Toddler Development and Lip Ties: A Closer Look
by kidsdentistry
1M ago
Parenthood brings many joyful moments, milestones, and occasional surprises. A lip tie in toddlers is one such challenge that parents might not immediately recognize but can have an impact. So, what exactly is a lip tie, and how does it influence a toddler’s growth and development? Read on to learn about lip ties, their effects on toddlers, and how addressing them can improve their quality of life. What Is a Lip Tie? A lip tie occurs when the thin piece of skin that connects the upper lip to the gum, known as the labial frenulum, is tighter or thicker than usual. This tightness restricts the more
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Careful Kids: Does It Hurt to Get a Dental Crown?
by kidsdentistry
1M ago
If you’ve just found out that your child needs a dental crown, it’s normal to have questions. This tooth-shaped cap is the perfect way to restore functionality to your little one’s decayed or damaged tooth. That said, it’s a somewhat invasive procedure and you may be wondering whether your kid will be in any pain. Your dentist wants you and your family to feel confident when you arrive for your appointment so has put together some helpful information to set your mind at ease. Read on to learn more! What Exactly is a Dental Crown? A dental crown is a tooth restoration that’s cemented over your more
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Don’t Dread the Dentist: How Kids Can Overcome Dental Fears
by kidsdentistry
3M ago
As a parent, you don’t want your kids to fear dentistry. Dental phobias may keep them from getting vital oral healthcare. Still, this problem doesn’t have to stick with them. Your child can learn how to overcome dental anxiety once they’re old enough. They’d have a smoother time with the dentist and enjoy healthier grins that way. As for the details, let your pediatric dental practice help. Here are four methods your kiddos can use to ease their dental fears. Talk to the Dentist If your child fears dental checkups, they don’t need to keep that fact to themselves. Gently encourage them to tell more
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Tooth Sensitivity Solutions for Kids: How to Lessen Discomfort
by kidsdentistry
3M ago
Dealing with sensitive teeth isn’t just a grown-up problem. Even little ones can experience discomfort when their teeth react to certain stimuli. As a parent, it’s important to understand where your child’s tooth sensitivity comes from and how to address it. Continue reading to explore the world of tooth sensitivity from causes to treatments. What Causes Tooth Sensitivity in Children? Tooth sensitivity in children can be caused by multiple factors. Identifying the specific trigger for your child is the first step in addressing the issue. Common causes include: Cavities or Tooth Decay: Decay more
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A Tie for Tears: The Link Between Lip & Tongue Ties and Colic in Babies
by kidsdentistry
3M ago
When your precious bundle of joy seems inconsolable, crying consistently, it can be a challenging experience for any parent. While there can be various reasons for a baby’s crying, one you may not have considered is colic due to lip or tongue ties. This frustrating connection is a puzzle many parents seek to solve. If you want to learn how lip and tongue ties can cause colic, and what you can do to treat them, continue reading. What are Lip and Tongue Ties? Lip and tongue ties occur when the strip of skin beneath the upper lip (lip tie) or beneath the tongue (tongue tie) is shorter than usual more
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Myths About Breastfeeding & How Your Dentist Can Help
by kidsdentistry
5M ago
Breastfeeding can be a sweet bonding experience with your newborn, but numerous new mothers face challenges. Whether the baby seems perpetually unsatisfied or the mother feels too uncomfortable to continue, there are signs that something might be wrong. Often, the issue lies in the baby having a tongue tie or another oral problem. Unfortunately, when seeking help, some mothers are told that breastfeeding discomfort is normal or that they just need to tough it out. This response overlooks the possibility of a genuine problem, but a dentist might offer assistance. Read on to discover two myths more
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How Can Breastfeeding Set My Child Up for Great Oral Health?
by kidsdentistry
5M ago
It seems that science just keeps discovering more ways in which breastfeeding is great for both the mother and the child. It’s long been known that breastfeeding allows a mother to supply her baby with what they need to fight infections, prevent SIDS, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular issues like asthma and obesity. It may also help nursing mothers lower their risk of developing breast and ovarian cancers. As strange as it sounds, breastfeeding can also provide benefits for the child’s dental health. Here’s how breastfeeding may be a great dental decision. Breastfeeding May Help Your Chil more
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Can My Child’s Tongue Tie Go Away On Its Own?
by kidsdentistry
6M ago
When discovering that your child has a lip or tongue tie, you might be a bit taken aback at first. This is especially true if you do not discover that it is posing a problem until they are a bit older. Will a child’s tongue tie go away on its own? Find out why it’s better to see a pediatric dentist for help sooner rather than later. Why Should Lip and Tongue Ties Be Treated? No parent wants to see their child undergo any type of procedure. Unfortunately, when it comes to lip and tongue ties, these are not conditions that children just grow out of. They require minor surgery to fix the problem more
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How to Know If Dental Bonding Is Right for Your Child
by kidsdentistry
6M ago
As time goes by, your child’s smile may undergo changes, and many may encounter issues like chipped teeth or tooth discoloration that they’d like to address. Fortunately, dental bonding provides a solution for various cosmetic smile concerns. While this treatment suits many, how can you determine if it’s the right choice for your little one? Continue reading to discover more about dental bonding, the situations it’s suitable for, and the advantages it offers. What Is Dental Bonding? Dental bonding involves applying a tooth-colored composite resin to conceal smile imperfections. It’s an excell more
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5 Reasons Why Your Child Should Get a Tooth-Colored Filling Instead of Amalgam
by kidsdentistry
9M ago
Cavities, also known as caries, are quite common among children. If your little one ever develops this issue, their dentist will likely recommend that they receive a filling to stop the decay, reduce dental sensitivity, and provide other benefits. But what type of filling should they get? This blog post explores five reasons why your child should get a tooth-colored filling instead of an amalgam one. Tooth-Colored Fillings Look Better As their name implies, tooth-colored fillings can blend in seamlessly with the color of the enamel that surrounds them. Their subtle appearance can allow your c more
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