Analog Input value is different (A0~A3)
Electro-Smith » Arduino
by Ray
1M ago
I wonder why analog input values are different for each terminal. I connected the 10k potentiometer from ADC1 to ADC4 respectively and the code was written as below. As ADC1 can read value changes in the range of 0-65535, therefore there is no problem with electronic component connection, so I wonder why ADC1 and the rest of the values are output in different ranges. emphasized text```arduino #include “DaisyDuino.h” DaisyHardware hw; size_t num_channels; float analog_value0; float analog_value1; float analog_value2; float analog_value3 more
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Really basic question, how can i use a pot to control the seed example sketches?
Electro-Smith » Arduino
by elldawg
1M ago
Total noob I want to control the seed example file using a potentiometer. I have one on pin A0, the only example that seems to use a pot is the oscillator one but I can’t figure out how to use a pot to control a filter instead of the LFO in the example sketches. I tried copying that portion of the oscillator sketch to the Moog filter sketch. why doesn’t it work? (all the lfo stuff is still there) I get no sound. // Title: moogladder // Description: Sweeps the cutoff with an lfo // Hardware: Daisy Seed // Author: Ben Sergentanis #include "DaisyDuino.h" DaisyHardware hw; size_t num_channels more
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Access DACs using DaisyDuino
Electro-Smith » Arduino
by leheltorok
3M ago
Greetings everyone, I am playing around with the seed using DaisyDuino and want to output audio on the DACs instead of the audio outputs. The only example I found donig this is the Lfo code for Patch but I cannot figure out how to apply this to other codes. I understand that “DaisyHardware patch;” has to be initialized in order to get access to PIN_PATCH_CV_1 and PIN_PATCH_CV_2 (on pin 29 and 30) but I don’t know how send the signal there instead of “out[chn][i] = sig;” for example. Could anyone help me out with this and explain how to initialize and use the DACs as an output? Thank you in adv more
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Arduino: How to use 512k Ram area for program space?
Electro-Smith » Arduino
by cebersp
3M ago
Hi, how can I get the Arduino Ide to offer to upload with the bootloader to use the 512k Ram space for larger programs? Thanks a lot! Christof 5 posts - 2 participants Read full topic more
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How to use 512k Ram area for program space?
Electro-Smith » Arduino
by cebersp
4M ago
Hi, how can I get the Arduino Ide to offer to upload with the bootloader to use the 512k Ram space for larger programs? Thanks a lot! Christof 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic more
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Trigger ADSR Example via Midi
Electro-Smith » Arduino
by Philoop
5M ago
How to? My code is not working. // Title: adsr // Description: Triangle wave controlled by adsr envelope // Hardware: Daisy Seed // Author: Ben Sergentanis #include "DaisyDuino.h" #include <MIDI.h> MIDI_CREATE_DEFAULT_INSTANCE(); #include <MIDI.h> DaisyHardware hw; size_t num_channels; Adsr env; Oscillator osc; Metro tick; bool gate; byte note; void MyCallback(float **in, float **out, size_t size) { float osc_out, env_out, ea; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { // When the metro ticks, trigger the envelope to start. /*if (tick.Process()) { gate = !gat more
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Trigger ADSR Examole via Midi
Electro-Smith » Arduino
by Philoop
5M ago
How to? My code is not working. // Title: adsr // Description: Triangle wave controlled by adsr envelope // Hardware: Daisy Seed // Author: Ben Sergentanis #include "DaisyDuino.h" #include <MIDI.h> MIDI_CREATE_DEFAULT_INSTANCE(); #include <MIDI.h> DaisyHardware hw; size_t num_channels; Adsr env; Oscillator osc; Metro tick; bool gate; byte note; void MyCallback(float **in, float **out, size_t size) { float osc_out, env_out, ea; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { // When the metro ticks, trigger the envelope to start. /*if (tick.Process()) { gate = !gat more
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How to trigger the Adsr example with midi
Electro-Smith » Arduino
by Philoop
5M ago
(topic deleted by author) 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic more
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Trigger the Adsr example with midi
Electro-Smith » Arduino
by Philoop
5M ago
(topic deleted by author) 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic more
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Persistent Storage freezing daisy
Electro-Smith » Arduino
by Introwerks
8M ago
Hello im trying to use persistent storage to store some settings but it keeps freezing my daisy here’s a basic example I tried to build by looking at the header cause I cant find any other examples on how to implement it. #include <DaisyDuino.h> // Define a struct for your settings struct MySettings { int myValue; float anotherValue; // Add a comparison operator for the PersistentStorage to use bool operator!=(const MySettings& other) const { return myValue != other.myValue || anotherValue != other.anotherValue; } }; // Instantiate QSPIHandle QSPIHandle qspi; // Cr more
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