Rate And Discuss: 73 Yards
by Philipnet
5d ago
Landing on the Welsh coast, the Doctor and Ruby embark on the strangest journey of their lives In a rain-lashed pub, the locals sit in fear of ancient legends coming to life Enid: Witchcraft is a very strong word ..read more
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Rate And Discuss: Space Babies
by Philip J Ludlam (Admin Account)
2w ago
Ruby learns the Doctor's amazing secrets when he takes her to the far future There, they find a baby farm run by babies But can they be saved from the terrifying bogeyman ..read more
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Rate And Discuss: The Church on Ruby Road - Christmas 2023
by Philip J Ludlam (Admin Account)
5M ago
Long ago on Christmas Eve, a baby was abandoned in the snow Today, Ruby Sunday meets the Doctor, stolen babies, goblins and perhaps the secret of her birth ..read more
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Rate And Discuss: Wild Blue Yonder - 60th Anniversary Special 2
by Philipnet
6M ago
The TARDIS takes the Doctor and Donna to the furthest edge of adventure To escape, they must face the most desperate fight of their lives, with the fate of the universe at stake ..read more
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Rate And Discuss: The Star Beast - 60th Anniversary Special 1
by Philipnet
6M ago
The Doctor is caught in a fight to the death as a spaceship crash-lands in London. But as the battle wreaks havoc, destiny is converging on the Doctor’s old friend, Donna ..read more
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60th Anniversary, The Star Beast
by Dirk Gently
6M ago
Well the R.T. has given us the 3 special titles, The Star Beast, Wild Blue Yonder & The Giggle. And Tennent is officially Doctor 14, a completely new regeneration. Are you excited about this Saturday's special? Where do you think this is going continuity wise? Personally I'm looking forward to this; but sadly it should be the end of Donna. :( Only Ma' Noble will be left. Will the old Grey Network make an appearance? Thoughts? P.S. I'm still put out about Jodie regenerating into Tennent & the outfit regenerating too. :tut ..read more
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The Whoniverse Comes To BBC iPlayer 01/11/23
by Dino
7M ago
From 6am tomorrow, 1st of November... The Whoniverse comes to BBC iPlayer! Classic Doctor Who. Doctor Who Confidential. Totally Doctor Who! And apparently "Even more to come". K9&Company. Tales From The TARDIS. A series of omnibus editions of past stories with newly shot linking material. All the Proms shows. All the red button content. Loose Cannon reconstructions? Can't rule anything out. No idea what's going to happen for overseas PS people, sorry. But here's the trailer for it. https://youtu.be/AvbDYtDZk1s?si=oynFM77wOEz7P9Hf "Whoniverse" though. Good grief! :p ..read more
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Season 20 with extra plenty
by Dino
11M ago
No idea when. But Season 20 the next Blu-ray box set. Hours of extra convention interviews. Dozens of studio feeds showing complete takes and retakes. A lot of different versions of The Five Doctors. To be honest, it would mainly be The Five Doctors materials I'd be transfixed by. https://youtu.be/NMgKaTU9-bQ the very good trailer that didn't appear in the box at the top ..read more
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Rate And Discuss: the Power Of The Doctor
by Philipnet
1y ago
Rate And Discuss: the Power Of The Doctor In this feature-length Special to mark her last adventure, Jodie Whittaker’s Thirteenth Doctor must fight for her very existence, against her deadliest enemies: the Daleks, the Cybermen and her arch-nemesis, the Master Who is attacking a speeding bullet train on the edges of a distant galaxy? Why are seismologists going missing from 21st century Earth? Who is defacing some of history’s most iconic paintings? Why is a Dalek trying to make contact with the Doctor? And just what hold does the mesmeric Rasputin have over Tsar Nicholas in 1916 Russia? The ..read more
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The Master
by Leah Betts
1y ago
The Master is Doctor Who's "Emmanuel Goldstein", a mortal enemy that poses no threat whatsoever. "Winston's diaphragm was constricted. He could never see the face of Goldstein without a painful mixture of emotions. It was a lean Jewish face, with a great fuzzy aureole of white hair and a small goatee beard - a clever face, and yet somehow inherently despicable, with a kind of senile silliness in the long thin nose, near the end of which a pair of spectacles was perched. It resembled the face of a sheep, and the voice, too, had a sheep-like quality. Goldstein was delivering his usual venemous ..read more
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