Extending the life of a cheap aluminium greenhouse
Garden And Gossip Forums » Greenhouse/polytunnel chat
by doublyjonah
3M ago
Hi all, I'm wondering if you could offer any advice for nursing my greenhouse along. It's made of aluminium supports (flat gray metal, not the green tubes) and polycarbonate glazing. It's about six years old. It no longer has any plastic in the roof after recent storms. The plastic sheets are very brittle at this point and my plan to brace them with greenhouse tape and bamboo stakes or similar will not work. The screws/bolts are all rusted, making them difficult but presumably not impossible to tighten.  I hate plastic waste, but I guess that is my only option at the moment. I'm thinking ..read more
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Greenhouse Shelving
Garden And Gossip Forums » Greenhouse/polytunnel chat
by Scarlet
4M ago
Happy New Year all - apologies for the radio silence. Age is creeping up on me and using my phone for all online stuff has been proving difficult. May have to bite the bullet and get something with a bigger screen Anyway - greenhouse No1. Is already full. No2 I usually plant in the beds and thats it... but I would like to use the space for some more seedlings except the sides are slanted. I had this GH for free years ago. I dont know what make it is.  Any ideas on shelving solutions for slanted walls? I can use the back apex wall but I usually grow something up that. So would prefer to ..read more
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RIP temporary tunnel
Garden And Gossip Forums » Greenhouse/polytunnel chat
by Small chilli
8M ago
That’s the end of that then.   20231019_101501_Original.jpeg (Size: 412.23 KB / Downloads: 5) We removed the cover completely. Secured everything as much as I could. Plants, seeds & cuttings are just going to have to take their chances ..read more
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Pollytunnel shelving
Garden And Gossip Forums » Greenhouse/polytunnel chat
by Small chilli
8M ago
Have any of you made hanging or fixed shelves for your pollytunnel? If so how and what with?  I'm thinking of shortening the blow away and cover it with insect mesh.  To cover the brassica bed.  Hopefully have shelves running down each side I could have my strawberry plants in their as well ..read more
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Green fly in my greenhouse already!
Garden And Gossip Forums » Greenhouse/polytunnel chat
by Scarlet
1y ago
I bough some mint plants at a plant fair about a month ago.... it had lots if white fly on it, washed them off and split them up to make extra plants. Its the variegated variety which I haven't got. I've been very vigilant on what plants I've brought in but this morning I've spied a couple of green fly.   Now what to do - i've squished the half dozen i could see. They are all around the mint. They have gone out....but the greenfly were on some tomato plants that were next to it. Im tempted to sacrifice these black cherry toms...  I really don't want to battle with a ton of gre ..read more
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Growing indoors with greater success?
Garden And Gossip Forums » Greenhouse/polytunnel chat
by doublyjonah
1y ago
Hi all, I'm trying to focus my efforts more on things that we really like to eat and use a lot of. Of course, we are deeply impractical and use lots of things that are not happy growing outside for the most part - tomatoes, peppers, etc. I have a small polycarbonate GH (6x6 ft, I think) in my back garden, situated on the patio in the shade of the garage. Yes, I know. It's adequate for starting seeds but it not ideal for growing the things I'd like to grow. I was hoping you can help me add to/refine my list of ideas for improving my tomato growing (as a general placeholder for many warmth and ..read more
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Wat chall growing in the greenhouse/polytunnel over winter.
Garden And Gossip Forums » Greenhouse/polytunnel chat
by Vinny
1y ago
Thread brought on by a mention in another thread of growing spring cabbage over winter in greenhouse. Personally I have grown garlic,broad beans and cabbages over winter in the past. I need some inspiration (and please don't say boring lettuce) for what to grow in a greenhouse with lots of panes of glass missing over winter this year ..read more
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A new friend...
Garden And Gossip Forums » Greenhouse/polytunnel chat
by toomanytommytoes
1y ago
I've been trying to save lots of sweet pepper seed this year, which requires something like organza bags to isolate the flowers and prevent cross pollination. Just yesterday I was taking one of the bags off and noticed a lot of these red larvae underneath a few of the leaves. One of the problems with bagging a plant is any pests on the leaves under the bag will proliferate with wild abandon. As is the case with hot summers, aphids have been a problem in the greenhouse and it seems they had been having a party under the organza bag, until a helpful friend turned up.  This year in the ..read more
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What can be in an unheated greenhouse?
Garden And Gossip Forums » Greenhouse/polytunnel chat
by Proserpina
2y ago
I've never had a greenhouse before and don't really know what can be out there at different times of the year. However, my dining room table (by south facing french doors) can't take any more seedlings so I could really do with moving things either to the greenhouse or outside as soon as possible. My dining room has the heating turned off, but does get warm during the day because of the big windows. I have: Onions (Red Baron, Ailsa Craig, Welsh Bunching) Leeks (not many - had rubbish germination) Cabbages Lettuce/salad mixes (have a container of salad in the greenhouse now, but that was ..read more
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Summer house ideas
Garden And Gossip Forums » Greenhouse/polytunnel chat
by SarrissUK
2y ago
We have a little summer house at the moment - it's kind of an odd shape with a permanent opening. It's a bit ramshackle to be honest, and Jay has his heart set on a new summer house with sliding or opening glass doors along most of the length of the 'rectangle' facing the house, and thus also the afternoon/evening sun. We will draw electric into it, probably also have the existing solar panels set up on the roof, which needs to slope backwards towards the back of the garden, if that makes sense. I'd quite a little sink of some kind put in, but not sure about rules around the waste. Have you ..read more
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