The White Vulture, legend and reality
by Eduardo Labrada Rodríguez/Adelante
1w ago
 The event surprised at its time and the story spread so much that almost immediately the legend took shape to the point that today it is difficult for many to distinguish where one began and the other ended. Perhaps, however, during these days at the beginning of the month of May, the fluttering of the "Aura Blanca" (white vulture) will raise the serene flight of the Creole vulture that for almost two centuries has remained among us as a heritage of all generations in the memory of Puerto Principe more
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New fabric from the Contemporary Ballet of Camagüey
by Yanetsy León González/Adelante
1w ago
 And after announcing so much for the birthday, the Contemporary Ballet of Camagüey did not perform at the theater. They chose to dance Enreda2, in the little park of the Teatro Principal, with the natural light of last Saturday afternoon more
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Eneida Sosa, the voice of a whole heart
by Yanetsy León González/Adelante
2w ago
Eneida Sosa Cardoso, a city woman who carries rural music authentically. She further celebrated her work and her life and invited us to her presentation at the headquarters of our newspaper, on last Monday, May 13 at 10:00 a.m., at the opening of the painting exhibition Another Beautiful Cuban , by Luisa Morell more
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Camagüey at the Jaén Book Fair
by Yanetsy León González/Adelante
2w ago
 The writer and researcher Víctor Hugo Pérez Gallo participates for the first time in the Jaén Book Fair, Spain. He tells us that the city is beautiful and that its inhabitants are “like the people of Camagüey, very educated people more
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Literary institution of Camagüey increases spaces with authors
by Yanetsy León González/Adelante
2w ago
The Provincial Book Center of Camagüey favors the social life of authors residing in this city, Cradle of Cuban Literature, with the approval of eight projects by authors from Guáimaro, Minas and Camagüey more
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Extraterrestrial + Grasshopper: new formula for a dream
by Félix Anazco Ramos/ Adelante
3w ago
    By Félix Anazco Ramos/ Adelante Athletics,  Paris 2024     The Camagüey's jumper Juan Miguel Echevarría starred in the most important news in Cuban athletics in the last month by announcing that he will place himself under the orders of the legendary Iván Pedroso to seek qualification for Paris 2024 defending the colors of the lone star flag more
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Steps on cobblestones (Photoreport)
by Yanetsy León González/Adelante
1M ago
 The city and dance have something in common. It is the movement. And Camagüey and ballet converge in that stubbornness with which they challenge the laws of the body. It is enough to look at the twists and turns of broken plates that the streets simulate, to understand that resistance to what is ordered. Classical dancers defy gravity to touch the sky more
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They perform a novel operation at the Pediatric Hospital of Camagüey
by Yamnevys Cuellar Pérez/ Adelante
1M ago
A medical team from the Eduardo Agramonte Piña Pediatric Hospital, in Camagüey, performed a surgical intervention on a patient with a snapping hip, this time using the minimal access route, being the first time that the technique has been used in the country. , in operations for this condition more
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Oncology Hospital on the offensive with breast cancer (+Photos)
by Yamnevys Cuellar Pérez/ Adelante
1M ago
As part of the care and early treatment of cancer, a breast-conserving surgery was performed on a 17-year-old teenager from the Céspedes municipality, at the Marie Curie Provincial Cancer Hospital, with the aim of ruling out the development of a malignant tumor in the young woman's breast more
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Camagüey excels in sustainability and protection of its biodiversity
by Gleibis Gómez Durva/Radio Cadena Agramonte
1M ago
The province stands out in its dedication to environmental sustainability, protecting its biological diversity through the restoration and enrichment of its forest heritage more
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