Good Men Possess These 12 Important Traits
James Michael Sama
by James Michael Sama
8M ago
Photo: My wife and I on our 1st wedding anniversary. What is it that makes for a “good man”? Despite what our image-focused society tells us, it has nothing to do with his level of income, how he dresses, the car he drives, the friends he surrounds himself with, or who he’s in a relationship… The post Good Men Possess These 12 Important Traits appeared first on James Michael Sama more
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15 Timeless Dating Manners Women Wish You Knew
James Michael Sama
by James Michael Sama
8M ago
Photo: Us on our first wedding anniversary! Building a relationship with someone is a tricky thing. It takes proactive and deliberate action — yet it’s not something that comes with a formula or blueprint. There are no guarantees, yet there are strategies you can put in place that work in your favor. For men, we are traditionally… The post 15 Timeless Dating Manners Women Wish You Knew appeared first on James Michael Sama more
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25 Life-Changing Lessons About Love
James Michael Sama
by James Michael Sama
8M ago
There’s an old Tony Robbins quote that says “success leaves clues.” The idea is that we can learn from people who’ve already gone where we want to go. Not in the sense of copying them, but in that, we can see what worked (and didn’t work) to shorten the time of figuring it out ourselves.… The post 25 Life-Changing Lessons About Love appeared first on James Michael Sama more
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Project Even Higher Confidence By Eliminating These 10 Behaviors
James Michael Sama
by James Michael Sama
8M ago
What makes someone “high value?” It’s not rooted in how much they make, or what they look like, how many friends they have, or their relationship status…High value people simply decide to recognize their own worth and show up in the world accordingly. They project their confidence in their own value through the things they… The post Project Even Higher Confidence By Eliminating These 10 Behaviors appeared first on James Michael Sama more
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The Most Attractive Men Understand These 10 Things
James Michael Sama
by James Michael Sama
8M ago
Men are more confused now than ever before when it comes to dating — and who can blame them? Men’s roles in virtually all areas of life are shifting, which presents some uncertainty. In a world where women are outperforming and out-earning men more and more frequently, where is the value that men bring to their lives… The post The Most Attractive Men Understand These 10 Things appeared first on James Michael Sama more
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Couples Who Stay Together Forever Do These 10 Things
James Michael Sama
by James Michael Sama
9M ago
Photo: Mrs. Rachel Sama and Mr. James Michael Sama If I asked you to think about the happiest couples you know, who pops into your mind first? For me, it’s quite obviously my parents who’ve been happily together for over 40 years, and also my late grandparents who were together for over 60 years. I… The post Couples Who Stay Together Forever Do These 10 Things appeared first on James Michael Sama more
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When You Find A Woman With These Qualities – Marry Her
James Michael Sama
by James Michael Sama
9M ago
(Photo: Rachel Sama and James Michael Sama) We are all looking for something different when it comes to a partner — especially someone we’ll consider spending the rest of our life with. I do think, though, that there are some universal qualities that men desire in the woman who they love more than the idea of being… The post When You Find A Woman With These Qualities – Marry Her appeared first on James Michael Sama more
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Every Relationship Needs These 5 Types Of Intimacy
James Michael Sama
by James Michael Sama
9M ago
Happy and healthy relationships are multi-faceted. They require two people to intertwine their lives, their hearts, their minds, and souls in order to live a harmonious and thriving life together. Such a complex endeavor must be intentional and requires full dedication from both partners. Dedication that brings us to the table every single day with… The post Every Relationship Needs These 5 Types Of Intimacy appeared first on James Michael Sama more
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10 Important Signs Of True SELF-Love
James Michael Sama
by James Michael Sama
9M ago
We’ve all heard it before: The term “self-love.” But how many of us understand what it truly means? Or how it really feels? Loving yourself is simpler than it seems. It’s reflected in your daily actions and habits, the standards you set for yourself, and the treatment you accept — both from you, and from others. Let’s… The post 10 Important Signs Of True SELF-Love appeared first on James Michael Sama more
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6 Traits Of Mentally Strong People
James Michael Sama
by James Michael Sama
9M ago
What does it mean to be “strong?” We hear it all the time — they’re a “strong person,” and we’re usually not talking about physical strength at the time. Mental strength is arguably even more difficult to build because it requires emotional trials and tribulations. When you do establish it, though, you recognize different actions and traits… The post 6 Traits Of Mentally Strong People appeared first on James Michael Sama more
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