Essential Tips for Dressing Your Baby for a Peaceful Sleep
Baby Sleep Team Blog
6M ago
As a new parent, one of the biggest challenges you may face is getting your baby to sleep through the night. While there are many factors that can affect your baby's sleep, one important aspect to consider is how you dress your baby for sleep. The right sleepwear can make a significant difference in your baby's comfort and ability to sleep soundly. In this article, we'll discuss some essential tips for dressing your baby for a peaceful sleep. Why is Dressing Your Baby for Sleep Important? Babies have a hard time regulating their body temperature, which can make it difficult for them to sleep c more
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Your 8 Month Sleep Regression Questions Answered
Baby Sleep Team Blog
7M ago
Understanding and Surviving the 8 Month Sleep Regression As a parent, you may have heard of the dreaded 8 month sleep regression. It’s a phase that many babies go through, and it can be a challenging time for both parents and babies. But what exactly is the 8 month sleep regression, and how can you survive it? In this article, we’ll dive into the details of the 8 month sleep regression, including what it is, why it happens, and some tips for getting through it. What is the 8 Month Old Sleep Regression? The 8 month sleep regression is a phase that typically occurs when a baby is around 8 months more
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The 6 Month Sleep Regression: Your Guide to Surviving the Nighttime Turmoil
Baby Sleep Team Blog
8M ago
Introduction The 6 month sleep regression is a common phase that many parents dread. Just when you thought your baby was finally settling into a predictable sleep routine, they start waking up multiple times during the night, refusing to go back to sleep. This can be incredibly frustrating and exhausting for both parents and babies. However, understanding what causes the 6-month sleep regression and implementing strategies to cope with it can help you survive this challenging phase. In this blog post, we will guide you through the nighttime turmoil of the 6 month sleep regression and provide y more
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4 Month Sleep Regression: Signs, Science, and Solutions
Baby Sleep Team Blog
8M ago
Introduction As a new parent, you may have heard of the term "sleep regression" and wondered what it means. Sleep regression is a common phase that babies go through where they suddenly have trouble sleeping or experience changes in their sleep patterns. It can be a challenging time for both babies and parents, but understanding the signs, science, and solutions can help you navigate through this phase with more ease. In this article, we will focus on the 4 month sleep regression, but the information can also be applied to other common sleep regressions so stay tuned. Sleep regression can be a more
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Baby Sleep Tips for Newborns
Baby Sleep Team Blog
3y ago
We’re going to share 3 sleep foundations you can implement right now to get yourself a good little sleeper. We have used these foundations to help hundreds of families get their newborn sleeping well early on and we’re excited to help you too!  Sleep Foundation #1: Awake Times. This is your biggest guide to what your day will look like. You do not need to feel the pressure to follow a routine, but will be guided by awake windows. Newborns sleep ALOT and only have the ability to stay awake for short periods of time before quickly becoming overtired. The sleep foundation advises that newbor more
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5 tips getting baby to sleep through the night
Baby Sleep Team Blog
3y ago
Want to know how to get your baby to sleep through the night? We’re going to share 5 tips to get your little one sleeping through the night. We have helped many families get their babies to sleep through the night and we’re excited to help you stop feeling like a walking zombie so your whole family can be well-rested getting the sleep they need Tip #1: Sleep environment Creating a sleep environment conducive to falling and staying asleep is vital to helping your baby sleep through the night. The good news is that parents have the ability to get everything set up perfectly and you don’t need t more
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Why is it so hard for my baby to re-settle themselves after one sleep cycle during the day than it is at night?
Baby Sleep Team Blog
3y ago
Trust me, if I could have a magic wand and solve this issue for my clients, I would be the world’s most famous sleep consultant! But truthfully, short naps during the day can take time (and a lot of patience!) to fall in place! Your baby may be able to re-settle themselves throughout the night AND fall asleep independently at the beginning of naps during the day, yet you’re still faced with a nap that lasts only 30-45 minutes. Why is it so hard? Firstly, to reassure you, it is a completely normal and common occurrence amongst babies. (To learn more about short naps, you can read our short nap more
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How to dress your child appropriately for bed.
Baby Sleep Team Blog
3y ago
One of my childhood memories from growing up was when I shared a room with my older sister. Much to her disgust (and my delight!), we shared a room until I was 10 years old and she was 13 years old.  When we were younger and our parents came in to say goodnight, I remember asking to be tucked in tight so that no cool air could get under the covers and I would wake up nearly in the exact same position! I was the epitome of being as snug as a bug. My sister on the other hand was the most restless sleep ever! She kicked off the covers almost immediately as she moved around her bed and the ma more
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Sleep regression: What are the sleep regression ages?
Baby Sleep Team Blog
3y ago
When it comes to kids, the only constant is change! In the first year of your baby’s life, this phrase seems to be on steroids! From a helpless newborn to an active toddler, in only 12 short months, your child goes through this incredible transformation.  What you have most likely come to learn is that infant sleep is not linear. They may take 2 steps forward and 1 step back. There are bumps in the road along the way and many of these bumps can be known as sleep regressions.  Some of these regressions you will notice (a lot!), and some you may breeze through. It ultimately will come more
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Short naps: What are they? What causes them? And are they a problem?
Baby Sleep Team Blog
3y ago
You’ve heard it before...sleep begets sleep. But why are long naps during the day so hard to achieve?  Naps are crucial for development and establishing good sleeping patterns overnight. A well-rested baby is much easier to put to bed each night as they are not overtired which generally leads to fighting sleep. Daytime napping issues can however be harder to solve than nighttime sleep issues as the physiological drive to sleep is far less than at night. On top of that, you may be feeling that your whole day revolves around sleep! You feel like you’re doing all the right things but when yo more
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