Please advise is this water quality or fish problem?
Aquarium Forum » Koi and Goldfish
by Tekken
6d ago
Hi all Long time fancy gold fish keeper, but some unclear problem that all my Ranchu hang on mid water or bottom of the tank and refuse to swim around. Tank setup have been run more than 3 year with 2 Ranchu. Recently, 1 of Ranchu has pass out and 1 left. Brought 4 more baby Ranchu, approx 10 months old All 5 ranchu goldfishes living happen and eat ok on first 7days - First 20% water changed after 4 days that i bought them home and they all were looking good and... Please advise is this water quality or fish problem more
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How many fancy goldfish can I stock in a 55 gallon aquarium?
Aquarium Forum » Koi and Goldfish
by isaacwrestler999
6d ago
Hello I'm keeping 3 fantail goldfish in a 55 gallon aquarium with 4 sponge filters with a 300 gph filtration with a common pleco. The Pleco is about 3-4 inches long and the fantails are averaged at 2" long. I would feed the goldfish ~3 times a day. I have a HOB filter for 75 gallon aquariums in there too. Weekly water changes probably at 60-90% for pristine water. How much can I stock? I would like to get a few black moores and hopefully orandas. What do you think more
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Treats for goldfish
Aquarium Forum » Koi and Goldfish
by Goldfishfanatic1990
6d ago
Hello I have a black comet goldfish called gimli, at the moment he is fed aquarian fish flakes and has been for his entire life (12 years) I'm hesitant to give him anything else incase it harms him but I would like to give him a small treat every now and then.i have tried defrosted peas with the outer skin taken off and he didn't immediately go for it. I found it doing a water change today. I didn't want to introduce something he would leave to rot as his parameters are great! What kinds of... Treats for goldfish more
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White spot or not?
Aquarium Forum » Koi and Goldfish
by CaramelDonuts
3w ago
Hello everyone I’m new here but I’m not that new to fish keeping I’ve been doing this since 2020. Not a long time but I keep realizing how much I just don’t know as a fish keeper! And this is one of those times! My fish is a gold fish (not fancy) he’s a feeder. I got him from a carnival by accident along with 5 other fish however he’s the only one left. He is in a 20 gallon tank with a 75 filter and a bubble filter, no substrate. No tank mates. Do to his previous owners he and his previous... White spot or not more
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Ammonia Burns?
Aquarium Forum » Koi and Goldfish
by fritzmom
5M ago
Hi All I have an established 45 gallon tank with 1 regular goldfish in it. I feed it floating pellets and make sure that it takes them all, no decomposing food. *Edit to note that I use Well Water, we are rural. I take water straight from the well, it does not go through the water softener. Since the end of Sept 2023, the fish would exhibit what looked like ammonia burns, stop eating, lie on the bottom of the tank. I would WC of ~8 gallons daily. Gradually the fish would look better, start... Ammonia Burns more
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Goldfish with red/pink streaks and dots around his face
Aquarium Forum » Koi and Goldfish
by Fish4Heather
6M ago
My goldfish, Topaz, has developed these marks on his face. I immediately googled the problem and saw maybe ammonia poisoning so I checked the levels and it was nil for ammonia and ph is good. I did a 50% water change last night as well. I have had him for a couple of years and he does have a tankmate whom I have had about a year. His tankmate, Quartz, has no marks at all and even Topaz seems to be eating and swimming around just fine but I am wondering about these marks, obviously... Goldfish with red/pink streaks and dots around his face more
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SOS severe fin and body rot
Aquarium Forum » Koi and Goldfish
by SaveGeorge37
8M ago
Hi, I’m in desperate need of some advice to treat my 7yo fancy goldfish. Below is a photo of him from 1 week ago, he looks much worse now as my pleco ate quite a bit of his tail. The infection has spread to the tail base or it could be from being attacked by the pleco. He used to have a massive tail. Onset March -treated with melafix and primafix and condition stabilized 4 weeks ago problem came back -treated with melafix and primafix initially with no results -tried aquarium salt +... SOS severe fin and body rot more
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What is wrong? Please
Aquarium Forum » Koi and Goldfish
by Lrobert
1y ago
Pet store has no clue. Treated a spot she had before like this plus another goldfish with Rid-ich plus. There are 6 in the tank and she only has this now. Need to do something. Anyone have a clue more
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Black Spot under my goldfish's eye
Aquarium Forum » Koi and Goldfish
by Figureguy
1y ago
Good evening. My goldfish has developed a black spot and a little ring of sorts around his left eye. I am including pictures of both eyes for comparison. Water quality, such as ammonia and nitrates, is perfect and I do a half tank change of a 55g once a week. I use Seachem Prime and I added Freshwater Aquarium Salt when I noticed this. Nothing on his tankmate and no other spots or blackness on him. It almost looks like he has a black eye, maybe bruised it or banged off the glass. The eye... Black Spot under my goldfish's eye more
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Will my 30ish gallon tank be overstocked? Planning on keeping 1 goldfish, 3 platies/variatus, and 1 hillstream loach
Aquarium Forum » Koi and Goldfish
by Yoel
1y ago
Recently, I've been checking out a lot of content in the internet on the fishkeeping hobby, and got nostalgic over goldfish, so I'm planning to get a fresh beginner start in the hobby again. I've kept goldfish once, when I was little, 2 orandas, they died early on cause I overfed them. My original plan was to get a 55 gallon tank with a larger stocking list, the main plan was to make a community tank with two goldfish. But seeing that I live with my parents in a deceivingly small house, I... Will my 30ish gallon tank be overstocked? Planning on keeping 1 goldfish, 3 platies/variatus, and 1 more
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