23 Gallons Planted Tank
The Planted Tank Forum
by xxAMIRxx
14h ago
23 Gallons Without CO2 + 14w Pink White led Plants: Hemianthus micranthemoides + Valisneria asiatica + Anubias nana ..read more
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Intro, Hi I’m Jeff!
The Planted Tank Forum
by DutchBoy
14h ago
Hi, we have a 90 gallon with 9 boesemoni rainbow fish, 9 denison barbs, 3 (soon to be 5) clown loaches, and 2 standard bristlenose plecos. The substrate is typically beige/tan aquarium gravel, about 125 lbs. The background is black. The light is a full spectrum LED. I’m not running any co2. For filtration we have a large Rena API canister filter. There is also a wave maker pointing up toward the surface for oxygenation of the water. I will probably add a couple of sponge filters that I can... Intro, Hi I’m Jeff ..read more
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Minute “fish” in my tank!
The Planted Tank Forum
by Yvonnep
19h ago
Hi folks….my first cry for help! I initially “inherited“ my granddaughters 12.5ltr tank after she decided looking at the fish was less demanding than caring for them. I quickly got hooked(no pun intended) and now have another 2 tanks..24 & 40ltr. The small starter tank is not an isolation tank and also where I transfer a berried Amano to drop her eggs and then remove her before changing to Brackish water for the larvae. I did so a few days ago and yesterday as I was checking to see how many... Minute “fish” in my tank ..read more
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Tiny little Green swimming bugs?
The Planted Tank Forum
by suebe333
1d ago
In my shrimp tank I now have a thriving colony of some tiny little oval green ummmm bugs?, o rparasites ?? I have no idea they look like just small particles floating , until you really look and realize they are some kind of organism , anyone have any idea ..read more
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Tank ideas
The Planted Tank Forum
by Pramu Aquatics
1d ago
Hi. So I got a 150gallon fish tank wich was first intended to be a saltwater tank, but had to drop the idea because of the availability of sea water and some weird environmental conservation rules in Sri Lanka. ( I live in Sri Lanka.and I am 17) So I am somewhat out of ideas on what to do with it. I had an idea about making a nice aquascape, as I have been doing that with a 30gallon tank for almost 5 years. But my family doesn't like the idea of putting some small fish in a huge tank. Any... Tank ideas ..read more
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Weird behavior? Maybe?
The Planted Tank Forum
by Mrschoini
1d ago
So in my 10g I have been having ich issues that I am treating but I have 1 honey gourami and 1 red honey gourami and so far they never contracted it. I have 5 cardinals also. I believe I have a male and female gourami but noticed today the red honey will go digging or searching around the gravel then go up to the top. That’s all it’s been doing all day. What could this mean? It has also done some weird movement against the live plants and against the side of the tank? I tried to look it up... Weird behavior? Maybe ..read more
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75gal Tank $90
The Planted Tank Forum
by Juniorw17
2d ago
75gal tank 48” Length 15”Deep. Tank is in great condition. Tank wasn’t used for maybe 2 months for 2 hamsters. If interested email me at juniorw1717@gmail.com ..read more
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Cholla Wood
The Planted Tank Forum
by cuttlefishes
2d ago
I wanted to get some cholla wood for my shrimp, but after some reading I'm learning that some fish can get stuck in them? I'm just wondering if this is something I should be concerned about and if there's anything I can do to prevent it or if there's a safer alternative. Currently I have shrimp, rosy red minnows, neon tetras, a mystery snail and peppered cory catfish. I'm mostly concerned about the cory catfish. I really just want the cholla wood so I can see the shrimp more since they're so... Cholla Wood ..read more
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Filthy tank! 0/0/0 but gross
The Planted Tank Forum
by OwlLMF
2d ago
I have been doing biweekly water changes (sand filtering) and using the water in my tomato plants! The water is filthy though. I moved a rock and there was just nastiness everywhere. I made the mistake of moving the sponge filter which dropped tons of poo everywhere. How much water can I take out without stressing my fish out?? There is so much poo in there that I probabaly have to change the water five times before it helps. Suggestions ..read more
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Is my tank ready for fish??
The Planted Tank Forum
by cayla_444
3d ago
Hi! So I recently set up a 20 gal long aquarium that has been cycling for almost 6 weeks now. I was reallyyy hoping that it would be done by today or at least by the end of the week. And I think I am DONE or at least close? I am a little concerned about the nitrates because they seem a little high or is this a normal amount? Just wondering if a more experienced fish keeper could give me an opinion. Also just for some background, I am hoping to do a community betta tank with 7 tetras and a... Is my tank ready for fish ..read more
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