Witchy Type Book Club Review: Seasons For The Soul -Julia Van Den Bosh
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by bunnypudding
2M ago
Seasons For The Soul: Spells Of Nature  The Embroidered Art of Julia Van Den Bosh  Please note that this book was gifted for a review and may feature some affiliate links. For more information on our affiliate policy click here. I was excited to receive this book. I had recently taken up embroidery as a hobby so a book mixing this current hyper fixation with witchcraft was always going to excite me. I wasn’t disappointed. I was presented with a book that expressed the beauty and magic of nature seen through the eye of a needle. The author uses hand embroidery in its traditional role ..read more
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The Best Witch Films to Watch Over Spooky Season Part 1 
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by bunnypudding
8M ago
It’s here, Spooky Season is upon thee, billowing over us in a pumpkin spice scented cloud. As the colder season approaches, it’s the perfect time to cosy up with some wickedly enchanting movies. If you are anything like us here Digital Coven HQ, your movie nights can often be delayed via ‘selecting a film highly charged discourse’ as we will politely refer to it….we’ve all been there. So we’ve formed a panel, a Digital Film Coven as it were and curated some film lists around specific niches to help you claw some time back. We’re creating peace here, what else can I say?  Today’s theme is ..read more
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Kitchen Witchery: Magickal Camembert Cheese Ritual:
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by bunnypudding
8M ago
I recently shared a recipe over on my Tiktok that caused a bit of a sensation so I thought it best that I store it here for everyone’s reference.  I love to have fun with my witchcraft practice, especially when in the kitchen, this is where you can be whimsical and spiritual at the same time and there is just something so wholesome about it all. So I like to bring a bit of magick into my everyday meals, and here is one of my favourites using magickal herbs and   Camembert…OMFG…CHEEZE.  Here is the Tiktok Video for reference (why not give me a wee follow whilst you are on th ..read more
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Pumpkin Spice Magic: A Delectable Blend of History, Folklore, and Witchcraft
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by bunnypudding
8M ago
Spooky Season: It’s that time again.  As the crisp winds of autumn sweep through the land, a familiar aroma fills the air, beckoning us with its warm, comforting embrace. It’s the enchanting scent of pumpkin spice, a blend that transcends the boundaries of flavors and invokes the essence of Autumn and mania in shopping aisles. Today, we’re exploring the rich history of pumpkin spice, its intriguing ties to folklore and witchcraft, and how this magical mixture has become an essential part of our seasonal rituals and coffee orders. The Origins of Pumpkin Spice: Pumpkin spice, that delightfu ..read more
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October 14th, 2023 Lunar Eclipse in Libra and Its Mystical Significance
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by bunnypudding
8M ago
The night of October 14th, 2023, promises a celestial spectacle of profound astrological significance—the lunar eclipse in Libra. This enchanting event marks a harmonious alignment in the cosmos, inviting us to delve into the mysteries of the moon, its role in witchcraft, and the reasons behind the cautionary whispers against manifestation during eclipse season. Let’s unlock the secrets of this lunar eclipse together..  The Moon’s Timeless Enchantment: Since day dot, the moon has been a celestial beacon, captivating human hearts and souls. This radiant orb, Earth’s celestial companion, ha ..read more
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Witchy Type: A Review of ‘The Mystical Journaling Kit’ by Maia Toll” #gifted
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by bunnypudding
8M ago
(Note: The rating is based on the kit’s uniqueness, practicality, and its potential to resonate with both journaling enthusiasts and those interested in mystical elements. The product was gifted in return for an honest review, more details are available on our review policy here) Ahoy there, fellow book enthusiasts! Today, I’m thrilled to share my thoughts on “The Mystical Journaling Kit” by Maia Toll, a delightful companion for those looking to add a touch of magic to their daily journaling practice. I’ve previously written about having issues with my morning journaling so I really pleased wh ..read more
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Green Witchcraft: Growing my own herbs 
Digital Coven
by bunnypudding
9M ago
What I am doing  Well dear coven, it’s finally happened – I only got some outdoor space and finally started growing my own herbs. I am unbelievably excited about this fact, maybe too excited but  here is the low down on my little green adventure: What Herbs am I growing? I am currently growing six different herbs in three seperate herb boxes in this batch and they are as follows: Basil and Parsley – as they are both thirsty plants so grow well together.  Chive, Sage and Thyme  – These grow well together and as I am growing the Sage in there too, I don’t want too many aggre ..read more
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Deck Review: Daily Magic Deck by Maia Toll [Gifted] 
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by bunnypudding
9M ago
It’s easy to get caught up in the chaos of everyday life and to feel guilty about not connecting spiritually as often as you like. There are only so many ways that you can add a bit of magick to a corporate meeting room, right? This is why getting into the habit of performing small daily rituals can really help with maintaining some regularity in your witchcraft practice and provides a center for your day. I personally like to do my routines first thing in the morning when I’m able (and life often gets in the way so please don’t think I have my life together) These practices include: Morning ..read more
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20 Versatile Ways to Harness the Power of Moon Water in Your Spiritual Practice
Digital Coven
by bunnypudding
9M ago
I simply adore making Moon water, and like many witches it was one of the first rituals I started performing as a practicing witch. What I love about Moon water is that it is so versatile. When I started making this list I didn’t expect it to end up as long as it did and I fully expect to make a part two to this as I continue down this spiritual road and we share ideas.  Here’s a list of ways you can use Moon water: Cleansing and Purification: Use Moon water to cleanse and purify yourself, objects, or spaces of negative energy. Sprinkle or spray it around your home or sacred space. It mak ..read more
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How to make Moon Water 
Digital Coven
by bunnypudding
9M ago
The New Moon is in Virgo on the 15th September so I thought it would be timely to learn more about the enchanting world of Moon water and the ways it supercharges your witchcraft. Whether you’re a seasoned witch or just dipping your toes into the magical waters, harnessing the power of the Moon and its cycles can add a celestial touch to your craft. Plus….it’s really bloody fun. Who doesn’t like making a lil ceremony out of things, huh?  Today, we’re gonna dive into the process of making Moon water during the new Moon and explore the ways you can use this elixir in your spells and rituals ..read more
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