The Wars, Remembered On Memorial Day
The Prairie Blog
by Jim Fuglie
2d ago
IN FLANDERS FIELDS By John McCrae In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie, In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. On this Memorial Day, we pause to remember those who lie “in more
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The Prairie Blog
by Jim Fuglie
1w ago
(NOTE: This article first appeared in the May issue of High Plains Reader.) I am an old man. I have been a politics junkie most of my life. I have been involved in many campaigns, but have not run for office myself. Each time someone has suggested I do that, I tell them the same thing: I will not put my name on a ballot until all my college roommates are dead. Luckily for me, a few of them are still with us. Brad, Ron, Jim, you know who you are. Ssshhh. But in all my years of participating in other people’s campaigns, I have never seen anything like what’s going on in 2024. Let me share a few more
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Much Ado About Nothing
The Prairie Blog
by Jim Fuglie
1w ago
What has been will be again,     what has been done will be done again;     there is nothing new under the sun. Ecclesiastes 1:9 Hmmm. Nothing new under the sun. Perhaps North Dakota Governor Douglas Burgum needs to spend a little time with his Bible. Wise man, that Solomon. I’m referring to Burgum’s much ballyhooed announcement of the creation of an Office of Outdoor Recreation in North Dakota. Ummm, Governor . . . Been there. Done that. This is nothing new. A little history, from the National Association of State Outdoor Recreation Liaison Officers: &n more
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Just How Rich Is Billings County?
The Prairie Blog
by Jim Fuglie
1M ago
I’ve been moping around the house most of this cold, wet, windy, dreary, week, feeling sorry for myself because I can’t get out in the garden. I managed one garden day early in the week, and planted about half of what I hope will be this year’s potato crop, but I’ve got a big bag of seed potatoes in the garage waiting to be cut up and dropped into the good rich dirt in my garden. The weatherman says that’s not going to happen any time soon–it’s still cold and windy out there again today–so I decided to spend some time following up on something I wrote in this space a week or so ago. Last week more
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Does the Governor’s Office Have A “Slush Fund?” Well, Not Really . . .
The Prairie Blog
by Jim Fuglie
1M ago
When residents of Billings County in western North Dakota, home to the Bad Lands and Theodore Roosevelt National Park and Medora, head to their mailboxes sometime this week or next, they’re going to find a letter from their County Commissioners. That’s unusual. About the only time county government sends you a letter is with your property tax bill. But this one has some news. Ostensibly, the letter is to bring county residents up to date on the status of the Little Missouri River Crossing, the proposed new “Bridge to Nowhere” across the state’s only official State Scenic River. Early on in the more
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And Then The Conventions Were Over . . .
The Prairie Blog
by Jim Fuglie
1M ago
Humorist Will Rogers once said “I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat.” North Dakota Republicans left Fargo mumbling something like that Sunday morning, changing the last word, after the fiasco that was their purported state convention. Democrats, meanwhile, trickled out of town knowing they had at least three credible candidates at the top of their ticket as they prepare for the November 2024 election. At the top, Trygve Hammer, an Iraq war veteran, helicopter pilot, former science teacher and blue collar working man’s idol, with perhaps the best ballot name ever more
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Convention Notes . . . So Far
The Prairie Blog
by Jim Fuglie
1M ago
Saturday morning. The first Saturday of April. Time for Spring. I’ve played a lot of golf on the first Saturday of April over the years.  Not last year, of course, when there was two feet of snow on the ground outside my bedroom window. But this year the grass is getting a green tint out there, and I’d at least probably go hit some balls on the driving range if I felt better. Actually, I had planned to be in Fargo this weekend, hopping back and forth between the Democratic-NPL and Republican conventions, but the worst cold of my life has me hopping from the bedroom to the recliner, and no more
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Thin Ice
The Prairie Blog
by Jim Fuglie
2M ago
Okay, Doug Burgum, this time you’re on thin ice with me. It’s that time of year. The ice is getting thinner and thinner. But YOUR ice is really thin right now. Last summer you used your thick billfold to try to become president, by offering to send $20 gift cards to anyone sending you a dollar, so you could reach a threshold of X number of donors in time to qualify for participation in the Republican Presidentlal candidates’ debate. It was a cheap trick. Well, not so cheap, but still a gimmick only rich people could afford.             The more
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Little Missouri Bridge Work Halted. Judge: “Taking Property By Eminent Domain Is An Odious . . . Process.”
The Prairie Blog
by Jim Fuglie
3M ago
“The crux of this case is the preservation of the untouched and dramatic beauty of the Shorts’ property in the North Dakota Bad Lands while the underlying legal issues are resolved. Theodore Roosevelt once described this area in compelling terms: ”From the edges of the valley the land rises abruptly in steep high buttes, whose crests are sharp and jagged. This broken country extends back from the river for many miles, and has been called always, by Indians, French voyageurs, and American trappers alike, the “Bad Lands,” partly from its dreary and forbidding aspect and partly from the difficult more
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Crabs and Algorithms. Here’s A Shopping List.
The Prairie Blog
by Jim Fuglie
4M ago
I said the other day I was going to stick to writing about King Crab Legs. So here goes. Okay, Facebook, okay! I like King Crab Legs! You know that, just like you know a hundred other things about me. But did you have to tell every fish house in America? Okay, so now I know, for sure, where I can buy King Crab Legs if I win the lottery. Dear Readers, you may have read what I wrote about King Crab Legs last week. If not, just scroll down on this website. I put a link to the story on Facebook. Within hours, ads for businesses that sell King Crab Legs started showing up on MY Facebook page. How t more
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