TCS Podcast Episode 55: Can I lead authentically as a woman at work?
The Corporate Sister
by Solange Lopes
1M ago
In this episode, I address the question of authentic (and different) leadership for working women and working moms. I discuss: 1)revisiting our beliefs about leadership, 2) challenging the foundations of leadership in the organizations and institutions we’re part of, and 3) redefining our own brand of leadership as working women and moms. Thanks for Listening! Thanks so much for tuning in and listening to this week’s episode! If you enjoyed this week’s episode, please share it by using the social media at the bottom of this post! Also, leave me a review for the TCS podcast on Apple more
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Can Women Authentically Lead at Work?
The Corporate Sister
by Solange Lopes
3M ago
“Can I lead authentically as a woman at work?” This is a question I often asked myself coming up in my own career. As a young Black woman and immigrant starting my career in corporate America, leadership was hardly ever mentioned around me. After all, I felt lucky enough and happy to have “snatched” a job after college…Just having a seat at the table, any table of any significance, felt enough of a privilege… Fast-forward many career ups and downs, a full career transition into academia, and my under-developed views on leadership have quite significantly morphed. What I realized along my jour more
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5 Unconventional Tips to Be More Confident as a Woman Entrepreneur
The Corporate Sister
by Solange Lopes
3M ago
Have you ever considered becoming an entrepreneur and literally shirked at the prospect of putting yourself out there? Do you feel you don’t have the confidence it takes to launch your own entrepreneurial dreams, especially in industries and areas where women are in the minority and unfavored? Are you wondering how to be more confident as a woman entrepreneur? I remember starting a side hustle a few years back, wondering how in the world the introvert in me would ever find the confidence to start and grow it. Even though I could somewhat hide behind my laptop screen while blogging, I still ne more
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TCS Podcast Episode 54: Redefining Your Own Brand of Confidence as a Working Woman
The Corporate Sister
by Solange Lopes
4M ago
Got confidence? In this podcast episode, I’m chatting about dismantling the myth that confidence is solely associated with male and patriarchal attributes such as assertiveness, boldness, and even aggressiveness. Instead, I discuss my own journey of steering away from the conventional definition of confidence, and re-defining my own brand of “quiet” confidence as a working woman and mom. This episode covers research concepts such as the confidence bias and the confidence gap, digging into how these affect the perception of confidence for and by working women and moms.  In this episode, I more
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No More Confidence Bias! How I’m redefining confidence as a working woman and mom
The Corporate Sister
by Solange Lopes
4M ago
How many times have you heard women “need to be more confident at work”? How many times have you yourself, in your own career and life experience, been told that you needed to be more confident? And if you happen to be confident, how many times have you perceived or been told you were “tew much”? Talk about a confidence bias for women… Women at work are encouraged to be more assertive, more goal-oriented, more driven at work, mostly according and in reference to patriarchal parameters initially set by and for their male counterparts. Yet, while they’re criticized for not having enough confide more
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TCS Podcast Episode 53: Strategizing Your Career at the Beginning of the New Year
The Corporate Sister
by Solange Lopes
5M ago
In this new podcast episode, I discuss strategizing our careers as working women and moms at the beginning of a new year, on our own terms and in a way that serves our vision, values and purpose best.  Take a listen! Thanks for Listening! Thanks so much for tuning in and listening to this week’s episode! If you enjoyed this week’s episode, please share it by using the social media at the bottom of this post! Also, leave me a review for the TCS podcast on Apple Podcasts ! Got questions? Email me at! Finally, please don’t forget to subscribe more
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TCS Podcast Episode 52: Out with the Resolutions, In with the Mission…
The Corporate Sister
by Solange Lopes
5M ago
Happy New Year! In the first podcast episode of the New Year, we’re all about being on a mission. I discuss skipping the traditional resolution process, and instead investing time in clarifying our mission by crafting our own mission statements. In this episode, I delve into the three simple and effective tips to devise our mission statements, whether personal, professional, family or even financial. This episode is inspired by the “7 Habits of Effective People” by Stephen Covey.  Listen In! Thanks for Listening! Thanks so much for tuning in and listening to this week’s episode! If you e more
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Woman On a Financial Mission: How to build your unique financial mission statement
The Corporate Sister
by Solange Lopes
5M ago
Most people who know me well know I’m serious about money. I’m an accountant by trade, who also happens to teach accounting, which also means finances are often on my mind. Truthfully, I always had an inkling for it, not just when it became my main field of study and work. I believe I can trace it to my upbringing, being raised in a single parent family home by a single mother who taught me the importance of managing what you have, and managing it well. It later morphed into a desire to never go without, a search for the  tangible, palpable security the little girl in me had not been abl more
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How to build your family mission statement as a working mom
The Corporate Sister
by Solange Lopes
5M ago
The story was repeating itself…It was only the third day back to school after the New Year, and the kids had missed the morning school bus…Again…The morning tension was at its usual peak, what with breakfasts barely eaten, work schedules now thrown off, and moods in need of a serious overhaul, all before 7am…At this point, with one teenager, one almost-teen, an unruly dog, and about ten loads of laundry in tow, I felt our family was in need of more than the usual New Year resolutions and goals. We needed something stronger, better, some sort of a purpose or mission that would create a shift i more
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Out with the resolutions, in with the mission: 3 steps to build your own mission statement
The Corporate Sister
by Solange Lopes
5M ago
Every year, the resolution frenzy takes over, as people all around the world make a list, however much realistic (or not), of goals they plan to accomplish during the new year. And yes, I was “people” for the longest time (and I still am)… Making a list of changes, however unrealistic, at the beginning of the year, somehow feels like a relief when faced with the unpredictable newness of another turn around the sun. It feels good to etch ideals of achievement, goals and behaviors on a virgin slate of time… As if laying these down on paper, or even uttering them in the atmosphere of a still pr more
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