20 Questions to Ask a Pittsburgh Divorce Attorney
Pittsburgh Divorce & Family Law, LLC Blog
by Dominic Padova
2d ago
Divorce is never easy, and navigating the complex legal proceedings and emotional turmoil of ending a marriage is intimidating. You need a competent and experienced divorce attorney to ensure your rights and interests are safeguarded, but what should you ask to ensure you hire the best possible divorce attorney? After all, Pittsburgh divorce attorneys are not created equal. However, by asking the right questions, you can find the right attorney for your case and significantly increase the odds of a smooth divorce. Why Asking the Right Questions Matters in a Divorce The importance of asking per ..read more
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What Happens to My 401K & Retirement in a PA Divorce?
Pittsburgh Divorce & Family Law, LLC Blog
by webdev
1M ago
When facing a divorce in Pennsylvania, one of the most crucial and complex issues you’ll encounter is the division of your retirement account, including your 401K. Whether you’ve spent years building your retirement savings or are just beginning to plan, understanding how these funds are treated when a marriage ends can significantly influence your financial security. Here, the family lawyers at Pittsburgh Divorce & Family Law, LLC will guide you through dividing retirement accounts in a PA divorce, from 401Ks to pensions and IRAs. Hopefully, this can help you pre- and post-divorce to navi ..read more
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5 Risks of Representing Yourself in a Divorce
Pittsburgh Divorce & Family Law, LLC Blog
by webdev
5M ago
Divorce can be emotionally and financially draining, so it makes sense to look for the most painless route possible. Some people assume their best bet is to forgo legal representation (and the fees that come with it) and be their own divorce attorneys. While everyone has a right to represent themselves, a “DIY divorce” can actually cause more trouble for you and your wallet down the line. If you’re wondering whether you should represent yourself in a divorce, read this first. To learn more about your options, contact an experienced Pittsburgh divorce lawyer for a free initial consultation. Whe ..read more
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Who Gets Custody of a Pet After a Divorce in Pennsylvania?
Pittsburgh Divorce & Family Law, LLC Blog
by Lexi Lape
11M ago
Divorce is hard for everyone, but the process can be even more challenging when a family pet is involved. A disagreement about the dog, cat, or family goldfish can be difficult to reconcile. An experienced Pittsburgh custody and divorce attorney can help you decide on future ownership of a pet, including setting up a pet custody arrangement for you and your ex-spouse. Pet Custody vs. Child Custody Most of us view our pets as family. However, pets are not treated the same way as human children under Pennsylvania custody laws. Instead, pets are considered “personal property.” This means that the ..read more
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Can I Keep My Ex’s Significant Other Away From My Kids?
Pittsburgh Divorce & Family Law, LLC Blog
by Maureen Ginley
1y ago
One of the complications that can arise in a joint custody situation is when your child’s other parent dates someone else. It’s natural to feel anxious or jealous when you learn your ex has introduced their new romantic partner to your children. But regardless of feelings, you might have plenty of valid reasons to shield your child from this individual. Can the Pennsylvania courts order your child’s other parent to keep their significant other away from your kids? The answer depends on your specific case. To learn more about your rights when co-parenting, contact a Pittsburgh child c ..read more
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How Do You Get a PFA in Pennsylvania?
Pittsburgh Divorce & Family Law, LLC Blog
by Dominic Padova
1y ago
A protection from abuse (PFA) is a civil order of protection for both men and women that a judge signs to tell an abuser to stop the behavior if he or she wants to avoid legal consequences. When is a PFA Necessary? You should seek a PFA if either you or a household member is a victim of domestic violence. The state defines domestic violence as an attempt to cause bodily injury or fear of such injury, rape, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, false imprisonment, physical or sexual child abuse, and following/stalking. These orders can be filed by spouses, ex-spouses, domestic partners, paren ..read more
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Intellectual Property in Divorce: Who Gets What?
Pittsburgh Divorce & Family Law, LLC Blog
by Barrett Lawlis
1y ago
During a divorce in Pennsylvania, all physical property is divided between spouses. A list of all owned items is submitted, and both partners stake claims about what they want to keep and what they are willing to let go. But how is any intellectual property in divorce proceedings divided? To know the answer to this, you need to understand precisely what intellectual property is, how our state laws govern it, and how an experienced Pennsylvania lawyer can help you secure what you genuinely feel belongs to you. What Is Intellectual Property in Pennsylvania? Intellectual property is the non-physi ..read more
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Can Spousal Support be Modified After a Divorce?
Pittsburgh Divorce & Family Law, LLC Blog
by Barrett Lawlis
1y ago
Divorces are not uncommon in today’s marriage landscape. Neither is the possibility of spousal support, commonly ordered by Pennsylvania courts during the proceedings. And usually, the courts set the amount that one spouse owes based on the facts presented to them. However, that doesn’t mean you cannot ask the court to consider updating alimony payments as your situation changes over time. What are the Types of Spousal Support? During a divorce, Pennsylvania courts often rule that one party must pay the other party spousal support, alimony, or palimony. While most people think they are differe ..read more
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Is it Time to Reconsider Our Parenting Plan?
Pittsburgh Divorce & Family Law, LLC Blog
by Barrett Lawlis
1y ago
During divorce proceedings, the court makes a custody agreement to create the best living situation for the children. They base their decision on several factors, including the parents’ incomes, housing, and more, so that the children can get the best possible standard of living. However, things like job status, living location, or personal relationships change over time. And each change affects how well a parent can follow the court order. Either way, if you feel that either you or your spouse have experienced changes that could harm your children, it might be time to reconsider your parentin ..read more
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My Spouse Lied While Drafting a Prenup. What Now?
Pittsburgh Divorce & Family Law, LLC Blog
by Barrett Lawlis
1y ago
While prenuptial agreements are something we hear about in TV shows and movies, they are genuine legal documents. Not only do they protect assets, but they also protect spouses from being taken advantage of during a divorce. However, for them to be executed appropriately, both parties must be honest about their property. If someone lies while drafting a prenup, there can be severe consequences. What Is a Prenuptial Agreement? A prenuptial agreement, or “prenup” for short, is a legal contract created by two people before they enter into a marriage or de facto union. It lists all the property ea ..read more
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