Python Lists
by AskAvy
4M ago
Python lists are versatile and commonly used data structures that can hold an ordered collection of items. Here are eight examples with explanations: Numeric List: numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] A list of integers representing numeric values. String List: names = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "David"] A list of strings containing names. Mixed Data Types: mixed_list = [1, "two", 3.0, True] A list containing a mix of different data types. Nested List: matrix = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]] A list where each element is a sublist, creating a 2D matrix. List Slicing more
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Chatgpt api php example
by AskAvy
5M ago
OpenAI had not released an official API for ChatGPT. Therefore, I don’t have information on a ChatGPT API in PHP. However, if OpenAI has released such an API since then, you can check the official OpenAI documentation for details on how to use it. Assuming an API is available, you would typically interact with it using HTTP requests. Here’s a basic example of how you might request PHP using the cURL library. Please note that this is a hypothetical example, and the actual implementation details would depend on the specifics of the API. <?php // Replace 'your_api_key' with your actual API k more
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JavaScript – validate numeric only and within range
by AskAvy
5M ago
To validate that a given input is numeric and within a specific range in JavaScript, you can use the following code. This example assumes that the range is between 1 and 100: function isNumeric(value) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(value)) && isFinite(value); } function isInRange(value, min, max) { return value >= min && value <= max; } function validateInput(input) { // Check if input is numeric if (isNumeric(input)) { // If numeric, check if it's within the range of 1 to 100 if (isInRange(parseFloat(input), 1, 100)) { console.l more
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Get return value from setTimeout
by AskAvy
5M ago
Certainly! Let’s go through six examples to illustrate retrieving return values from setTimeout using both callback functions and promises. Example 1: Using Callback Function function fetchData(callback) { setTimeout(() => { const data = "Async data"; callback(data); }, 1000); } // Using the callback fetchData(result => { console.log("Example 1: Result:", result); }); Explanation: The fetchData function takes a callback as an argument. After the asynchronous operation (simulated by setTimeout), it invokes the callback with the result. Example 2: Using Promises functio more
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How do I return the response from an asynchronous call?
by AskAvy
5M ago
Certainly! Let’s go through more examples with detailed explanations for each method: Example 1: Callback Functions function fetchData(callback) { // Simulating an asynchronous call (e.g., API request) setTimeout(() => { const data = "Async data"; callback(null, data); // Pass null as the first argument for no error }, 1000); } // Using the callback fetchData((error, result) => { if (error) { console.error("Error:", error); } else { console.log("Result:", result); } }); Explanation: The fetchData function takes a callback function as an argument. Inside fe more
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What does “use strict” do in JavaScript
by AskAvy
5M ago
Certainly! Let’s go through six examples that illustrate the effects of using strict mode in JavaScript. Example 1: Undeclared Variable Assignment "use strict"; undeclaredVar = 42; // Error: ReferenceError: undeclaredVar is not defined Explanation: In strict mode, attempting to assign a value to an undeclared variable results in a ReferenceError. In non-strict mode, this would create a global variable. Strict mode helps catch potential issues with variable names. Example 2: Octal Literal "use strict"; var octalLiteral = 0123; // Error: SyntaxError: Octal literals are not allowed in stri more
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How to match string that does not have two hyphens with JavaScript regular expressions
by AskAvy
5M ago
const regex = /^(?!.*--).*$/; // Test examples const example1 = "abc-def-ghi"; // Allowed, no consecutive hyphens const example2 = "abc--def"; // Not allowed, consecutive hyphens const example3 = "no-hyphens"; // Allowed, no hyphens const example4 = "one-hyphen-"; // Allowed, no consecutive hyphens const example5 = "--invalid--"; // Not allowed, consecutive hyphens const example6 = "hyphen--word"; // Not allowed, consecutive hyphens console.log(regex.test(example1)); // Should print true console.log(regex.test(example2)); // Should print false console.log(regex.test(example more
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Check if String contains only Letters and Numbers in JS
by AskAvy
5M ago
Here are some examples of checking if a string contains only letters and numbers in JavaScript Example 1: function containsOnlyLettersAndNumbers(str) { return /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(str); } const exampleString = "Hello123"; const result = containsOnlyLettersAndNumbers(exampleString); console.log(result); // true Explanation: Regular Expression: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$ matches a string that contains only letters (both lowercase and uppercase) and numbers. Test Method: The .test() method checks if the entire string matches the regular expression. Example Usage: exampleString contains only letters more
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Check if a String contains Numbers in JavaScript
by AskAvy
5M ago
Example 1: Using Regular Expressions function containsNumbers(str) { return /\d/.test(str); } const exampleString = "Hello123"; const containsNum = containsNumbers(exampleString); console.log(containsNum); // true Function Definition: The function containsNumbers takes a string (str) as a parameter. Regular Expression: /\d/ is a regular expression that matches any digit (0-9). Test Method: The .test() method checks if the regular expression matches any part of the input string. Example Usage: exampleString is a string that contains numbers. containsNum is the result of cal more
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How to Add Months to a Date in JavaScript
by AskAvy
5M ago
Certainly! Let’s break down the code step by step: // Function to add months to a date function addMonths(date, months) { // Create a new Date object to avoid modifying the original date var newDate = new Date(date); // Calculate the target month and year var targetMonth = newDate.getMonth() + months; var targetYear = newDate.getFullYear(); // Adjust the year and month if necessary while (targetMonth >= 12) { targetMonth -= 12; // Subtract 12 to bring it within the valid month range (0-11) targetYear++; // Increment the year when crossing into the next year more
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