Happy 2022
The Wealthy Pinay
by Lyn Joy Cruz
3w ago
Happy New Year! I spent the first day of the year lying on bed and nursing fever, cough, and cold. Is it Covid? No idea. I didn't test myself but took all the precautions nonetheless. Now, if you're quite superstitious, welcoming New Year sick might not be a good omen but remember, your belief shapes your reality. Last year, I ordered a basket of fruit and the seller decided to go AWOL and stopped responding. I ended up displaying eggs instead.  If I allowed myself to be sh!t upset about it and believed that my 2021 is bound to be unlucky because I don't have any freaking fruit o ..read more
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You’re exactly where you are meant to be
The Wealthy Pinay
by Lyn Joy Cruz
3w ago
If ever you're wondering where the hell I've been, this is an update. I haven't posted in months because of two reasons: One, I don't feel like it. I lost my mojo, drive, passion, fire - whatever you want to call it. I don't feel inspired at all. Second, I started a new project which I'll tell you more about later. Let's start with my first reason. I always think I'm lazy. But honestly, I just say that. I work hard for things I'm passionate about. I work efficiently and never stop whenever I have new ideas. But I always find ways to make my life easier, and I don't buy that "busy" mantr ..read more
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“How come I can’t manifest?”
The Wealthy Pinay
by Lyn Joy Cruz
3w ago
What is meant for you will find you I wholeheartedly believe this… You don’t need to stress about the future. You don’t have to worry if there will be enough. Because what is meant for you will find you. But the “believe” part is the most difficult part in the manifesting process. Letting go and believing that your desire will manifest - and the waiting part - trigger all our money blocks. No matter how many times we write our desires, no matter if we say all these affirmations and mantras, no matter if we do all the visualization and meditation if in our core we doubt that our desire will ..read more
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The day I wore mismatching shoes
The Wealthy Pinay
by Lyn Joy Cruz
3w ago
November 8, 2016, the day I wore a mismatched shoe. And no, I didn’t remember the date because of some life-changing event. I just happen to post it on Instagram and it’s now there to be memorialized. Do you know what’s remarkable though? I only noticed it around 7 pm that day. I was inside the elevator, leaning against the wall, staring mindlessly at the elevator buttons while patiently waiting to reach my floor. I was exhausted and doing some mental notes of the things I still needed to do. I looked down for a second and noticed my mismatched shoes. What the hell?!!? I spent the entire day ..read more
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Do you want a passive income source?
The Wealthy Pinay
by Lyn Joy Cruz
3w ago
Have you ever considered teaching what you know and earn from it? Look at this email I received: These are the notifications I get when someone joins one of my courses. This was for the Pinay Money Bootcamp course I first launched all the way back in 2017. That means for several years since I developed the course, new people are still joining and I’m getting money from it. Do you know the secret? Well, it’s not really a secret. I simply teach what I know and I’m now earning from it even when I’m asleep. And this is what I want to tell you. You can teach what you know and earn LOTS OF MONEY fr ..read more
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Start before you’re ready
The Wealthy Pinay
by Lyn Joy Cruz
3y ago
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Opportunities are everywhere
The Wealthy Pinay
by Lyn Joy Cruz
3y ago
Literally everywhere… I always tell this to people who want to quit their hated job but are so scared to do it. Because, indeed, opportunities are everywhere. Since I returned to the Philippines, I was presented with so many business opportunities and most of them don’t require big investment at all. From being a reseller of a product or service to joining a multi-level marketing group, to having your own brand for beauty products, shoes, etc. I can choose to invest P999, P99,999, or any amount in between. I don’t encourage others to quit their permanent jobs to find thei ..read more
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Manifesting – the practical way
The Wealthy Pinay
by Lyn Joy Cruz
3y ago
“You know LynJoy, I believe in manifesting but my family think it’s unchristian.” I get you babe. I heard so many times how the law of attraction is unGodly and we should never pray or ask things from the Universe. Somehow, manifesting is like this witchy thing you do that is too magical or woo woo. Aren’t we supposed to pray to God (or Allah or Buddha, or <insert any Divine Being you pray to>)? When I started harnessing my abundance mindset, it was very clear what are the roles of my God and the Universe. God is the end-all and be-all. He is ..read more
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Can you be rich and introverted?
The Wealthy Pinay
by Lyn Joy Cruz
3y ago
I’m a self-confessed lazy introvert. Lazy in the sense that I don’t like household chores and I can probably read a book the whole day and not have a headache after. I can finish one season of any series on Netflix with just a few pee breaks in between. I love me-time. I love solitude. I love being alone. But even though I’m lazy and introvert, I still make LOTS of money. Because honestly, being rich doesn’t require you to have a specific kind of personality or skill. You can be smart, stupid, hustle-master, lazy, good, bad, asshole or kind ..read more
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When you don’t know your next move
The Wealthy Pinay
by Lyn Joy Cruz
3y ago
Do you feel stuck? In an ideal world, we know all the answers. We’re clear of what we want and need to do then do it. But we’re not living in an ideal world. Many times we don’t know where we’re going. We don’t know our next move. Our plans never materialized so we stopped planning. Sometimes we don’t have plan B. Risk forward It’s a philosophy of life meaning moving forward even if it feels risky. If taking risks seems scary then just think of it as taking chances. All of us have this wisp of an idea, something interesting and excites us, but then we loo ..read more
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