Switching Your Baby from Bottles to Sippy Cups | Mechanicsville Pediatric Dentist
Sparkle Pediatric Dentistry
by Ben Lewis
2w ago
Transitioning your baby from bottle to cup is a significant milestone in their development, essential for both their overall health and dental well-being. At Sparkle Pediatric Dentistry, we’re committed to providing guidance and support throughout this crucial journey. Here are some helpful tips to make the transition smoother: Start Early Whether your baby is breastfed or bottle-fed, introducing a cup early on is beneficial for their development. By their first birthday, encourage them to start drinking from a cup to promote healthy oral habits. Understand the Risks Prolonged bottle-drink ..read more
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5 Ways to Get Your Child to Care for Their Teeth | Sparkle Pediatric Dentistry
Sparkle Pediatric Dentistry
by Ben Lewis
1M ago
Encouraging kids to embrace oral care at home can be a challenge, but the lifelong benefits are invaluable. At Sparkle Pediatric Dentistry, we’re passionate about making oral health a fun and integral part of your child’s daily routine. Here are some creative tips to help you foster a love for dental hygiene in your little ones: Personalize Their Tools Let your child choose their own toothbrush and toothpaste to instill a sense of ownership in their oral care routine. With guidance from our pediatric dentist at Sparkle Pediatric Dentistry, they can select their favorite colors or characters ..read more
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The Best Age to Get Braces | Pediatric Dentist Mechanicsville VA
Sparkle Pediatric Dentistry
by Ben Lewis
1M ago
Considering orthodontic treatment for your child? Here’s what you need to know before embarking on the journey to a straight, healthy smile with braces, brought to you by Sparkle Pediatric Dentistry, your trusted pediatric dentist in Mechanicsville, VA. Is Braces Right for Your Child? Wondering if your child is a candidate for braces? This decision is best made in consultation with your pediatric dentist. Braces are typically recommended to correct improper bites, including overbites, underbites, and crooked teeth. They are also effective in closing gaps between teeth and aligning teeth gro ..read more
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7 Experiences Every Child Should Have Before Age 7 | Henrico Pediatric Dentist
Sparkle Pediatric Dentistry
by Ben Lewis
2M ago
As a parent, cherishing the fleeting moments of your child’s early years is paramount. Embrace the joy of shared experiences, creating lasting memories that will be treasured for a lifetime. Here are seven enriching activities to enjoy with your child before they reach the age of 7, ensuring moments of connection and growth: 1. Dive into Storytime Adventures Cultivate a love for reading by sharing bedtime stories with your child every night. Delve into captivating tales together, fostering imagination and language skills while strengthening your bond. 2. Unleash Creativity with Art Projects ..read more
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When Should a Child’s Baby Teeth Be Removed? | Pediatric Dentist Henrico
Sparkle Pediatric Dentistry
by Ben Lewis
2M ago
An inevitable part of a child’s growth is that time when primary teeth, commonly known as baby teeth, fall out and adult teeth come in. For many children, primary teeth loosen and fall out on their own, but every child is different.  When you bring your child in for an orthodontic evaluation, we take the development of primary teeth into consideration. Here are some things to remember about your child’s teeth. Is My Childs’ Tooth Development on Track?  Many parents come to us concerned that their child’s primary teeth have not yet fallen out. Remember that each child’s mouth is goin ..read more
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How to Help Sick Kids Maintain a Healthy Mouth | Pediatric Dentist Near Me
Sparkle Pediatric Dentistry
by Ben Lewis
3M ago
When your child has a fever, cough or other sickness, it is natural to concentrate on the issue at hand, not worry about oral health at that moment. However, keeping their mouths clean can be even more important during illness. Here are helpful tips for keeping your child’s mouth healthy when they are sick. Continue Brushing and Flossing Daily use of a toothbrush and dental floss helps prevent buildup of harmful germs and bacteria in your child’s mouth. A clean mouth helps keep their immune system stay focused on fighting the cold, flu, or whatever ailment is keeping them in bed. If your chil ..read more
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What are the Different Tooth Development Stages? | Short Pump Kids Dentist
Sparkle Pediatric Dentistry
by Ben Lewis
3M ago
Seeing a child’s first tooth erupt provokes mixed emotions in parents. That cute gummy smile will soon give way to a child’s smile. It can be frustrating when teething pain makes babies irritable, yet it is exciting to witness this human milestone. Understanding the different tooth development stages can help you set your child up for a lifetime of good oral health.  Birth to 3 Years Old Although they eventually fall out, primary teeth, commonly called baby teeth, play an extremely important role in the different tooth development stages. They hold space in the jaws for the upcoming perm ..read more
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Do Pacifiers Hurt Tooth Development? | Kids Dentist Henrico
Sparkle Pediatric Dentistry
by Ben Lewis
4M ago
Since 1900, pacifiers have been one of the most common ways to soothe fussy babies, but they can be a difficult habit to break as children get older. Excessive use can cause improper mouth development, which leads to abnormal tooth growth and additional complications later in life. Here is what you need to know about whether pacifiers hurt tooth development and impact a baby’s smile.  How Pacifiers Affect Teeth Pacifiers, also called pacis, binkies and dummies, can influence the shape and alignment of a baby’s teeth and jaw. Used excessively and for a long period, they can push the front ..read more
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Having Fun With Oral Hygiene | Pediatric Dentist in Henrico, VA
Sparkle Pediatric Dentistry
by Ben Lewis
4M ago
It’s not easy to get your child to practice good oral hygiene on their own. They need your help, and it’s worth the time and patience. Good dental care at a young age reaps long-term benefits. Here are a few ways to make daily oral hygiene more exciting for your kids. 1. Let Them Accessorize When your child gets to pick out their own toothbrush and toothpaste, they’ll feel like they’re in control of their own oral care. Children like to make their own decisions, and this is a harmless one that will get them excited. 2. Reward Good Behavior Incentivizing your child can have a huge effect on th ..read more
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Baby Teeth: Should They Be Removed? | Kids Dentist Short Pump
Sparkle Pediatric Dentistry
by IdentityAdmin
6M ago
The development of your child’s mouth is an important part in their overall growth, and part of the transition is the loss of primary (baby) teeth. For most children, these first teeth will loosen and fall out on their own; however, this is not always the case. Our doctor will evaluate your child’s mouth to ensure they are on track to developing a healthy smile.  Is My Child’s Primary Teeth Loss on Track? It’s not uncommon to wonder if your child’s oral health is on track with their overall development. According to the Mayo Clinic, a child’s 20 primary teeth typically begin to loosen an ..read more
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