Pretty dragons at my local PetSmart ?
Reddit » Bearded Dragons
by /u/VeterinarianOk6487
3d ago
submitted by /u/VeterinarianOk6487 [visit reddit] [comments more
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Trying to tame my dragon
Reddit » Bearded Dragons
by /u/Wrong_Drive4037
3d ago
I’ve had my dragon for a little over a month and he still won’t allow me to touch him/her. I’ve been feeding him/her on my bed while I sit next to him/her. He/she will eat out of my hands with no issues. The enclosure is open with a branch that spans from the front of the enclosure to the foot of my bed. He/she will run up to me and then jump over my arm/ leg. I allow him/her to come in and out of the enclosure when it wants to. Is there anything I can do differently to help with the trusting process? submitted by /u/Wrong_Drive4037 [visit reddit] [comments more
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In memory of my dearest Kong
Reddit » Bearded Dragons
by /u/louiezzzlu
3d ago
May 17th 2024, a cloudy afternoon, my dearest friend Kong, passed away peacefully in my chest. His final resting place, is a little wood coffen, under blossom Lilac tree of my back yard. Kong is a tough guy, a fighter. In his last moments, he struggled to get up a few times. I held him in my chest, felt his last breath. My heart is completely broken. I am still in terrilbe pain. I am writing this with tears in my eyes. Sometimes I woke up in the morning, believing he is still just sleeping in the pillow next to me. As a miserable hooman, I have to move on with Kong in my heart forever. Wh more
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Girl gave me a heart attack!
Reddit » Bearded Dragons
by /u/Intelligent_Pitch260
3d ago
Had her laying on my chest as I played on the couch watching TV after work this morning and accidentally fell asleep. When I woke up she was no where to be found! After almost an hour of searching I gave up and started to get ready to go back to work. when I walked into the laundry room she was just chilling in the middle of the floor (I searched tht room 3x looking for her) now she's mad that she's back in her enclosure under her heat lamp (apartment is kinda chilly today). Side note, I know hammocks aren't really recommended but she demands one. I will get bit if I remove it, and she w more
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Reddit » Bearded Dragons
by /u/cassidyfr
3d ago
submitted by /u/cassidyfr [visit reddit] [comments more
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New Bearded Mom! Help me perfect my set-up?
Reddit » Bearded Dragons
by /u/-nitemare047-
3d ago
New Bearded Mom! Help me perfect my set-up? Hello everyone! My fiance and I are new owners of a baby male bearded dragon, and would appreciate any advice or critiques on our set-up. His adoption into our family wasn't planned, which isn't ideal I know, but here we are! We take pet ownership very seriously, and want to ensure that George is getting the best possible care. Here's the set up and current routine Tank/Lighting/Heating - 50 gallon tank (we are planning on upgrading to a front open 120g terrarium when he gets bigger) - 1 10.0 tubular UVB light - 1 150w ZooMed heat lamp - 1 under the more
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Bearded Dragons suddenly died
Reddit » Bearded Dragons
by /u/Lazy-Bicycle1260
3d ago
4 years ago, my sister and I both got bearded dragons from the pet store. At the time, we weren’t aware of how awful the animals are treated or all the reasons you should not purchase animals from chain / pet stores. A month ago my girl died. She was fine the night before, and when I came home in the morning she was lying on the floor of her tank in a pool of blood with her beard entirely black. Today, I got home from work and thought my sister’s had died too. I am holding him now as he’s dying. His right eye has dried blood and I’m pretty sure his mouth does too. Every minute or so he takes more
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Meet sushi
Reddit » Bearded Dragons
by /u/VeterinarianOk6487
3d ago
submitted by /u/VeterinarianOk6487 [visit reddit] [comments more
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Does my baby bearded dragon have Tail rot? He was just in shed pic for reference.
Reddit » Bearded Dragons
by /u/Gracie4200
3d ago
submitted by /u/Gracie4200 [visit reddit] [comments more
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Am I doing this right?
Reddit » Bearded Dragons
by /u/LurkWriter
3d ago
Hello everyone. I usually just lurk Reddit but I'm getting a bit worried about my new beardie. So I work at a stinky retail pet shop (gross, I know, I want out) and one day we got a shipment of some new bearded dragons. After I acclimated them and brought them to their enclosures, most were acting normal, except for the smallest one, who would jump on my hand and refuse to leave it whenever I cleaned the enclosure and checked the dragons. Management was getting "concerned" about this dragon's attachment to me since he did not like other customers, so since I had a spare enclosure lying around more
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