Waller
19h ago
This is why it is common for narcissists to cheat. You suspect that your narcissistic partner is cheating on you. Or maybe you have proof that your narcissistic ex did cheat on you. And you are wondering why. It all comes down to their mindset. The thought process that governs their actions. This article will explore the reasons why a narcissist might cheat. 1. Narcissistic Supply Narcissists want attention and adoration. This is their drug of choice. When people look at them, chase them, or want them in any way, it makes them feel good about themselves. The problem is, they want a lot of at ..read more
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13 Ways To Stand Up For Yourself Confidently And Firmly
A Conscious Rethink Blog
by Finn Robinson
20h ago
Do you struggle to stand up for yourself? Have you ever stewed about an argument after the fact and thought about all the things you could or should have said in the moment? Or been filled with self-loathing for not defending yourself in an unfair situation? If so, you’re not alone. All of us have experienced situations in which we have held back from standing up for ourselves for various reasons, then kicked ourselves for that hesitance later. If you find that you have difficulty standing up for yourself, it’s important to understand what may be holding you back from doing so. Once you can r ..read more
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How To Get The Ultimate Revenge On A Narcissist: 7 Things You Must Do
A Conscious Rethink Blog
by Steve Phillips-Waller
20h ago
Do you want to hurt a narcissist like they hurt you? You’ve been hurt by a narcissist and you want to hurt them back. That’s understandable. You want to turn the tables and beat them at their own game. You want to piss them off, get your revenge, and break them like they tried to break you. Or perhaps you’ve been watching on as a narcissist has controlled and manipulated one of your friends or loved ones and you wish to destroy them and drive them away. That’s understandable too. The desire to right the wrongs that have been done to you or someone you care for is often felt very strongly. You ..read more
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