Everyday is (Earth) Mother Day
From a Common Well
by Rev. Jean (Drum) Pagano
2w ago
Everyday is (Earth) Mother Day Mother’s Day is the perfect opportunity to say, “thank you.” Thank you is the perfect way to rebuild or maintain already existing relationships. For those with daily devotional practices, especially if those practices include the Earth Mother, they should be used to thanking her daily for her bounty. For those ..read more
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The Physiology of Wonder: An Eclipse Reflection
From a Common Well
by Rev. Jean (Drum) Pagano
1M ago
The Physiology of Wonder An Eclipse Reflection The experience of the eclipse is something I will never forget. The memory of that event will stay with me always. I have never seen anything like that before. The feelings it evoked, however, were very familiar. We have all had experiences with the unexpected and the unexplainable ..read more
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The Far Side of the River
From a Common Well
by Rev. Jean (Drum) Pagano
3M ago
 The Far Side of the River When I went to see my mother yesterday, I knew the end was near. I really felt that her spirit had already moved on, but the body mechanics were still in place. In looking back over the last week or so, I had a lot of time to think ..read more
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Standing at the River’s Edge (Part 2)
From a Common Well
by Rev. Jean (Drum) Pagano
3M ago
Standing at the River’s Edge (Part 2) I made plans to take the Amtrak on Friday. I love taking the train; I always have and always will. My ticket bought, I upgraded to a “Roomette”, and made plans to leave bright and early on Friday morning. I received a telephone call telling me that I ..read more
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Standing at the River’s Edge (Part1)
From a Common Well
by Rev. Jean (Drum) Pagano
3M ago
Standing at the River’s Edge (Part 1) Due to a series of events, this February has me standing at the river’s edge, and thinking about the ever-flowing river. Often, we are a part of the river’s flow. On occasion, we can step outside of those waters and think about the broader implications of the passage ..read more
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What’s So Special About Nature Spirits: An Imbolc Question
From a Common Well
by Rev. Jean (Drum) Pagano
4M ago
What’s So Special About the Nature Spirits An Imbolc Question An Imbolc Question comes to mind: what is so special about the Nature Spirits? As the deep freeze of winter, here in the Midwestern United States, sidles up to Imbolc, I think about the Spirits of Nature. I always say that the Nature Spirits teach ..read more
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The Day Without a Year
From a Common Well
by Rev. Jean (Drum) Pagano
5M ago
The Day Without a Year   When I was younger, studying with my mentor, they called the Winter Solstice “The Day Without a Year”. For them, they felt that this was at the end of one year and the beginning of the next. While this day is important in our 365.25-day solar calendar, I think ..read more
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Agnostic on Proof
From a Common Well
by Rev. Jean (Drum) Pagano
6M ago
Agnostic on Proof   I step into Nature every day. Let me say that a different way: I step from Nature, more deeply into Nature every day. I do not see this event as a movement from outside of the realm of Nature into it. This is not an outsider move. I do not see ..read more
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Three Prayers for Samhain
From a Common Well
by Rev. Jean (Drum) Pagano
7M ago
Three Prayers for Samhain Samhain is the Season’s End, and we naturally think about other endings. We think about those that we have lost, in the world around us. This includes any creature or spirit in the world, anyone that has lived on this green earth. These could be humans, animals, insect friends, imaginary friends ..read more
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The Veil is Thin Every Day
From a Common Well
by Rev. Jean (Drum) Pagano
7M ago
  The Veil is Thin Everyday One doesn’t have to wait until Samhain to speak to the Ancestors or to feel their presence. The veil is thin every day. Traditionally, the Three Days of Samhain represent the time when the veil between the worlds is thinnest. While I have no way in measuring the width ..read more
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