300. Secrets to the perfect post-shift routine
The Nursing Co-op
1d ago
The hours after a long shifts are some of the most important when it comes to our sanity as nurses. And yet, we often spend the moments after work binge eating, numbing out on the couch, doom scrolling, or just generally "rotting." And while relaxation is important, these choices usually leave us more drained than restored. On today's episode, let's talk about a few key things to include post-shift to ACTUALLY decompress. This one is short and sweet, but I also give you a quick update on our new podcast kicking off so soon! Don't worry, it will be a smooth transition from this show to our nex ..read more
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299. Nursing is not a competition, It's time you ran your own race
The Nursing Co-op
1w ago
This is the reminder we all need. Nursing culture often becomes about hierarchies, competition, or "who has it worse" and it's burning us out. Listen to this one when you need to remember your freaking worth as a nurse. Regardless of what kind of nurse you are. ??????? Have you heard the news?! On Instagram, we are starting a fresh page @healthcoachfornurses-> Go FOLLOW & Check out the new website The Ashley O Show community is a space where nurses and caregivers come together to understand that their identity extends beyond the humans that they care for. If that's you, then join us ..read more
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298. We are Officially Denver Residents!!
The Nursing Co-op
by Ashley O'Connor
2w ago
Hi friends! I am EXHAUSTED. We have spent the last five days unpacking, building furniture, shopping, and just generally putting together an entire 2 bedroom apartment from scratch. Today I just wanted to say hi and give you a quick recap before I pass out on the couch for a minute. More to come! **DON'T FORGET - To celebrate Nurse's Week, get up to 3 months of 1:1 coaching for 50% off (over $600 value) if you sign up in May. Learn more HERE! ??????? Have you heard the news?! On Instagram, we are starting a fresh page @healthcoachfornurses-> Go FOLLOW & Check out the new website T ..read more
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297. Reflecting on One Year Sober!
The Nursing Co-op
by Ashley O'Connor
3w ago
Hey friends! Grab a tea or coffee and join me for a little chat/celebration for 365 days without alcohol, AND a new chapter for our podcast community! This is definitely a casual episode, so pop it on on your way to work or while your cooking dinner, and let's dig into it. I'd also love to take a second just to share my gratitude that you are here. It means the world to me to hang out with you each week, and I really hope you get something out of your time here too. **DON'T FORGET - To celebrate Nurse's Week, get up to 3 months of 1:1 coaching for 50% off (over $600 value) if you sign up in ..read more
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296. Nurses Don't Need Diets to Feel Amazing with Dietitian Katy Harvey
The Nursing Co-op
1M ago
Today I am sharing an amazing conversation I had with registered dietitian Katy Harvey! Katy is a non-diet dietitian who teaches women how to ditch dieting and trust themselves with food by learning to listen to their bodies again. She's passionate about intuitive eating, weight neutrality and finding effective ways of taking care of our health without being on and off diets and "healthy eating" plans for the rest of our lives. We dig into all of this and more in our conversation today, and as an incredibly busy nurse with zero time for weighing, measuring, or following a bunch of food rules ..read more
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295. Just A Nurse with RN/Author Ashley Chancellor
The Nursing Co-op
by Ashley O'Connor
1M ago
Today is a BIGGIE - because I am bringing on one of my favorite humans, RN and now AUTHOR Ashley Chancellor! Ashley and I first met when we started working together to help her heal through burnout, and a beautiful friendship formed. As part of her journey through burnout, recovery, and growth on the other side, her new book, Just A Nurse, was born. I was lucky enough to be a beta reader, and I couldn't put it down. Just A Nurse is the book I wish I had when I first became a nurse, because Ashley puts into words the feelings I was unable to, and it just makes you feel seen. This book is ..read more
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294. Barbados Recap: You don't have to "earn" your rest
The Nursing Co-op
by Ashley O'Connor
1M ago
HAPPY NURSES WEEK! ??? Today I wanted to share a little bit about my week in Barbados and some of the juiciest takeaways from this epic experience. PLUS - I have a special deal for 1:1 coaching packages for the entire month of May in celebration of Nurse's week that I don't want you to miss out on! Apply here: https://forms.gle/VFJsbH2j2syjahXcA  Stay tuned for Wednesday's episode with AUTHOR and Nurse Ashley Chancellor - along with a special giveaway! ??????? Have you heard the news?! On Instagram, we are starting a fresh page @healthcoachfornurses-> Go FOLLOW & Check out the ..read more
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293. How to INSTANTLY feel like you've lost 10 lbs
The Nursing Co-op
by Ashley O'Connor
1M ago
It sounds simple, but the clothes we wear on our weight loss journey can make a huge difference. Too often, our tendency is to hide our body in baggy clothes, dark colors, and clothes that just don't fit "until we lose the weight." This sets us up for failure, and impedes any progress we might make. It's the classic "I'll be happy when..." idea, and it doesn't work. Dressing in clothing that fits your body, gives you shape, and aligns with your individual style can make an enormous impact. It's time we honor your incredible body, and stop trying to hide out of fear of "unworthiness." We explo ..read more
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292. A New Chapter for the Business and Health Updates! [LIFE UPDATE]
The Nursing Co-op
1M ago
Today's episode is raw, real update on a brand new chapter for the business AND what the heck has been going on with my health! Think of this as a coffee chat with your bestie where you just play catch up on life and work. I'm sharing about two big changes in our community: 1. On Instagram, we are starting a fresh page @healthcoachfornurses -> Go FOLLOW 2. This podcast will come to a close by June ? - BUT our new podcast will launch immediately afterwards (called The Healing Healthcare podcast) And I also share about concerns for a hormone imbalance and the journey to diagnosis and t ..read more
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291. Asking "Is this the life I really want?" with Nurse Karen Hart
The Nursing Co-op
by Ashley O'Connor
2M ago
If you have ever found yourself asking, "is this career I have built really the one I want?" then this episode is meant for you! We are digging into how to make difficult decisions in your career that align with your values, managing your time when you are juggling a million things, and finding yourself when you feel like you have lost who you are in this profession. Karen Hart has been a nurse for almost 24 years and has managed to build a career that actually feels aligned, even when the pivots have been hard to make. From the ED, to leadership, and back to nightshift, she has so much incred ..read more
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