Gorgeous Goosanders
The Lone Kayaker
by rupertkirkwood
2w ago
peek-a-boo Goosander chick I’m not sure why I like Goosanders so much. It might be because I remember the first time I saw this species. It was a family group beside a cold and black Scottish loch, long long ago when I was a little chap with legs like an ash sapling in a pine forest. Or is it because they are a genuinely wild duck? A lot of familiar waterfowl are semi-feral or tame and spend time hanging round in car parks…such as Mallard and Canada Geese, recently joined by Greylag Geese and Mandarins. Goosanders, confusingly known as Common Mergansers across the pond, together with other mem ..read more
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Risso’s, Osprey, Loons, Seals. All before Breakfast.
The Lone Kayaker
by rupertkirkwood
3w ago
Risso’s Incoming! Will and I were on the water near Torquay at 0550 yesterday. Why so appallingly early? For a multitude of reasons: there’s no other cars to jostle with in the car park, no queues for the ticket machine, the wind was due to pick up at 9am, it’s a lovely quiet time of the morning and most importantly the wildlife viewing is often best when the rest of the world is aslumber. Oh, and Will had to get to work. The wildlife sightings did indeed kick off in spectacular fashion. I heard the local gulls start making an appalling racket behind us just as we paddled out to sea. It took a ..read more
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May at it’s Most Magical
The Lone Kayaker
by rupertkirkwood
3w ago
Guillemots Yesterday a couple of members of the Kirkwood family combined like the smoothest of zips to bring to you the best of the Spring wildlife from the coast of South Devon. Henry Kirkwood of henrykirkwoodfilmmaking and Rupert Kirkwood the Lone Kayaker and old geezer in the not too distant future. Although it was essentially sunny the fog came and went in a rather worrying fashion from a heading offshore in a kayak perspective. A monstrous car transporter that was picking up a pilot simply disappeared as a spooky veil of mist enveloped it. I nearly leapt out of my seat when it sounded it ..read more
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Purple Patch
The Lone Kayaker
by rupertkirkwood
1M ago
After a lean couple of months The Lone Kayaker has been in dream-world during the last week. Major wildlife encounters have been coming thick and fast. The gales have abated and even though the weather has not yet sorted itself out into anything you might call spring, it’s a lot better than it has been. Success has partly been down to giving myself a good kick up the backside and turfing out of bed earlier. When it comes to watching otters and beavers that really is appallingly early. But if you can be bothered to get on the water before the first Blackbird breaks into song, you might just ge ..read more
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Wind, Rain, Beavers and Otters
The Lone Kayaker
by rupertkirkwood
1M ago
I’m not a fan of cliches but ‘every cloud has a silver lining’ would sum up the fortunes of the Lone Kayaker’s wildlife adventures over the last few weeks/months. It’s not entirely appropriate, however. I guess for a cloud to have a silver lining it must have some sort of edge. The entire blanket of grey that has stretched from horizon to horizon recently gives no opportunity for any hope of ever seeing anything but drizzle again. There’s nothing remotely resembling a lining. If you are a kayaker who wants to get out into the sea for a bit of fun you do not want to see a weather chart like thi ..read more
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A Day and-a-half of Smooth Sea…Wildlife-spotting Sensation. Including a Blinking Whale!
The Lone Kayaker
by rupertkirkwood
2M ago
Henry Kirkwood Filmmaker, The Lone Kayaker, Puffing Pig 2 and a couple of Common Dolphins (pic: Henry Kirkwood Filmmaking) It came out of nowhere. No sooner had I clicked the ‘publish’ button on my last blog, bemoaning the relentless wind and rain, than a couple of days of calm were forecast. Maybe even with a glimpse of the sun! Maybe even some balmy temperatures that meant I didn’t have to wear two full-length onesies beneath my drysuit! Whaaatt? The rusted cogs of organisation scrunched into action and Henry…Henry Kirkwood wildlife filmmaker…suggested a rendezvous in South Devon with an ITV ..read more
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Complete and Utter Pants
The Lone Kayaker
by rupertkirkwood
2M ago
It is easier to do that thing with the camel, the needle and the eye than find a few hours of calm sea for wildlife-spotting-from-the-kayak over the last few months. Even when the wind does briefly abate, there is enough residual swell from the last storm to make the kayak bounce around so much it could dislodge your fillings. It’s complete and utter pants. It’s not that a lumpy sea is particularly dangerous…in fact for many sea kayakers it is their preferred conditions…it just doesn’t suit my particular branch of the sport. I use a sit-on-top kayak with all my gear, including camera, stowed ..read more
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Bonanza on the Breakwater
The Lone Kayaker
by rupertkirkwood
3M ago
Golden Glow over the Sound Plymouth Sound provides a decent kayak adventure when the open sea remains lumpy and hostile. It is a vast wide-mouthed inlet protected by land on three sides and the extraordinary breakwater, a MILE long, on the fourth. It has the feel of the open ocean. The focus of my attention as I set out from a sheltered cove on the western side of the sound was the birds that hang out there. It is rarely frequented by ornithologically-orientated kayakers because it lies a mile from the nearest point of land and to get there requires a crossing of the main shipping lane into Pl ..read more
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2023: A Good Year for Risso’s
The Lone Kayaker
by rupertkirkwood
3M ago
Risso’s Emerging, Penzance. Part of the mystery of the sea is that the abundance of different species varies enormously from year to year. It’s always been that way. Even in the heyday of pilchard fishing some years the fish didn’t turn up at all. In others the fish were so thick you could walk on water. Last year was a bumper season for Risso’s Dolphins around Cornwall. The Lone Kayaker had the pleasure of observing more in 2023 than in all the previous ten years added together. Here’s the stats: Risso’s Dolphins observed from the kayak seat. Cornwall and Devon. In addition I saw several more ..read more
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Winter Wonderworld
The Lone Kayaker
by rupertkirkwood
4M ago
Under the Gaze of St. Mawes It’s been a tough start to the year in the wildlife-spotting-from-the-kayak department. The weather in 2024 has kicked off in the same manner that 2023 concluded…non-stop wind and rain. As usual the Lone Kayaker has set himself some really ludicrous targets for the year. Top of the list is to see a total of one thousand cetaceans, from the kayak seat, in Devon and Cornwall. This sort of idea fits very well with my punk ethos. In fact the whole Lone Kayaker thing does. Like punk it is original, highly likely not to succeed, burns off a bit of energy and is a lot of f ..read more
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