Treating a child with fever and when to see a doctor?
Dr Joann Child Specialist
by Joann Rajah
1M ago
  Is your little one feeling under the weather? Dealing with a feverish child can be worrying, but with the right approach, you can help them feel better and navigate this challenging time confidently. Here are some essential guides to comforting a sick child and managing their fever like a pro. Monitor the temperature. Use a thermometer to check your child’s temperature regularly. A fever is usually considered to be a temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher. A fever trend can give some clues regarding the underlying illness. For example, influenza infection (flu) often presents with a more
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How to Avoid Salmonella Infection?
Dr Joann Child Specialist
by Firststep Child Specialist
2y ago
Recently, eggs from a Malaysian farm were recalled due to contamination with Salmonella. What is Salmonella? Salmonella is a bacteria that consists of many different types. It can cause Salmonella infection (Salmonellosis), which is one of the most common food-borne illnesses. Another rarer form called Salmonella typhi causes typhoid fever. How does it spread? Most Salmonella infections spread to humans through contaminated food or water. Foods that are often linked include meat, poultry, eggs, or milk. The other mode of spread is by touching infected animals, their faeces, or their e more
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How Do You Prepare Your Child for Their Vaccination?
Dr Joann Child Specialist
by Firststep Child Specialist
2y ago
How Do You Prepare Your Child for Their Vaccination? Vaccination can be a scary experience for most children. But the good news is, you can make the process as ‘painless’ and ‘stress-free’ as possible. And here’s how. ???????????? ?????? ??????????? In bigger children, it is important to talk about why they need their vaccines. Emphasize that vaccines will protect them from harmful diseases. Getting a shot can be painful or stinging but tell your child that the pain is just for a short while. Avoid telling scary stories or making threats about shots. Getting a reward after vaccination can more
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Sign That Your Child is Teething
Dr Joann Child Specialist
by Firststep Child Specialist
2y ago
How to comfort your #teethingbaby Teething is a process where the baby’s teeth break through the gums. Most children will get their first tooth by 6 months and girls often get theirs earlier than boys. Once your child develops his first tooth eruption, you can expect two new teeth every 2-4 months until a complete set of 20 milk teeth by 30 months. Does teething cause pain? Of course! I am sure you still remember that annoying pain when your wisdom tooth erupted. But rest assured that it gets better for your child once more teeth has erupted.   How can we help to relieve pain a more
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Nightmares and night terrors
Dr Joann Child Specialist
by Firststep Child Specialist
2y ago
Nightmares and night terrors Nightmares and night terrors are often seen in children. Are they the same entity or are they different? Both do not cause any physical harm, however, it can be upsetting and disturb a child’s quality of sleep. For both night terrors and nightmares, having a relaxing bedtime routine often helps. Talking to your child about what is worrying them would also be helpful.   However, if you find these episodes too frequent, it would be worthwhile talking to your doctor to explore any underlying medical conditions that may attribute to them.   #night more
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Falls and Bumps in Children
Dr Joann Child Specialist
by Dr JoAnn
3y ago
Falls and Bumps in Children Falling is part and parcel of a child acquiring new motor skills like walking, climbing, running, skipping and many others. Also, children bumping their heads now and then is pretty common. Thankfully, most of the time children end up with scratches and bruises rather than serious injuries. However, on occasions, a child may be unlucky enough to sustain serious injuries which require a doctor’s attention. As parents, it is crucial to know situations where a child needs to be seen by a doctor. What are the signs? A child who develops any of the following – loss of more
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Arsenic in Rice
Dr Joann Child Specialist
by Dr JoAnn
3y ago
Do you know that rice and rice products contain arsenic? The ability of a plant to take up and accumulate arsenic differs. Compared to wheat and barley, rice contains a much higher content of arsenic. Why is this so? Contamination of the environment, mainly soil and groundwater, is not unusual. Sources of contaminants include industrial and municipal waste as well as usage of arsenical pesticides in agriculture. Hence, rice, which is grown mainly in flooded conditions tend to absorb arsenic more, leading to a higher concentration. What is arsenic? There are two types of arsenic; inorganic and more
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Urinary Tract Infection in Children
Dr Joann Child Specialist
by Dr JoAnn
3y ago
Has your child ever experienced a urinary tract infection? Urinary tract infections (UTI) are common in children, more so in girls rather than boys. Sometimes the symptoms can be so subtle that it goes unnoticed by the child and parents. Normal urine is free of germs (bacteria). However, bacteria can get into the urinary tract from two sources; the bloodstream or from the skin around the private area. The latter is usually the leading cause. What could be the signs of a child having a urinary tract infection? Pain or burning sensation while passing urine Difficulty in passing urine Inc more
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Danger of exposing your baby to microplastics
Dr Joann Child Specialist
by Dr JoAnn
3y ago
Are you unknowingly exposing your baby to microplastics? Most children below 1-year-old would have been bottle-fed at some point, either with expressed breast milk or formula feed. As a parent, choosing the right bottle may be confusing considering the various designs, types and brands available in the market. A new study found that polypropylene (PP) infant feeding bottles release microplastics as high as 16,200,000 particles per liter! Additionally, sterilization and exposure to high temperatures were found to increase microplastic release significantly.   How do we reduce exposu more
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Misconceptions About Steroids
Dr Joann Child Specialist
by Dr JoAnn
3y ago
Misconceptions about steroids In my practice, whenever I mention the word “steroid,” I can practically see parents getting agitated and apprehensive. It is not surprising since everyone knows that steroid is bad for the body. In today’s topic, I hope to break some taboos concerning steroids.   What are steroids? Steroids are anti-inflammatory medicines that are used to treat various illnesses. Inflammation is a process whereby the immune system releases chemicals in response to injury, infection, and toxins. Steroids should not be confused with anabolic steroids used illegally to bo more
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