Tips for managing conflict with a narcissistic ex
Bertuccini Law Firm | Family Law Blog
by bkabritsor
5d ago
Dealing with a narcissistic ex can be an emotionally draining and challenging experience, especially when it comes to managing conflict. While it may seem like an uphill battle, there are several strategies you can use to reduce the impact of their behavior on your life. There are a few tips for handling conflict with a narcissistic ex. Accommodation: choosing your battles One approach to managing conflict with a narcissistic ex is through accommodation. This involves choosing your battles and deciding when it is worth standing your ground and when it is better to let things go. By prioritizin more
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How is property divided in a Louisiana divorce?
Bertuccini Law Firm | Family Law Blog
by bkabritsor
2M ago
In the state of Louisiana, divorces follow unique rules regarding the division of property. When you are approaching a divorce, you might have understandable concerns regarding what will happen to your property and assets. Understanding the division of property during a divorce can make all the difference for you as you navigate this challenging process. The meaning of community property Louisiana follows the rule of community property when it comes to dividing assets during a divorce. This means that most property acquired by either spouse during the marriage belongs equally to both spouses more
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What factors do the courts use to calculate spousal support?
Bertuccini Law Firm | Family Law Blog
by bkabritsor
2M ago
When couples part ways in Louisiana, the court might award spousal support, also known as alimony, to one of the spouses. This financial assistance is particularly important when that spouse has been economically dependent on the other one throughout the marriage. To determine the amount and duration of spousal support, there are six factors that the courts can use. 1. Income disparity One primary factor courts consider is the income difference between spouses. If one spouse earns a lot more than the other, the court may order spousal support to balance the financial scales. 2. Duration of mar more
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Responsible social media use during your divorce
Bertuccini Law Firm | Family Law Blog
by bkabritsor
4M ago
With social media being such a big part of everyday life, it may be tempting to vent your frustrations online during your divorce. However, doing so can actually make the divorce process more difficult. There are some things to consider for managing your social media activity during this period. Choose your words carefully Ranting angrily on social media rarely makes you feel better in the long run. It also provides written evidence that your ex’s lawyer could potentially use against you. Take time to calm down before posting anything about your divorce online. If you need to vent, do so priva more
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How stepparent adoption works in Louisiana
Bertuccini Law Firm | Family Law Blog
by bkabritsor
5M ago
In Louisiana, stepparent adoption is a legal avenue for blending families and solidifying relationships. While it may seem complex, breaking down the steps can provide clarity for those navigating this important journey. Initiating the process Although 28% of homes had single parents in 2020, 71% still had two parents, according to the U.S. Census. However, many of these households had stepparents, some of whom sought to adopt their stepchildren. The first step in the stepparent adoption process involves obtaining the petition for adoption, consent and financial statement forms from the Family more
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Fathers need to be in their kids’ lives in custody disputes
Bertuccini Law Firm | Family Law Blog
by bkabritsor
6M ago
In custody disputes, the spotlight used to gravitate toward mothers, overshadowing the role of fathers. Louisiana courts do recognize now that children usually benefit from having strong connections with both of their parents. If you are a father in a custody dispute, it can help your case if you show involvement in your children’s lives, for example, taking them to appointments and attending school conferences. Child’s health Attending medical appointments demonstrates a commitment to the child’s well-being and provides evidence of a father’s active involvement in health care decisions. Judge more
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3 common myths about protective orders
Bertuccini Law Firm | Family Law Blog
by bkabritsor
8M ago
Protective orders play an important role in providing peace of mind and security for those concerned about domestic violence or threats. Unfortunately, some widespread myths and misconceptions often overshadow their value. Understand the facts about protective orders so you can better decide if one is right for you. 1. Protective orders only cover physical threats Many people believe that protective orders only address cases of physical harm. This prevents many from seeking this protection even when it could help. You can seek a protective order in any case when you feel threatened or unsafe d more
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3 common property issues during a divorce
Bertuccini Law Firm | Family Law Blog
by bkabritsor
8M ago
One of the most complex aspects of divorce revolves around the division of property. In Louisiana, marital property is typically subject to a set of rules that differ from those in many other states. Understanding these rules is important for a fair and smooth divorce process. 1. Community property vs. separate property Louisiana follows the community property system, which means that most property acquired during the marriage is community property and subject to equal division between spouses. This includes assets such as homes, vehicles, income and debts acquired during the marriage. However more
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Positive communication during a divorce
Bertuccini Law Firm | Family Law Blog
by bkabritsor
10M ago
Divorce causes significant financial and emotional stress. However, when you have children, you have to concern yourself with their well-being as well as your own. One of the worst things you can do includes speaking negatively about your spouse, the divorce or life in general in front of your children. Therefore, these are some positive communication strategies you may consider. Be open with your spouse Open communication is the basis for relationships. Even if you had difficulty communicating during your marriage, you need to be open during your divorce. This openness will allow you to avoid more
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Is the ‘7-year itch’ real in Louisiana marriages?
Bertuccini Law Firm | Family Law Blog
1y ago
As it turns out, the “seven-year itch” might be more than the title of a movie from 1955. U.S. Census data suggests that divorcing American couples stay together for about eight years before ending things. According to Psychology Today, first marriages for divorcing couples last about 8.2 years. If you subtract the time for waiting periods (such as the 180 or 365 days you are required to wait in Louisiana) and negotiate settlements for property division, child custody and so on, you would have about seven years from the wedding date to the time one of the spouses files for divorce. Why seven-i more
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