What Does God Expect From Us? Finding Freedom from Expectations
Living with Margins Blog
by Christine Wood
1w ago
Do you ever feel weighed down by expectations? Do you ever wonder, “What does God expect from me?” It may be the expectations you have of yourself, perhaps because of what your mother was like or your perception of what you should do. You may feel expectations from our culture and the media about what successful women need to get done every day, what you should look like and how much you should contribute. Or, perhaps you feel expectations from the church or your understanding of scripture. There are a lot of shoulds out there when we look out for them. And we feel the weight of them. We have ..read more
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A Fresh Start: Why February is the Perfect Time for Resolutions
Living with Margins Blog
by Christine Wood
4M ago
I gave up on New Year’s Resolutions years ago. I recognised the pattern: start the year with big dreams and a surge of energy, only to be left disappointed with myself a couple of weeks later. I couldn’t follow through. The ‘New Year, New You’ mantra always let me down. It’s a myth. The old me follows the new me into every January. I think that February is a better time for a fresh start. February is the perfect time to set resolutions. Hear me out… December is a weird month. It is so full of end-of-year events and Christmas commitments it doesn’t resemble our usual routine. Then, January is ..read more
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Christmas Gift Guide Roundup: Gift Ideas for Everyone On Your List
Living with Margins Blog
by Christine Wood
7M ago
Parents wrangling cranky toddlers, carols playing loudly, the advertisements are large and the displays are overflowing. There’s nothing more stressful than a long list of people to buy for, a limited budget, a crowded shopping centre and a looming deadline. Welcome to the Christmas shopping season! Looking for some Christmas shopping inspiration? Here is your ultimate gift guide. Here, you will find gift ideas for everyone on your list. Begin by learning HOW TO FIND THE PERFECT GIFT for everyone on your list. Ask yourself these 3 questions about the person you are buying for so your shoppin ..read more
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Overwhelmed? 3 Simple Ways to Be Less Busy
Living with Margins Blog
by Christine Wood
7M ago
Is your calendar filling up with end-of-year events? I spent some time updating my diary this morning, making sure my planner was synced with the family's shared calendar. Until I sat and wrote it all out, I didn’t realise how busy the next couple of months are going to be. I have had several conversations with overly busy mums recently. They are already tired, and they are dreading the next couple of months as the year draws to a close. Here are three simple yet powerful questions to ask as you approach the busy weeks ahead. And, just for fun, they all start with the letter D! Delete What ca ..read more
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How to Get the Most out of Your Bible Reading
Living with Margins Blog
by Christine Wood
11M ago
Whether you’ve been reading the Bible for years or you are just beginning, Bible reading is challenging. If you want to read your Bible and are unsure where to start, or if your Bible reading is feeling a bit dry or boring, here are some great ideas to help you get the most out of your Bible Reading. PICK A PLAN THAT IS MANAGEABLE If your days are busy and you don’t have much time for Bible reading, don’t pick a ‘Read the Bible in a Year’ plan that requires 40 minutes of your time every day to keep up with. Choose a Bible reading plan that realistically fits into your life. Reading a small ..read more
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What Does the Bible Say About Rest?
Living with Margins Blog
by Christine Wood
1y ago
Are you tired? Do you feel reluctant to rest? Do you feel guilty or lazy when you take a break? I know how you feel. So, what does God think about rest? Let’s look at some Bible verses about rest and discover God’s heart for those of us who are exhausted by the pressure and pace of our life. REST IS A BLESSING While many of us can feel that needing to rest is a sign of weakness or laziness, God offers rest as a blessing to those who trust Him fully. In peace I will lie down and sleep; for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety. —Psalm 4:8 I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint. —Je ..read more
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25 Ways to Find More Time in a Busy Life
Living with Margins Blog
by Christine Wood
1y ago
Our lives are full and busy. We have responsibilities at work and at home. And, unless we intentionally carve out time and space, every crack of time fills up with things to do and places to be. It can be difficult to find more time in the rhythm of our busy lives. We have to be creative and think outside the box of our normal routine. Here are some ideas of how you can find more time in your busy life. Not every idea will work for you, but perhaps some will inspire you to find creative solutions that suit you and your family.  COOKING 1.     Do you cook a meal every ..read more
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10 Bible Verses About Changing Your Mindset
Living with Margins Blog
by Christine Wood
1y ago
My mind isn’t always very helpful. It fills with thoughts of worry, fear and regret, keeping me awake at night and stealing my joy. What I think about is vitally important. My thoughts drive my attitude, my mood and my behaviour. The thoughts swirling in my head determine the way I live. But how can we change our mindset? How can we control our thoughts? How do we, as the Bible says, renew our minds? One of the most effective ways I have found to renew my mind is to meditate on scriptures that build my faith and remind me of God’s faithfulness and power to overcome my circumstances and fear. I ..read more
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5 Things that Make Me Happy
Living with Margins Blog
by Christine Wood
1y ago
What would it take for you to have a good year, regardless of the surprises that come along the way? We all learned from the last few years that our best plans could come apart at the seams through no fault of our own. Things that are completely out of our control can sabotage our goals and plans, our health, jobs, freedoms and intentions. We can enter the new year with the best of intentions, only for it to all fall apart before our eyes. So, with that in mind, what would it take for you to have a great year? What is the foundational priority for you? What makes you happy? For me, this year w ..read more
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God with Us
Living with Margins Blog
by Christine Wood
1y ago
Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. — Isaiah 7:14 Because of Christmas, God is with us. Let's dwell on this thought for a few moments. God, the Almighty God of Angel Armies, Creator, Sovereign King of Kings—that God—is with us. You and me. He is close, powerful and loves us unconditionally even when we can't see him or feel him. When I am consciously aware of this truth, it changes how I think and feel, what I fear and what I am willing to risk. God is with me. He's here. And his presence impacts every ..read more
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