Mercury in Retrograde (Again!) & How to Work with it
Euphoric Cauldron
by Holly & Jacques
6M ago
As pagans, we share with our ancestors a common fascination with the night sky.  Even in modern times we continue to observe the movements of the planets and their effect on the world around us.   An ongoing challenge for many of us is when Mercury is in Retrograde. Retrograde motion is an optical illusion caused by all the planets moving at differing speeds from each other; a phenomena notated as far back as 7th century B.C. by Babylonian astronomers.    In astrology, Mercury is believed to impact communication, technology, travel, and decision-making, therefore w more
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Ostara, the Libra Full Moon & Dr. Dredge
Euphoric Cauldron
by Holly & Jacques
6M ago
The energy of the Spring Equinox is harnessed through our celebration of Ostara. This is a time of year when the long-buried knowledge of the Earth starts pulsing with life and pushes upward to be birthed. While we celebrate the equinox on the day of its occurrence, I have always looked at the sabbat day as marking the beginning of a Season. It influences my actions and informs my choices and activities in the coming weeks. We honor the secret magic through the blessing and planting of seeds as a way to pay homage to the goddess while nourishing our bodies, minds, and souls. As we celebrate, w more
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March Moons of 2024
Euphoric Cauldron
by Holly & Jacques
6M ago
As we enter the month of March, we are greeted with the promise of spring as we welcome this is a time of renewal, growth, and rebirth. The full and new moons occurring in March hold special significance in our practice, as they mark important points in the lunar cycle and allow us to harness the energy for our magical workings. The moons for this month are known as micro-moons, meaning the moon is at the furthest distance from the Earth.  This is something that can affect spell workings and should be taken into consideration when planning our rites since things are less stable which can more
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Mercury in Retrograde
Euphoric Cauldron
by Holly & Jacques
2y ago
Is it as bad as it’s made out to be? Transitions in life are inevitable and bring about change whether we are ready or not. How we go about approaching these transitions determines how gracefully and unscathed we move through them….do we fight, or do we give ourselves over to the experience, looking at it more as an adventure?  Mercury in Retrograde is just one of those times where life will be affected and the only thing we can do is embrace and allow. What is Mercury in Retrograde?  It is when Mercury laps Earth, which is approximately every four months or three times a year. more
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Hex’n R.E.S.P.E.C.T. & the High Road
Euphoric Cauldron
by Holly & Jacques
3y ago
There is a lot of controversial discussion and argument about this topic of hexes. I frequently get asked whether it is okay to hex and how is the rule of three applied? Many pagans and witches argue that We are wild beings who stand outside boundaries and constraints of society. Others claim that the rule of three does not apply to them. And many others claim that they don’t care what anyone else thinks and they’re going to do what they want. Standing outside of social norms means we put our spiritual health first and foremost, we live by the sun and the moon and the cycles of nature, we are more
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Nature’s Aromatherapy~ Healing for the Soul
Euphoric Cauldron
by Holly & Jacques
3y ago
It’s already June and the Season of Beltane has been unusually hot and dry. Our spring project of extending a perennial bed in the unusual heat has seen us already having to water. Though it is worth it to have the extra fragrance in the garden. We’ve just been blessed by a welcome rain storm that soaked our lands with much-needed rains. There is something magical in the interplay of dark storm clouds and sun.  A temporary reprieve brings out brilliant sun to light up the glistening drops in the forest around our home beckoning us outside. As I step outside the cool wind blows a cascade more
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A Souls Release
Euphoric Cauldron
by Holly & Jacques
4y ago
Hekate Altar s the wheel turns, October once again gives way to November and the killing frosts of the Crone have visited themselves upon the garden, bringing a halt to new growth while melting vines and flowers.   The end of wild growth and external labors signal a time of transition as our outer awareness turns itself inward, heightening our otherworld senses. For many of us the enchanting Season of Samhain means working even more intensely and intimately with our Ancestors and disembodied spirits.  We decorate our altars in welcome honor of our dead and the long ago anc more
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Beltane Traditions-How we celebrate
Euphoric Cauldron
by Holly & Jacques
4y ago
  s the stark harshness of winter gives way to the gentle unfurling of spring our minds and activities turn toward spending time out of doors.  Spring and Fall are two seasons I love in equal measure due to all of the changes big and small that can be both seen and felt.  It is a time when the explosion of green buds, grasses and plant life in every direction hails the quickening of the earths energy towards growth, attraction and communion. The energy of Beltane is abundant in activity, with birds singing, bees drunkenly overwhelmed in pollen and bunnies mad with the chase more
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Full Moon in Libra
Euphoric Cauldron
by Holly & Jacques
4y ago
e find ourselves in a place of perfect opportunity with the upcoming April FullMoon.   A large portion of the world is housebound and facing the foretold challenge of social turbulence and material scarcity.  Little did we know it would take the form of a virus and toilet paper shortages.  Since March’s Full Moon we experienced the joyous celebration of the Spring Equinox Ostara Sabbat where sowed blessed seed for the coming season. Libra’s motto is “I balance & weigh” with the purpose to take the Measure of our Souls.  The archetype is the Judge.  Keywords are conscience, cooperation, e more
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Season of Ostara
Euphoric Cauldron
by Holly & Jacques
4y ago
  stara, also known as Alban Eiler, Eostre, Summer Finding and Vernal Equinox, is a fertility festival celebrated on the spring equinox, which falls sometime between March 20th and March 22nd.  On the spring and fall equinoxes, day and night are of equal lengths. Ostara begins with sunrise to celebrate the light overcoming the darkness and the heralding of spring, burgeoning growth and potent prosperity. The feminine aspect of the Spring Maiden and the masculine aspect of the Horned God are called upon so that we may align with the necessary balance required for gentle growth getting ready t more
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