Maximising Gains: The Stretch Component in Strength Training
Stack House Gym Blog
by Kirsty Bolukbasi
1M ago
When it comes to staying fit, strength training is essential for achieving overall health and physical performance. While many people focus on lifting heavy weights and building muscle, the importance of stretching is often underestimated. Adding intentional stretching to your strength training routine can offer numerous benefits that go beyond just building muscle. Let's explore why incorporating stretching into your strength training is key and how it can take your fitness goals to the next level. Improved Flexibility and Mobility Including stretching in your strength training routine helps more
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Navigating the World of Processed Foods: Hacks to Make Healthier Choices
Stack House Gym Blog
by Kirsty Bolukbasi
2M ago
In today's fast-paced world, convenience often takes precedence over nutrition when it comes to food selection. Processed foods, known for their long shelf life and convenience, have become a dietary staple for many. However, the increased consumption of processed foods has been associated with various health issues, including obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. While avoiding processed foods entirely may seem daunting, there are several strategies and tips to help you make healthier choices and prioritise whole, nutritious foods in your diet. What is processed food? Before delving into str more
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5 protein packed breakfast ideas
Stack House Gym Blog
by Kirsty Bolukbasi
3M ago
Protein, often hailed as the building block of life, plays a pivotal role in our overall health and well-being. Whether you're an athlete striving for peak performance or an individual aiming for sustained energy throughout the day, ensuring an adequate intake of protein is essential. However, its significance becomes even more pronounced when we consider the breakfast meal. Breakfast, famously touted as the most important meal of the day, sets the tone for our metabolism and energy levels. Incorporating protein into this meal offers a myriad of benefits that can positively impact our health a more
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8 challenges to be aware of when beginning your fitness journey
Stack House Gym Blog
by Kirsty Bolukbasi
4M ago
Embarking on a weight loss journey presents its challenges, encompassing factors like dietary choices, portion control, exercise, stress, sleep, and overall lifestyle. It's easy to make missteps that impede progress, however, there's no need for discouragement. To enhance your weight loss efforts, we're dissecting eight prevalent mistakes to help guide you effectively. Caloric Imbalance Contrary to the misconception that less eating equals more weight loss, it's vital to strike a balance. Your body requires a specific calorie intake to function optimally. Mindful eating, which involves paying more
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Transform Your Life: Building a Healthier You in 21 Days
Stack House Gym Blog
by Kirsty Bolukbasi
6M ago
Embarking on a journey to a healthier and fitter lifestyle doesn't require drastic changes overnight. Instead, it's about cultivating habits that stand the test of time. Research suggests that it takes approximately 21 days to form a habit. In this article, we'll explore how you can create a 21-day habit in fitness and lifestyle, paving the way for a healthier and more vibrant you. Week 1: Lay the Foundation Set Clear Goals: Begin by defining your fitness and lifestyle goals. Whether it's losing weight, building muscle, improving flexibility, or reducing stress, having specific objectives w more
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Warm-up workout that you can incorporate into your routine!
Stack House Gym Blog
by Kirsty Bolukbasi
7M ago
Embarking on a fitness journey is not just about breaking a sweat; it's a commitment to nurturing your body, optimising performance, and safeguarding against injuries. The science behind warming up and enhancing mobility holds the key to unlocking your body's full potential. The importance of a well-crafted warm-up and mobility routine should never be underestimated. Here's a simple yet effective mobility and warm-up workout that you can incorporate into your routine. This routine is designed to increase joint mobility, flexibility, and blood flow to prepare your body for more intense physical more
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Unlocking the Power of Exercise
Stack House Gym Blog
by Kirsty Bolukbasi
7M ago
Unlocking the Power of Exercise: Transforming Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, and More Exercise is not just about shedding a few pounds or sculpting your physique. It's a holistic remedy that can positively impact multiple aspects of your health, including cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, glucose regulation, and a host of other health conditions. In this article, we'll explore the remarkable benefits of exercise and how it can transform your health, not just physically, but internally as well.   Cholesterol   High cholesterol levels, particularly elevated LDL (bad) cholesterol more
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Benefits of Attending Exercise Classes
Stack House Gym Blog
by Kirsty Bolukbasi
1y ago
We often think of the gym as a solo adventure. Whether that’s lifting weights or putting in miles on the treadmill, it often gets categorised as something that we do separately from one another. However, with the advent of group training classes, there has been a shift away from the gym being a place where a person exercises singularly among a crowd, and instead is fast becoming a space where not only can a person choose to exercise individually, but can also exercise as part of a group instead. Classes Provide an Inclusive Exercise Environment At Stack House Gym we try to make sure we offer more
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Resistance Machines for Beginners
Stack House Gym Blog
by Kirsty Bolukbasi
2y ago
Stack House Gym in Westcliff When it comes to weight training, resistance machines are a really place to start. Nothing can replace the all round strength building quality of a free weight compound movement however, working on resistance machines when you’re a beginner can be a really good way of building a foundation of strength in a safer way. Beginners can learn the basic principles involved in movement patterns, build your confidence in the gym and help you extend a gym session with significantly lower injury risks. Here we will discuss the way resistance machines can be incorporated into more
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When It Comes To Exercise, Different People Get Different Results
Stack House Gym Blog
by Kirsty Bolukbasi
2y ago
When It Comes To Exercise, Different People Get Different Results It may or may not be common knowledge but there is no one-size-fits-all approach to exercise. Two people of the same body composition doing the same workouts for the same period of time may get very different results. One person might work hard in the gym for months without much progress, while their training buddy gets stronger in each session. People’s physiques react differently and most of us probably expect that when we begin a new walking, jogging or weight-training programme with our training partners, we will progress at more
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