Effective Ways to Stop Leash Pulling
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by Beatriz Abreu Peixoto
3y ago
There aren’t a lot of things as annoying as owning a dog that pulls on the leash. But don’t worry. There are ways to stop leash pulling. Why do dogs pull on the leash?  Dogs love to be outdoors! Going for a walk is the most exciting part of their day. It’s full of new smells and sounds. And, let’s face it, you’re not the best walking partner for your dog. Your natural and comfortable walking pace is a lot slower than his. Why should you work towards stopping your dog’s leash pulling? In short, because besides being an annoying behavior, it can be a very dangerous one. Your dog can knock y ..read more
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Can Dogs See Color? Find Out the Truth About This Popular Dog Myth!
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by Beatriz Abreu Peixoto
3y ago
For many years, people believed that dogs are unable to see color and only see the world in black, white, and gray. The fact that dogs are colorblind has been widely misinterpreted.  Dogs do see color but not as we do.  In this blog post, we’ll get down to the bottom of this. How Can We See Colors? Here’s a bit of science for you… Our eyes have two main types of cells: rods and cones.  Rods are the cells that detect light levels and motion. Cones are the cells that allow us to differentiate colors. Humans have three types of cones: green, blue, and red. The fact that we have the ..read more
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How to Become a Dog Groomer
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by Beatriz Abreu Peixoto
4y ago
Do you love brushing your dog’s hair and make sure he’s clean and always looking good? Then you may be the right person to become a dog groomer! As more people adopt dogs, more people also want to keep them clean and tidy. But they lack the skills, knowledge, time, and tools to do so. This means there’s a great need for dog groomers and you can be one of them! What Do Dog Groomers Do? As the name suggests, a dog groomer’s job is to groom dogs. But there’s more to dog grooming than only taking care of their clients’ dogs’ appearance. Dog groomers also have other important tasks at hand. Dog gro ..read more
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What’s the Best Way to Socialize a Dog?
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by Beatriz Abreu Peixoto
4y ago
If you’re a dog owner, I’m sure that at some point in your dog-owning journey you’ve heard that you need to socialize your dog. If you’re new to dog-owning or have recently adopted a new pup, then don’t skip this post. It is crucial for your puppy to develop into a well balanced and happy dog. Alright, so you know you should socialize your puppy. But why? And how? The “socialization” process is a very important part of your puppy’s life. Especially between 3 weeks and 12 weeks of age. At this stage is when puppies are most sensitive and receptive. It’s the sweet spot for socializing them. Duri ..read more
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Why and How to Clean Dog Ears?
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by Beatriz Abreu Peixoto
4y ago
It’s crucial to know how to go about cleaning your dog’s ears as it is an important part of caring for his health. Dog ears can easily accumulate dirt which can lead to ear infections. Some dogs may have naturally healthy and clean ears that don’t need much of your time. But it’s still important that you check your dog’s ears on a regular basis. Dogs with long ears or that spend a lot of time in the water are the ones with a higher risk of developing ear infections. But this can still happen on any breed. If your dog usually enjoys a good ear rubbing and one day he pulls away, it can be becaus ..read more
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5 Easy and Helpful Tricks to Teach Your Dog
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by Beatriz Abreu Peixoto
4y ago
So you’re looking for some new tricks to teach your dog. You’re in the right place! There are tricks that are cute but there are others that are incredibly useful in your day to day life. In this blog post, I want to tell you about 5 easy and helpful tricks that you can teach your dog. These tricks are more than they seem. By this, I mean that they can be used for a variety of situations, including helping you manage your dog’s behavior. Make sure you also read about the basics of teaching your dog any trick. 1. Watch Me For me, this is the first and most important trick to teach your dog. It ..read more
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Heatstroke in Dogs: Why You Need to Act Quickly!
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by Beatriz Abreu Peixoto
4y ago
Summer is here and with it comes a higher risk of heatstroke in dogs. In this post, I want to walk you through what is heatstroke and what are the biggest risk factors. It’s also important to know how to prevent it, what are the signs that tell you your dog is having one and what to do about it.  That way, if it happens to your dog, you’re able to catch it early. This is important so that your dog won’t suffer permanent and severe consequences. So let’s jump right into it! What Is Heatstroke? Heatstroke has many names such as heat exhaustion or hyperthermia. Hyperthermia is when the body ..read more
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19 Healthy Fruits Dogs Can Safely Eat
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by Beatriz Abreu Peixoto
4y ago
If you own a dog, chances are that you’ve seen him begging you to give him a bit of what you’re eating. Even if you’re eating a piece of fruit. You might think “what harm can it do?”. Before jumping into any conclusions, check out which are the 19 fruits that dogs can eat. Fruits are great sources of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. All of these are great for our health. But what about our dog’s health? Are all fruits safe? By the end of this post, you’ll know which tasty fruits you can share with your best bud and what to watch out for. Apples Apples a great source of vitamins such as A ..read more
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Should You Brush Your Dog’s Teeth?
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by Beatriz Abreu Peixoto
4y ago
So you’ve gone to the pet store and you saw some toothbrushes for dogs. That made you wonder if you should brush your dog’s teeth. Is it really necessary? If so, how do you do it and how often? I’m sure you realize how important it is for you to brush your teeth. It’s the same for your dog. It’s very important for your dog’s health to have his teeth brushed as it is for ours. That’s why we brush twice a day every single day and pay regular visits to the dentist. Like us, dogs also build tartar on their teeth. 80% of this tartar is made up of bacteria that damage your dog’s gums, the jaw bone ..read more
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Everything You Need to Know About Neutering Your Dog
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by Beatriz Abreu Peixoto
4y ago
You’ve decided to go ahead with neutering your dog. But now what? Don’t worry, you’re in the right place! In this blog post, I’ll tell you everything you need to know about neutering your dog. We’ll talk about the “when”, the costs, the recovery time, and how you can prepare for your dog’s recovery. So keep on reading! If you’re still not sure if you’ve made the right call, check out my blog post where I talk about 5 good reasons to do it. When Should You Neuter Your Dog? As a general rule, you’ll want to have your dog neutered when he’s around 6 months old. Female dogs should be spayed before ..read more
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