The Whole Pastor
by Bobby Contreras
5M ago
R.E.D. is one of my goals for 2024. R.E.D. is a twofold goal for 2024. R.E.D. = READ EVERY DAY R.E.D. = RUN EVERY DAY I seek to read daily using a 365 Chronological Bible Reading Guide. I have also set the goal of getting out and running at least two miles daily this year. Will you join me and my family for one of those days? Mark your calendars for January 20, 2024! Let’s RUN WITH IT! SIGN UP HERE - TXB RUN WITH IT Howdy TWP Family! I hope and pray you are doing well! I invite you to join me and my family for a fun run, walk, or roll 5K! Let’s kick off the New Year together by getting outs ..read more
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Happy New Year!
The Whole Pastor
by Bobby Contreras
5M ago
CLICK HERE FOR THE DAILY GAZE BECOME A DAILY GAZER! The Daily Gaze - We aim to see God together in His Word daily. Follow. Read. Share. Gaze! My good buddy Caleb and I have sought to encourage others to find themselves in God’s Word daily. It’s pretty simple: I text Caleb a photo and bible verse every morning, and he then posts it on Instagram. The aim is to see, know, and experience God in and through His Word. In his book, “Don’t Hold Back”, author and pastor David Platt offers “Six Steps to a Different Future.” My favorite step is step #2: “Seek God Early, Late, and Long.” Platt writes ..read more
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The Whole Pastor
by Bobby Contreras
5M ago
REGISTER HERE - TXB RUN WITH IT Howdy TWP Family! I hope and pray you are doing well! I invite you to join me and my family for a fun run, walk, or roll 5K! Let’s kick off the New Year together by getting outside and moving for a great cause (BAYLOR BSM - SIC ‘EM). Click one of the buttons to find out more and register! San Antonio-Area Meetup The Olmos Basin Saturday, January 20, 2024 | 3 p.m. Lace up your running shoes, Texas Baptists family!  The Second Annual David W. Hardage Run With It Hybrid Run, Walk, and Roll is coming up fast. Here's your chance to check off a New Year's ..read more
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The Daily Gaze Advent
The Whole Pastor
by Bobby Contreras
6M ago
CLICK HERE FOR THE DAILY GAZE ADVENT GUIDE Hello, and howdy, TWP family! Today is the last day of November. That means tomorrow is the first day of December! Ready or not, we are thrust into the most wonderful time of the year…Advent! Advent is a Latin word that means “coming” or “arrival.” Advent begins four Sundays before Christmas Day on the Church calendar and culminates on Christmas Eve. It is a season full of hope, expectation, and longing.  Christians have observed Advent as a time to remember Jesus’s first Advent (His coming as a baby born in Bethlehem) and anticipate His se ..read more
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How’s Your Hearing?
The Whole Pastor
by Bobby Contreras
7M ago
Hello, and happy Monday, TWP Family! After dropping the daughters off this morning at school, I turned the radio on for my drive to H-E-B (a grocery store for those who don’t know - “Here Everything is Better”). The three-minute news story I stumbled upon had already started, but these lines caught my attention and made me think of ya’ll: You can CLICK HERE to read and listen to the article from NPR titled; “Hearing Loss Can Lead To Deadly Falls, But Hearing Aids May Cut The Risk.” Here is where I think you and I, as pastors and ministry leaders, connect: We risk falling if we lack hearing ..read more
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Eyes Up, Slow Down!
The Whole Pastor
by Bobby Contreras
7M ago
Hello TWP! Happy November! If you want to know more about what is happening here at TWP, click HERE TO FIND OUT. For our first steps together this month, we must fix our eyes up to Jesus (Hebrews 12:1-2) and then slow down. On October 30th, BETTERMAN The Podcast published an episode titled “Slowing Down.” It would be advantageous for you to take a listen. The episode is only five minutes long. Do you have five minutes to spare? Here is the podcast: CLICK HERE FOR - BETTERMAN THE PODCAST “SLOWING DOWN” (Outline) - BETTERMAN The Podcast What has been getting the most of my attention, affectio ..read more
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November 2023
The Whole Pastor
by Bobby Contreras
7M ago
Hello TWP family! Most of you know that early detection, a fantastic doctor, and the support from my family and friends saved my life! Back in February of 2019, Testicular Cancer became part of my story. This February will be five years since my diagnosis! As a survivor, I now seek to advocate for and promote the health of men, their families, and the community they operate in.  We are five days away from November! The month ahead affords the opportunity to intentionally push for the health, well-being, and vitality of the mates around you and me. You don't have to do this alone! In his ..read more
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Hope In The Still Waiting
The Whole Pastor
by Bobby Contreras
8M ago
CLICK HERE TO SEE THE DAILY GAZE Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,     for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning;     great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion;     therefore I will wait for him.” The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him,     to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly     for the salvation of the Lord. (Lamentations 3:22-26) Seeking God requires patient hope in still waiting. Our hearts and minds ..read more
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A Rabbit And A Fox
The Whole Pastor
by Bobby Contreras
10M ago
Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.  And let us consider how we may spur one another on towar ..read more
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The Daily Gaze
The Whole Pastor
by Bobby Contreras
11M ago
One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple. (Psalm 27:4-6) Making space for God’s Word daily has been my intentional priority. Back in January, I set the goal for myself to “Courageously Follow God’s Word.” (Thanks Betterman) As a pastor, I have found that it is not enough to only read my Bible solely for sermon preparation. Biblical literacy is a must to obtain and grow in true Spiritual Health! Recently, I read an article by Kevin DeYoung where he mad ..read more
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