Palace ‘desperate not to upset’ the Sussexes as Meghan bullying row ‘swept under the carpet’ – we look at the latest news in our unmissable royal talk show Palace Confidential
Palace Confidential
by Palace Confidential
2y ago
BUCKINGHAM Palace’s decision to bury a report into allegations of bullying by the Duchess of Sussex could be down to a desire not to ‘poke the bear that is Harry and Meghan’, says the Daily Mail’s Royal Editor Rebecca English. Officials announced this week that the result of the investigation into the allegations – firmly denied by lawyers for Meghan – will never be made public ‘There’s been a suggestion made to me that the palace have really done this because they don’t want to poke the bear that is Harry and Meghan,’ Rebecca tells Palace Confidential. ‘And they seem to want to keep the peace more
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William still smarting about Harry’s racism comments and why Charles could become the ‘ghost king’
Palace Confidential
by Palace Confidential
2y ago
Prince William’s speech about racism in Britain will have been in part inspired by the fact that he is still ‘smarting’ about the comments that Harry and Meghan made last year, believes commentator Sarah Vine. The Sussexes’ claims about racism in the Royal Family in a 2021 interview with Oprah Winfrey made headlines worldwide. ‘I think it’s an issue that [William] feels that he has to address head-on and I think that’s a good way of addressing it,’ she tells Palace Confidential. ‘Maybe he would just like to draw a line under that and just make sure that people understand where he stands on it more
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Will the Palace use the jubilee to reel the Sussexes back into the fold? Our experts discuss this and lots more in our essential royal talk show
Palace Confidential
by Palace Confidential
2y ago
The Royal Family will use events around the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee to bring Harry and Meghan closer to the rest of the family, according to one expert. After years of bad blood, Kate Mansey, assistant editor at the Mail on Sunday says she believes that the Queen wants a rapprochement with the Sussexes who quit royal working life in 2020. ‘There is generally a sense that they want to bring the Sussexes in, I think. They will be invited to lots of family occasions, just not the big, official numbers,’ she tells our royal talk show Palace Confidential. That doesn’t mean the initial encounters w more
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‘Harry wants to have his cake and eat it!’ Our top team give their expert views on ALL the royal news as the Sussexes run into ANOTHER legal minefield
Palace Confidential
by Palace Confidential
2y ago
Prince Harry’s decision to try to get his lawyers to overturn the Home Office’s decision not to offer him police protection in the UK has, says Rebecca English, created ‘another legal drama involving the Sussexes and another unwelcome situation for the Royal Family’. PLUS After the extraordinary events that saw Boris Johnson apologise to the Queen after parties were held in Downing Street the night before the funeral of the Duke of Edinburgh, Daily Mail columnist Robert Hardman looks at the curious relationship between prime ministers and monarchs. He explains when the Government has the more
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Strip him of his royal roles and cast him adrift! Our experts discuss how the Firm can solve the Andrew problem
Palace Confidential
by Palace Confidential
2y ago
The news that Prince Andrew is set to face trial in America over a civil claim that he abused a sex-trafficked 17-year-old is ‘the Royal Family’s worst nightmare and there’s no easy way out’. That’s the view of the Daily Mail’s Diary Editor Richard Eden, who says that enough is enough: it’s time for the Firm to take decisive action to put ‘clear water’ between them and Andrew, who denies all the allegations against him. See for privacy information more
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Why Charles could be trying to coax Harry back into The Firm, but there’ll never be room for Andrew
Palace Confidential
by Palace Confidential
2y ago
In an essay on the environment published this week, Prince Charles praised not only his late father but both of his sons for their commitment to green issues. It might seem like a small thing, but the Daily Mail’s Royal Editor Rebecca English says it is ‘very notable’, adding: ‘I don’t think that’s a coincidence. Relationships with Harry are still really poor [but] I do think this is an olive branch to his younger son to show that he is still loved and he is still valued. How that will be received is anyone’s guess.’ There is likely to be less enthusiasm in rehabilitating the Duke of York, how more
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Andrew’s annus horribilis: Palace Confidential reviews a disastrous year for the disgraced Duke
Palace Confidential
by Palace Confidential
2y ago
Despite stepping back from his official royal role in 2019, Prince Andrew's ability to dominate the headlines throughout 2021 has given our panel on Palace Confidential plenty to talk about all year long. In this special episode, we’ve put together some of the biggest talking points and most jaw-dropping moments from the story of Prince Andrew over the past year. See for privacy information more
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Harry and Meghan vs the royals: Palace Confidential looks back at 2021’s most controversial moments
Palace Confidential
by Palace Confidential
2y ago
2020 was a seismic year for the Royal Family as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex announced plans to leave Britain and to relinquish royal duties, so much so that few thought 2021 would provide as much drama. However, the fallout from Megxit has continued to be drawn out, providing a series of unexpected twists that have proved incredibly uncomfortable for the Royal Family.  Each week Palace Confidential has asked our experts to dissect all the developments: from the accusations and recriminations around interviews to the multimillion-pound deals; and from a controversial inte more
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The duchess who cried wolf? Palace’s ‘bullying’ investigation into Meghan on ice PLUS Covid forces Queen to cancel Christmas plans
Palace Confidential
by Palace Confidential
2y ago
Earlier this year, Buckingham Palace announced an investigation into accusations of bullying by the Duchess of Sussex against members of staff. Fast forward nine months and, as the Mail’s Rebecca English reveals, just ‘a tiny handful’ of staff have been interviewed and she believes the whole process is ‘being kicked into the long grass’. The panel also discuss a moving Christmas event hosted by the Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Charles taking on the anti-vaxxers and Prince William’s battle with the producers of The Crown. Meanwhile, after a year that has seen the death of Prince Phillip, the Que more
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What IS Prince Harry up to? Our panel delves into the ‘CBE scandal’ – and what it means for the prince and his father Charles in this week’s unmissable royal chatshow
Palace Confidential
by Palace Confidential
2y ago
What is Prince Harry’s motivation – self-preservation or trying to create more distance from his family in advance of his memoirs being released? That’s the question being asked by our panel in the latest edition of Palace Confidential.  As connections between Prince Charles and a Saudi businessman are called into question, Harry has appeared to criticise his father, referring to the affair as the ‘CBE scandal’. Richard Kay believes the move is a calculated one from the Duke of Sussex, who’s keen to further separate himself from his father before the publication of Harry’s memoi more
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