Want to eliminate Agile? Define requirements
by netleon
14h ago
Sometimes it seems that jokes about management implementing Agile to do more with less aren't far from the truth. I've rarely seen development teams understand Agile as anything more than a set of ceremonies, most often associated with Scrum. In my experience, attempts to optimize team performance often boil down to changing the internal processes within the team itself. Meanwhile, critical decisions are made outside the team, remaining in a waterfall model. This creates a disconnect: on one hand, company management strives for the flexibility of Agile, while on the other, they continue to fo ..read more
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Context switching
by SlavaSpirit
3d ago
Hi! My name is Slava. I am currently working as a leading Product and Senior Project Manager at Uzum Bank. One of the leading digital banks in Uzbekistan. We are growing fast. Really fast. Speaking in numbers, our interest income has increased x10 over the past year (!). And, as in any similar projects with rapid growth, we constantly lack qualified personnel. So I and my colleagues always have a lot of work to do. I have two teams with completely different products, and I also manage some projects as a project manager. And I have my own small business – an online tea and coffee shop. And in ..read more
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Как я НЕ стал разработчиком, или О проблемах на пути начинающего специалиста
by dmatsyutskiy (Ozon Tech)
3d ago
Привет, Хабр! Меня зовут Дмитрий. Я успел отучиться в колледже, поступить в университет, окончить стажировку в Ozon Tech, перейти в штат и по сей день не прекращаю учиться, учиться и ещё раз учиться. Сейчас я работаю младшим аналитиком информационной безопасности в отделе Compliance и безопасности данных. Это история о том, как я пару лет пытался войти в разработку, но зашёл не в ту дверь и остался, о постоянном обучении, а также о том, как найти то, что тебе по душе, и при чём тут стажировка. Read more ..read more
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Machine Learning and Data Science: Academia vs. Industry
by rickya
3d ago
Machine Learning (ML) technologies are becoming increasingly popular and have various applications, ranging from smartphones and computers to large-scale enterprise infrastructure that serves billions of requests per day. Building ML tools, however, remains difficult today because there are no industry-wide standardised approaches to development. Many engineering students studying ML and Data Science must re-learn once they begin their careers. In this article, I've compiled a list of the top five problems that every ML specialist faces only on the job, highlighting the gap between university ..read more
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[Translation] PostgreSQL 17: Part 4 or Commitfest 2024-01
by kaze_no_saga (Postgres Professional)
5d ago
Spring is in full swing as we bring you the hottest winter news of the January Commitfest. Let's get to the good stuff right away! Previous articles about PostgreSQL 17: 2023-07, 2023-09, 2023-11. Read more ..read more
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[Translation] The Salmon Project: how to counter Internet censorship effectively using proxies with user trust levels
by kentavr009
6d ago
Governments in many countries restrict citizens' access to information and services on the Internet in one way or another. Combating such censorship is an important and difficult task. Usually simple solutions cannot boast about high reliability or long-term efficiency. More complex methods of overcoming blocks have disadvantages in terms of usability, low performance, or they do not allow you to maintain the quality of Internet use at the proper level. A group of American scientists from the University of Illinois has developed a new method of overcoming blocks, which is based on the use of ..read more
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How to create a LEGO animation without getting burned out?
by dendead
6d ago
Hello everyone, this is Denis Weber. Today I’m going to talk about what happens if you combine LEGO and the iconic movie Terminator 2. I’ll show you how I created a real LEGO trailer and what came out of it. I like doing such large-scale projects and if you have any cool ideas, let me know in the comments. If you prefer the video format, you can watch it here. Read more ..read more
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Рецепт приготовления непрерывного профайлера в 2к24
by threadedstream (Ozon Tech)
6d ago
Всем привет! Меня зовут Газимагомед, я занимаюсь разработкой внутреннего распределённого профайлера Vision в Ozon. В этой статье я раскрою понятие профиля, расскажу о том, что такое распределённый профайлинг, чем отличается автоматический сбор профилей от ручного. А также рассмотрим проблемы, возникающие при построении профайлера. Что ж, усаживайтесь поудобнее, мы начинаем. Read more ..read more
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How I Replaced Gaming with Coding and Became a Web Developer
by profleaddev
6d ago
Today, I would like to share my personal story. I hope it helps you get to know me better and maybe benefits your own journey. Read more ..read more
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[Translation] Overview: Six ways to use residential proxies for solving corporate objectives
by kentavr009
1w ago
IP address masking may be required for various tasks – from accessing blocked content to bypassing anti-bot systems of search engines and other online resources. We found an interesting post about how this technology can be used to solve corporate objectives. There are several options of implementing a proxy: Read more ..read more
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