Mornings With A Medium; Donna Frasca Chats About the Weeks Weird Things
Angel Hug 2:34
by donnafrasca
2w ago
And weird it was! From the geomagnetic storms, to emotions of Mother's Day, and even a reoccurring dream - it's all weird, it's all here! Come listen. Click on this link to view the YouTube video more
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My Encounter with Angry Cavemen in the Spirit World
Angel Hug 2:34
by donnafrasca
1M ago
Between sleep and being awake, when time and space become fuzzy, the spirit world becomes known to me. It would not be unusual for me to have trouble falling asleep at night; because I had so much on my mind at times, it was hard to rest my thoughts. One night, after counting many sheep before reaching slumber, the spirit world and I met. Scanning my room, I noted a stillness around me. The room was unusually quiet, with no sights and, mostly, no sounds, just my husband’s snoring. His snoring was horribly annoying because he was in deep REM, and I was still staring at ceiling tiles. Oh well more
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The Angels I’ve Met
Angel Hug 2:34
by donnafrasca
1M ago
It’s an extraordinary thing to talk about angels; it’s one of those things that you know exists because everyone talks about them, but you can’t prove it. It’s like asking, “Do you love your family?” Of course, you do, but how do you prove what LOVE is? What does love look like? Yes, you can feel it, but how do you prove something exists besides just talking about it from your heart? I’m not talking about the act of love, gift giving, terms of endearment or dating, just love. Can you physically touch love? Is love something you can place in a box? The same questions apply to Angels. I’ve s more
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Dream Walking: A Place Where I Can See The World But The World Can’t See Me
Angel Hug 2:34
by donnafrasca
1M ago
I walk but cannot be seen. I touch, yet it can be felt. This is my dream walking world. It seems everyone has a different experience with dream walking, and I would like to share mine with you. As I lay down to rest, in the liminal space between wake and sleep, spirit touched me on the shoulder, saying, “Wake up, let’s go for a walk.” Startled, I open my eyes and think I must have dozed off a bit, but now I’m awake, and something really odd is happening. I look around, and in my peripheral vision, I see a bright, white presence. I know if I look straight at it, it will disappear. That is more
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The Red Lipstick: The Reason I Hated Red My Entire Life
Angel Hug 2:34
by donnafrasca
1M ago
I had to go to the bathroom one day and the half-bath in my parents’ bedroom was available and closer. Someone else was in the other bathroom, so when you gotta go, you gotta go, so to my parents’ bathroom I went. There I was, sitting on the pot as my knees touched the wall in front of me. I told you it was a small bathroom. I had a few minutes to kill and was looking for something to read. Sometimes I’d read the labels on cleaning products that were by the sink or looked through mom’s blue makeup case that was always on the floor. I chose to view the contents of her makeup case. As I ope more
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Are Dreams a Window to the Afterlife? My Personal Experience with Seeing Passed Loved Ones
Angel Hug 2:34
by donnafrasca
1M ago
Hi friends, I want to share something cool with you. I was downstairs watching TV, and I started dozing off. I wasn’t fully asleep yet; I wasn’t fully awake. All of a sudden, I saw my dad, who had passed last June, right next to me, and he said, “Donna, I am here with you all the time; you just aren’t able to see me most of those times.” Since I’m a Clairvoyant, yes, I do see him from time to time, but these experiences I’ve been getting of seeing him are different. It’s also been happening more and more lately, which is reassuring. Knowing and validating that our loved ones are very much more
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Embracing the Energy of the Eclipse: How to Connect with Nature During Celestial Events
Angel Hug 2:34
by donnafrasca
1M ago
Doors represent choices, while realms signify moving forward. A significant part of our life involves reacting to the emotions, words, and actions of others. It’s not healthy or even possible to block these energy waves. Instead, walk through them. However, the choice lies in how we react and how quickly we move into another realm or timeline. Many people remain stuck in controlled thinking, and being around that energy can drain and lower our vibes. The best option is to walk on, walk through, and “bless them on their way.” We have many doors or choices in life. We can control our words more
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We DO Live In A Matrix
Angel Hug 2:34
by donnafrasca
2M ago
I am skeptical of things until I see or experience them myself. This week, I had a brief moment that proved we can create and change our own matrix. Welcome to "Mornings With A Medium". I have two stories to tell, one about my certification as a Herbalist and the other, how I have proof that we DO live in a matrix IF you are in a place in your life where you can see it more
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Do People Know That They Are Dead? Not Always.
Angel Hug 2:34
by donnafrasca
2M ago
I am jumping right in, no, not always. I say this because I’ve had many encounters with the spirit world to prove this point.  Let me start by saying that every Medium is different, and there will be many opinions. I can best describe this topic by comparing it to doctors. Some doctors have specialties, so a cardiologist doesn’t specialize in eye care; they specialize in everything related to the heart. Same with Mediums. Some Mediums have the ability to see spirit, and some don’t. Some have profound connections with spirit, some don’t, and that’s ok! Variety is key here; not all have th more
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When The First Spirit You See is An Ascended Master
Angel Hug 2:34
by donnafrasca
2M ago
As time went on, my dreams got intense, and it was hard to distinguish them from reality. My clairvoyant eye and mind became so developed I became an expert lucid dreamer. These dreams were more than my spiritual trip to Africa and felt very different from seeing God’s vision. They messed with my head. Was I dreaming, or was it a reality? “It was late at night, and it was my time to unwind, clear my head, and dive into a world of unicorns and lollipops, or so I thought.” For years, and I mean years, I struggled with my dreams. They were intense and becoming so frightening I didn’t know where more
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