#Dreadtober 2023 – Redemptor
Stepping Between Games
by thousandeyes
8M ago
It is here again…. Dreadtober! Some call it Orktober and relish in the carnage of unleashing the green hordes. But for me it is Dreadtober through and through. The aim of Dreadtober is to over the course of October build, base and paint a dreadnought (or similar sized beastie). The main site for this is linked above and helps track everyone’s progress so we can encourage each other and enjoy the clanking menaces. On Stepping Between Games we have been taking part of Dreadtober since 2016, although I missed 2021 it seems. You can check back on all these posts with the Dreadtober tag. My plan ..read more
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Warhammer 40K 10th Edition Hot Takes
Stepping Between Games
by thousandeyes
10M ago
We have Tom Paints Stuff back with a piece on the start of 10th. The inimitable Thousandeyes asked me casually for my take on 10th edition 40k. I’ve had the chance to play about seven games now since the rules and points dropped, and like all good gamers this is more than enough time for me to have OPINIONS. So here we go, my hot takes after a half dozen games of 10th edition: Less Strats = More fun. Oh boy, this is a big one.  In 9th edition an Ultramarine army had 41 stratagems to pick from. That was including the handful in the core rulebook, and their bloated codex. Now they have 17 ..read more
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Bam Paints Stuff: Eldar Wraiths
Stepping Between Games
by Bam Paints Stuff
1y ago
In this post Bam Paints Stuff starts a series about getting back into the hobby and his Eldar. Introductions I have been out of the hobby for around 5 years and have done zero painting in that time. A friend set up a narrative gaming channel, and suddenly, I was extremely keen to get back into it. I have always loved the Eldar models, and seeing the work coming out of the recent GDs, it got me keen to actually complete an entire army for once! I am not a competitive player, but I used to like playing, and I love painting. I didn’t want a simple scheme or style as I am at heart, a masochis ..read more
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Having fun in Warhammer 40K
Stepping Between Games
by thousandeyes
1y ago
Warhammer 40k* is a complex and challenging game that can be incredibly rewarding for those who take the time to learn its intricacies. However, it’s important to remember that at its core, Warhammer 40k is a game, and games are meant to be fun! In this post, we’ll explore why having fun is so crucial when playing Warhammer 40k, and offer some tips for how to keep the fun factor high. First and foremost, Warhammer 40k is a hobby, and hobbies should be enjoyable. Whether you’re a casual player or a hardcore tournament-goer, you should be having fun when you sit down to play. If you’re not havin ..read more
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12 Things to know before you start painting minis
Stepping Between Games
by Colm Lundberg
1y ago
I originally got into Warhammer when I was a teen, collecting White Dwarf in the late 1980s, playing 1st edition 40k, Epic, and Fantasy Battle. I favoured RPGs and board games as time went by, somewhat unable to keep up with the cost of wargaming, both in time and money. Over the last few years, I have happily ventured down the rabbit hole again, leaning mostly, but not solely, into 40k. I started painting during COVID, when time seemed more available, if somewhat surreal! It seemed an ideal lockdown project and allowed me space to exclude the perpetual background noise of anxiety, even just f ..read more
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Dreadtober 2022: Part 1
Stepping Between Games
by thousandeyes
1y ago
We are back once again for Dreadtober 2022. This is a community building challenge, held over at DreadTober.  Hosted by Marc from Old School Gaming who brings together all the entries he can find for people to view. The idea is simple, get a Dreadnought sized model and get it put together, painted and ready to play across the month. It is completely where I took the idea for Squaduary from. Now lets dive into my entry for this year. Chaos for Dreadtober 2022 As is my want I chose a Chaos Dreadnought for this ear, in particular one more for my Iron Warriors. This time taking a lucky find ..read more
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Battletech – Inner Sphere Direct Fire Lance
Stepping Between Games
by thousandeyes
2y ago
Battletech. It has always been something I have been aware of in gaming, both on the table top and on PC/XBox. Anyone who knows me or has followed this site or my Instagram knows I have a real fondness for giant robots. Battletech personifies that! Catalyst Game Labs are the current holders of the license and, to my eyes, are doing wonderful things with it. There is a small, thriving and growing scene of Battletech in Ireland. One of those band of mech enthusiasts, Mark, recently gifted me the Inner Sphere Direct Fire Lance*. These are a group of Mechs that like to get in your face and rather ..read more
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Squaduary 2022: A late start
Stepping Between Games
by thousandeyes
2y ago
Welcome to February and Squaduary 2022! Sadly last year I didn’t run the event and that was down to my own mental health. But I 100% planned to run it this year, then completely forgot until I saw Siph from WeeMen had their entry up and running. Well that is all on me to catch up then. Squaduary runs through the month of February and aims to help people get a new squad built and painted. Throughout the month you pledge, build and paint a set of troops for your army. The aim is to get some of your grey plastic pile and turn them into painted troops on the battlefield. Some models may have been ..read more
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Tyranids – In defence of the humble Lictor
Stepping Between Games
by thousandeyes
2y ago
For this post we have Tom_PaintsStuff and his ideas of how good Lictors are and how to use them.  Tom: “I’ve been playing Warhammer since the first 2nd ed set came out. Man I’m old. In between ranting about army lists I’ve designed, I then impulsively build those armies, play them, and find out my dreams don’t match reality. Competitive player, who is nonetheless terrible at the game. Catch me on the mid to low tables. In between obsessively painting, and losing at 40k, you’ll find me running events. I started the national tournament scene in China, and now act as a TO for hire in the Lon ..read more
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Legion of the Damned – Tutorial
Stepping Between Games
by thousandeyes
2y ago
Few things evoke more imagery to me in the Warhammer 40K universe than the Legion Of The Damned. So when I was looking through my Instagram account when I came across Legionnaire Minis. They have a wonderful paint style and have applied it a number of stunning Legion of the Damned minis. My own take on the Legion has been crossed with Custodes and went in a different direction… View this post on Instagram A post shared by @legionnaire_minis They were kind enough to allow me to put up the tutorial of how to achieve a look similar to this as well. So he sent me along some pictures and text ..read more
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