Go toward the Miracle
Becoming Whole
by Regeneration Ministries
2M ago
As we gather to honor a significant landmark, our 300th episode, I'm filled with gratitude for you, our loyal listeners, whose footsteps have journeyed alongside mine in this quest of faith and healing.  Today's episode centers on the inspiring account of Jairus from Luke 8, a narrative that resonates deeply for those entwined in the arduous struggle for sexual integrity.  Through his story, we find the strength to envision a life untethered from the chains of our battles, and we celebrate the triumph of belief over the shadows of fear. I am humbled to share this episode with you a ..read more
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When Do I Disclose My Struggles to Someone I'm Dating
Becoming Whole
by Regeneration Ministries
3M ago
Have you ever felt like your past is a maze that complicates your journey toward love? We understand that sharing the deepest corners of your heart, marked by trauma and past missteps, can be a treacherous path to tread in the world of dating.  Today, we address a question from a listener about when and how to unveil your history to someone you’re dating.  It's a fine line between guarding your heart and being transparent with a potential partner and pacing this disclosure is key to building trust and fostering a healthy relationship.  We shed light on the wisdom of seeking c ..read more
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This Is Actually Pointing to That
Becoming Whole
by Regeneration Ministries
3M ago
Embark on a profound journey with us to understand how our deepest physical desires mirror an intrinsic longing for spiritual union. Our latest conversation unravels the mystery behind our sexuality, guiding you to discover how the yearning for intimacy transcends mere human connection and points toward communion with God. Throughout this episode, we discuss the sacredness of our bodies and the divine intention in our design. This isn't just about understanding our physical impulses—it's about aligning them with a higher purpose and walking the path towards sexual integrity and ultimately, a l ..read more
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When You're Afraid To Tell Your Wife the Truth, Part 3 - Healthy Check-Ins
Becoming Whole
by Regeneration Ministries
4M ago
Embark with us on an intimate expedition into the dynamics of healing after the storm of sexual addiction and betrayal trauma. As we unravel the threads of recovery dialogue between partners, we'll equip you with the strategies for conducting meaningful check-ins charting a course through the rough waters of rebuilding trust.  In a space set apart from the everyday, you’ll discover how to foster transparency without oversharing, balance reassurance with accountability, and navigate the delicate dance of communication that is both honest and compassionate.  Let this episode be a beac ..read more
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When You're Afraid to Tell Your Wife the Whole Truth, Part 2 - Her Trauma
Becoming Whole
by Regeneration Ministries
4M ago
 In the previous episode, we delved into the delicate topic of how to address disclosing sexual sins to your spouse when fear and relational brokenness come into play. We discussed the importance of working through your own fears and the impact of relational brokenness on your perception.  Today, we'll explore the trauma experienced by the spouse on the receiving end of such revelations. We'll address the concept of betrayal trauma and its profound impact on a spouse's sense of reality and trust. We'll also touch on the process of disclosure and the vital role of being an ally in ea ..read more
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Sexual Integrity and Healing
Becoming Whole
by Regeneration Ministries
4M ago
Growing up in the shadow of my parents' divorce, I found myself seeking validation in all the wrong places. As we unravel the threads of childhood wounds and their influence on adult behaviors, particularly sexual integrity, this episode is a candid reflection on the often unconscious quest for self-worth.  We discuss the intricate process of healing memories and the profound impact this journey can have on our lives, looking closely at how negative experiences and familial relationships can lead to sexual compulsions. I open up about my personal battles and how the false comfort of porn ..read more
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Your Sexuality is meant to be a Gift
Becoming Whole
by Regeneration Ministries
5M ago
Could the path to true sexual integrity be less about prohibition and more about understanding our design as beings created to give?  Join us as we unravel a fresh perspective on sexual purity—one that aligns with our innermost nature and calls us to live as selfless gifts to others. This episode is a  journey into the essence of sexual integrity, challenging the common notion that it's just about rule adherence. Instead, it's about mirroring the selfless love of Jesus and transforming our desires into blessings for those around us. We're not simply avoiding temptation; we're learni ..read more
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We Need Apocalypse
Becoming Whole
by Regeneration Ministries
5M ago
In this episode Josh delves into the concept of apocalypse, not as the end of the world, but as a revelation and unveiling of deeper truths. Relating the concept to ancient literary genres and pop culture references, Josh explores the idea that our current world is concealing important realities, particularly in the realm of sexuality.  Drawing parallels between spiritual apocalypses and societal patterns, he emphasizes the need for a revelation to break free from distorted views on sex, procreation, and gender.  This exploration is not merely academic; it's a quest that deepens our ..read more
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Letting Jesus Touch Your Shame
Becoming Whole
by Regeneration Ministries
5M ago
Do you ever feel that parts of your life are too dirty or shameful to reveal? If we are honest there are challenging aspects of our sexual stories that we often prefer to keep in the shadows.  We all carry struggles and pains, but what if we could turn them towards Jesus for healing and restoration?  As we reflect upon the story of the leper, a man considered unclean and cast out, we are reminded of Jesus's willingness to touch and cleanse him. This calls us to bring all parts of our stories into the light, embracing the promise of healing and freedom. Want us to talk about a spec ..read more
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You will be hungry
Becoming Whole
by Regeneration Ministries
6M ago
Does becoming a Christian mean you've unlocked the key to full satisfaction in life?  Let's explore that myth together.  Our longing for God is infinite, and we won't find full satisfaction in this fallen world until we meet Jesus face to face.  In this episode, we uncover a common error that may be holding you back from becoming whole. Recognizing your hunger for God can lead to true freedom and sexual integrity.  We discuss how accepting our infinite thirst can keep us on course towards God and His kingdom, instead of being misled by fleeting earthly desires.  &nb ..read more
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