Why Ultra-Orthodox Jews have great difficulty welcoming Converts
The Times of Israel Blog » Conversion to Judaism
by Allen S. Maller
9M ago
Very religious Christians and Muslims have great difficulty understanding why Orthodox Rabbis have so much difficulty in sharing Judaism with non-Jews who are interested in becoming Jewish. Often non-Jewish people think that the underlying attitude is Jewish clannishness and suspicion of Gentiles. While Jews know ..read more
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Rambo: Black American in the Israel Defense Forces
The Times of Israel Blog » Conversion to Judaism
by Barack Mandela
9M ago
While I was a law student at UC Law San Francisco in California, I converted to both Reform Judaism with Rabbi Herbert Morris and Orthodox Judaism with Rabbi Abner Weiss. I underwent my bris (ritual circumcision) at Chabad House in Berkeley with rabbi and mohel Chanan ..read more
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The Jerusalem Temple and its older brother: The Ka’ba
The Times of Israel Blog » Conversion to Judaism
by Allen S. Maller
9M ago
The Jerusalem Temple (Beit HaMikdosh) and the Ka’ba, the House of God (Baitullah) in Mecca are the two most well-known sites for monotheistic pilgrimage in the world. The Islamic Hajj to the Ka’ba in Makka, and the Jewish Hajj to the Temple in Jerusalem, have ..read more
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Convert to Judaism Meets Palestinian Community
The Times of Israel Blog » Conversion to Judaism
by Barack Mandela
10M ago
When I was a law student in San Francisco, I converted to both Reform and Orthodox Judaism. My bris (ritual circumcision) was performed by a Chabadnik in Berkeley. It was an inspiring and uplifting transformation and rebirth. During my conversion to Judaism, I learned about ..read more
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Black Privilege: Finding Power Within Myself
The Times of Israel Blog » Conversion to Judaism
by Barack Mandela
10M ago
In the United States, the concept of “white privilege” permeates the public intellectual discourse. Fundamentally, “white privilege” describes the advantages of whiteness, white skin, and white racial identity. As a black person, it is difficult for me to wrap my mind around the concept of ..read more
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Do Converts Recite the Declaration of the Bikurim?
The Times of Israel Blog » Conversion to Judaism
by Sharona Margolin Halickman
10M ago
Parshat Ki Tavo (Dvarim 26:1-11) opens with the Declaration of the Bikurim (First Fruits): When you come to the land that the Lord, your God is giving you as territory and you inherit it and settle it, you shall take of the first of all ..read more
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Lessons from Southwest Texas
The Times of Israel Blog » Conversion to Judaism
by Steven Bayar
10M ago
Above all, we are a tradition that communicates our values through our stories. The exploits of Abraham, Joseph and Moses are better recognized and educate more effectively than reciting the Ten Commandments. Narratives stay with us, providing guidance and comfort. More importantly, a good tale ..read more
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Ani Difranco: Women Must Empower Other Women
The Times of Israel Blog » Conversion to Judaism
by Barack Mandela
10M ago
I am a super-creative and super-artistic free thinking black American from Long Beach, California which is in Los Angeles County. I was raised in a community populated by strong black, Asian, and Latina women. In fact, as a child, I lived with my maternal grandma ..read more
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‘Christian’-Ethiopian Aliyah—something funny happened en route to the Holy Land
The Times of Israel Blog » Conversion to Judaism
by Moshe-Mordechai van Zuiden
10M ago
These Ethiopian ‘Christians’ are Jews, period Half of all Russian, recent immigrants to Israel don’t have any Jewish ancestry at all. They came because of family unification. In sharp contrast, all Ethiopians who want to make Aliyah are Jews. Some of their ancestors have converted ..read more
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Ani Difranco: Anatomy of a Black Jewish Feminist
The Times of Israel Blog » Conversion to Judaism
by Barack Mandela
10M ago
I am a black American male feminist who was born and raised in Southern California. While in law school, I converted to both Reform Judaism and Orthodox Judaism. I then moved to a Jewish neighborhood in Los Angeles known as Pico-Robertson. I developed an intense ..read more
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