What Exactly is a Runner’s High?
Steel Supplements Blog
by Dr. Paul Henning
2d ago
If you've ever felt a surge of euphoria after going for a run, you're not alone. This phenomenon, known as 'the runner's high', is a natural response that can make people who don't even like to run feel invincible. The search for the neurobiological causes of the runner’s high has fascinated scientists and laymen for the past decades. A runner’s high is defined as an emotional state during or after endurance training characterized by reduced pain sensitivity, sedation, euphoria, and eased anxiety. Some have also emphasized a lost sense of time and feelings of effortlessness. Research has hist ..read more
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5 Ways to Improve your VO2 Max
Steel Supplements Blog
by Matt Colletta
3w ago
Optimized VO₂ max is key to enhancing aerobic endurance and overall athletic performance. By implementing effective training strategies and adopting a balanced approach to nutrition and recovery, individuals can optimize their VO₂ max and take their fitness to the next level. This article explores the best ways to improve VO₂ max and achieve peak performance. What is VO2 Max? VO₂ max, or maximal oxygen uptake, is a measure of the maximum amount of oxygen that an individual can utilize during intense exercise. It is a key indicator of aerobic endurance and cardiovascular fitness. It is also a w ..read more
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Research Finds Key Nutrients Missing in the Brains of Alzheimer's Patients
Steel Supplements Blog
by Dr. Paul Henning
3w ago
Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disease estimated to affect six million Americans and thirty-three million people worldwide. One of the big issues is the lack of diagnosis in people with Alzheimer’s disease because it prevents early intervention and therapy in these patients. Pathologic hallmarks in the brain are extracellular amyloid-β deposits and intracellular tangles of tau filaments, inflammation, and atrophy(1).   Alzheimer’s disease is a multifactorial process which essentially increases oxidative stress and correlates with cognitive impairment(2). Current m ..read more
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Should You Drink Protein Shakes on Rest Days?
Steel Supplements Blog
by Matt Colletta
3w ago
Protein shakes are a popular supplement among athletes, strength and muscle builders, and fitness enthusiasts due to their ability to support muscle repair, growth, and overall performance. While many people associate protein shakes with post-workout recovery, they can also be beneficial on rest days when the routine high-protein diet should be maintained. After all, daily protein requirements are not only for training days. In fact, consuming protein shakes on non-workout days can play a crucial role in muscle recovery and maintenance, ensuring that you're ready to perform at your best when y ..read more
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Does Yoga Help with Scoliosis?
Steel Supplements Blog
by Matt Colletta
1M ago
Scoliosis is a condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide with varying degrees of severity. Many individuals seek complementary therapies to alleviate discomfort and improve quality of life. Yoga, with its focus on posture, flexibility, and isometric strength, is often considered a beneficial practice for individuals with scoliosis. In this article we investigate the potential benefits of yoga for scoliosis, focusing on how specific yoga poses and practices can help improve posture, strengthen muscles, and enhance overall well-being. What is Scoliosis? Scoliosis is a medical cond ..read more
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How Brainwaves During Sleep Influence Glucose Regulation in the Body
Steel Supplements Blog
by Dr. Paul Henning
1M ago
Diabetes—a condition of marked glucose dysregulation—is a major cause of death globally. The World Health Organization estimates that over 420 million people are suffering from the condition, which carries a direct societal cost of $760 billion each year. These preventable mortality and financial costs are projected to increase markedly over the next decade(1). Evidence demonstrated that one causal factor impairing blood glucose equilibrium is insufficient sleep(2). Both acute and chronic partial sleep restriction, including non-rapid eye movement (NREM) slow-wave sleep, impair glucose toleran ..read more
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Benefits of Eating Locally Grown Foods for Athletes
Steel Supplements Blog
by Matt Colletta
1M ago
In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on the importance of consuming locally grown foods for both health and environmental reasons. This trend is particularly relevant to athletes and fitness enthusiasts, who often prioritize optimal nutrition to support their active lifestyles. Eating locally grown foods, which are typically fresher and more nutrient-dense, can offer numerous benefits to individuals seeking to enhance their athletic performance and overall well-being. Fruits and vegetables that are picked before they are fully ripe may not have developed their full nutrient conte ..read more
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Morosil Blood Orange Extract for Weight Loss Guide
Steel Supplements Blog
by Matt Colletta
1M ago
Morosil blood orange extract has garnered attention lately for its potential role in weight management. Derived from the unique Moro blood orange variety grown in the Mediterranean Basin, Morosil is rich in antioxidants and bioactive compounds that may offer benefits for those looking to shed excess pounds. This guide explores the science behind Morosil's weight loss properties, how to incorporate it into your diet, and what to consider before adding it to your weight loss regimen. Morosil and its Origins Morosil is a commercial name for a supplement derived from the juice of a specific varie ..read more
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Why You Might Need a Brain Detox
Steel Supplements Blog
by Matt Colletta
1M ago
In recent years, the concept of a “brain detox” has gained popularity in wellness circles to improve cognitive function and overall brain health. But what exactly is a brain detox, and why might you need it? This article explores the concept of a brain detox, discussing what it entails and the potential benefits it may offer. What is a Brain Detox? “Brain detox” is a term often used to describe a process or series of actions aimed at cleansing or rejuvenating the brain. It's important to note that this term is not scientifically recognized or well-defined in mainstream medical or scientific li ..read more
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How to Prevent Shin Splints when Running
Steel Supplements Blog
by Matt Colletta
1M ago
Shin splints, or medial tibial stress syndrome, are common running injuries that are often a painful condition that can affect athletes and active individuals. They occur when the muscles and tendons surrounding the shinbone become inflamed due to repetitive stress or overuse. While shin splints can be frustrating, the good news is that they are typically preventable with the right approach. In this article, we’ll explain what causes shin splints, and we will discuss some effective strategies for preventing shin splints, including proper stretching, strengthening exercises, and training techni ..read more
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